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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tainted MELAMINE Foods From China and US

When the FDA warn against any food products it too generally too late! In China's baby food formula used the chemical "melamine" also used normally used in plastics. (See my blog on plastic container, and bottles.) And, is not on labels. Your restaurant could be using the following products. Milk products from China used it in most of their foods including animal feed that's been found in eggs too. Don't buy any foods from China till they get better laws outlawing melamine. And the US has some problems with this too.

It's not only tainted milk products but this chemical melamine is also used in ice creams bread and candies. Chocolate, Tea's, Coffee, cookies etc. don't eat these product from China till they work it out of all products.

Go to Google search and enter "China tainted baby formula" i.e. and read all the foods including powdered milk was under question. It's best to buy from "home" these days.

USA PROBLEMS WITH MELAMINE: Click-->FDA Warns Against Coffee And Tea Products Made In China

Do our mother's know we also have a problem with melamine in the USA?

CLICK: FDA Hid Names of Melamine Contaminated Infant Formula Products from the Public

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