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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Herbal Remedies For Children

Herbal and Natural Remedies For Children
Giving teas, tinctures, syrups and some oils for smaller children should be diluted. These healing remedies are adapted for children, such as on the palm of the feet (herbals for children.) The intent here is to give parents more ideas of how to use the herbs and natural remedies for children’s problems during illnesses. Some geared for older children and some of it for the baby. For the baby mostly used good foods, another might be the best of garlic oil. How to make use of them is the key. These are not to take place of see your physicians however, they may come in handy when health facilities turn you away because of lack of insurance and funds.
· You can always add tablespoons of some herbal tea into bottles, foods or such as applesauce. (bit of fresh juice, don't over indulge this) Extraction, decoctions and infusion, on skin, under the tongue, on the soles of feet, ear: ointment oils, poultices, and other ways of deliver herbs. Only some are covered with in these pages.
· Fresh juices such, as lemons, carrot juice needs to be diluted down for much smaller children, and not as so much and they have much too much sugar for others. This all needs to be thought out considering their age, and personal needs. Use pear juice or organic apple juice for sugar. For coughs use about 3 tbs of pineapple juice.
· Children need to build up a resistance to germs they are bound to meet even more than adults do. It is a good idea in most cases to give natural vitamins and minerals in liquid or chewable forms. Food has to become your best medicine. Quality organically grown foods especially at this time needs to be complex and full of fiber and in season.
· They will never developed more than at this stage of life. They need a full-time parent if possible who has them come first in all rearing matters.
· Stay away from all chemicals and synthetic products! These children are still growing outside the womb. More during this time than any time as it sets their health pace for the rest of their lives.
· Cows milk brings on more problems for infants. My counsel would be to switch to goat milk or non-dairy organic formulas like almond, coconut i.e; Formulas are contaminated today and may be the root that triggers allergies. The larger "animal" proteins are too much for infants and in most areas too much chemicals and synthetic hormones that will harm your children in the end. Today you can buy breast milk. Do your best to get organic milk in any case? Yes, Breast milk is the best! No hormones in milk for children. Why take a chance? Goat milk is better for children than cows. see: Prov. 27: 27 27 "And thou shalt have goats’ milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens."
· Safety First make sure you have a 4 x 6 card to give to any care giver the following: Phone numbers of Pediatrician, Poison Control Center, Police, Fire department, Hospital Pharmacy, Dentist and neighbors or close relatives in your area. Let all in your house know where this list is. I have panicked and have proven this repeatedly, when my child went into convulsion and one died. You need to know the pain is so bad and many blank out and cannot even think of their own phone numbers. Have everything written by the phone for all to have access to if needed.
· Children are much more delicate than adults so use common sense on age when estimating doses and strengths. Use weaker and milder herb teas for young children etc.
· Milk: Breast milk is the very best. Why do women have breast? Jesus said to the women before he died on the cross..."weep not for me... in the last days women who are barren will be called blessed and "paps" will refuse to give suck..." More and more of our daughters are going under the knife to implement their sizes. Our societies have the wrong ideas about the breast. Jesus’ last concern and counsel was for the women and children! Man has polluted our minds and hearts away from the basics of nature and the early life for our children.
· Nursing Mothers aid is in the La Leache books and/or Internet site. That how I learned many moms are inexperienced to pass this knowledge on. When I ran into growing spurt problems with my babies where they also wanted to nurse more, but your not producing as much, as needed at this time. It is just like a farm animal you will need to let them dry nurse a while stimulating your body to produce more milk. If you bottle a nursing child, this will decrease your milk supply to your baby. See, here is one fact from my own experience of a nursing mother of five children. La Leache has much more.
· Organic goat milk; Watch the size and condition of the animal before buying market goat milk for your child. (If possible) I raised goats and know it has to be chilled quickly and not in plastics containers. If goat milk smells or taste goatee choose another dairy or farmer. If it’s a big animal it has bigger "proteins" that nature has designed to bulk up their off BIG spring. THINK...COMMON SENSE IS INSPIRATIONS. Stay with the milk of smaller animals, it will help the health and weigh of your child.
· Use only ORGANIC soy milk i.e. Formulas have lots of the wrong kind of sugars and added chemicals. (Make up your own if possible) No, chemicals and nothing from China ETC.
