Note, only a very few strains of e coli are actually killers.
People have been using for years yogurt after extensive use of antibiotics to re establish beneficial flora (bacteria) in the intestines. (Not at the same time) Also, used for bacteria infections in the stomach because of the protein peptides. It has been used when suffering from diarrhea and urinary track infections.
E coli is in everybody’s intestines but when it shows up in food and water or on plants picked in the field for the grocery store, it will mean fecal contamination's.
India has used warm yogurt and Turmeric for E. coli infections for 1000 of years.
Serena did more than discover that yogurt kills E. coli she apparently isolated its responsible protein.
Did the University of Maryland School of Medicine take out the patent? I dought if Serena will get any of its profits. Her father works as the director of Mucosal Biology Research Center, making it possible to accomplish her discovery.
It is an important discovery because this strain releases toxin lipopoly saccharides in the body that causes mass inflammations and cell death.
Will she or the university get the Nobel Prize? We need more professional to work in natural food products proving the “Let Your Foods Be Medicine” not chemical drugs that strip plants just as white vs. whole-wheat flour. Would drug companies, or the government pay for this study? NO, never the less, out of the mouth of our babes! I hope this is a sign of her generation’s work in the future. Congratulations Serena! I want to see good rewards to you for your future happening.
*It will take 15 billion of live bacillus's each (of 1o different strains) in one serving to act as a antibiotic. Remember never with antibiotic medication which is in itself parasites. (germ warfare) Lee Swanson has one called Ultimate Probiotic Formula, not timed. PBS Channel: Brenda Watson has one for children on her web site too.
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