· Asthma: Invest in an air filter! Or make a better environment for the asthmatic. Clean with Vinegar and watch out when using chemical to clean floors (see page on Asthma and adapt to children) Licorice root, vitamin E and C, Lobelia tincture to rid the body of chemicals. An herbal formula with Ephedra or Ma Haung is better than the hospital. (They have one that only has 6 mg at the HFS) Adapt dosages, it will take but few dose. Put a pot of vinegar on to boil. Eucalyptus herb or oil is great too. A product that has eucalyptus in it that is great on the chest is BIOFREEZE. (I can't be without it for my bad nights when breathing is difficult. Acne use a few drop of whole milk and even urine from the diaper. Why because of their own natural antibodies. (See Skin, diaper and rashes)
If there is flame/plague sip, not drink, pineapple juice this is also for coughs not more than 1/2 cup at a time for lger children. A CAMPAIN ABOUT MARKETING OBESITY FOODS TO OUR CHILDREN
· ADD or ADHDAutism (These problems are interrelated) Avoid excess toxins (metals, pesticides in the home i.e., malnutrition, allergies from foods, drugs, and chemicals. Autism is connected here the treatments are the same both are an immune defect. (Read a few good book will help here, "Breaking Free From ADHD"). Magnesium (in foods or teas) is nature’s valium (ADHD) Avoid Dyes in product and unnecessary chemicals. (Red and Orange especially) Organic is always best for these and all children. Sub. beets for red dyes. It's juices can be frozen in ice cube trays or dried then powdered. Eat plant based diet (whole organic foods) and organic oils.
· Cook at home. Avoid school cafeteria foods and most of all eating out. You do not know what they have cooked the foods in or what is in the foods. Avoid cooking foods in aluminum and Teflon. Teflon causes tumors in rat and you cannot get this chemical out of the body.
· Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (In a dropper for a while for a smaller child diluted down with distilled water... and diluted in all grape juice. Even greens juices can be frozen and deluded down to add to apple juice, cat nip, chamomile tea.
· Yogurt instead of all the bottled baby food. (No sugars) Use a little fresh fruit) Probiotic is very important if you have a child with ADD or ADHD buy a yogurt maker. (See recipe page) (Colic babies) Yogurt will help any child use regular milk but a bit needs to be added to every serving of milk ingested. (The more cultures in the yogurt the better.) Avoid the corn syrups, and high fructose, splenda, etc. These phony sugars aggravates ADHD.)
· Watch the children to be sure they have regular bowel movement.
Colon: Prune juice on the very young, but straight for most then first thing in the morning in a bottle except of course for the older children and only when necessary. An good old remedy cast away is Castor oil with molasses is healing too. This will take care of any colon problems. If the child has constipation a lot and is not regular every day the diet is not correct, adjust until it is. Sunflower leaves in a tea for diarrhea and stomach problems. Do not gather near the roads. (Roots in the winter but remember the roots are so much more powerful so dilute. In one instant, I even made a tea of raw sunflowers seeds with hulls. (Throw the seeds away and only use the tea.) Another diarrhea remedy is shredded coconut or 1/2 teaspoon of white clay in juice. (adjust dosages)
Nutrition is a must. Complex whole food no boxed anything. Use baby food grinders found in Health Food stores or blenders and freeze. No jar baby foods. A large variety of Greens, vegetables, and fresh fruit are OK in limited amounts rather than candy or deserts. Babies and sick children can’t handle lots of any kind of proteins not naturally found in their whole organic stage in foods. No meats are necessary!
Especially with any kind of disorder of health problems. Omega oils GLA, (3-6-9) is necessary with any brain malfunction. Mother who goes on low-fat diet and passing it on to your children, do not understand this disease. Moreover, unknowingly is doing more harm to the child. While you’re pregnant is not the time to go on a fad diet nor cleanse with any herb. Neither fish nor its oils- not until they're label to how much mercury level is in the products, or the smaller fish. It is not safe for you or your baby.
Some children can handle nuts. If so use some organic coconut or Almond milk i.e. it's good in the baby's diet. If there is an allergy, it means parasite involvement. See page
Whole complex wheat bread or Bananas has natural serotonin for ADHD child. So, do use this organically grown, when possible, fully ripe fruit as much as possible. Yes, dilute for the very young with apple juice or pear juice (make your own and can) instead of sugar or the use the banana.
Depressions: Other serotonin food for the brain is beans, rolled oats, lentils, chickpeas, pumpkin and its seed, sunflower seeds, baked potatoes, walnuts, almonds. And how about a mashed avocado that would also take care of the oil he/she needs too. Omega oils is a must! Never put a child on a low fat diet without healthy oils rather than animal oils.
In history:
Prov. 27: 27 27 And thou shalt have goats’ milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens.

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