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Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Millennium Survival: Emergency Preparedness Supplies

The Millennium Survival blog is basically about health. How to get the most out of what we now know. It's millennium because it stretches to a new era reaching those who are seeking to venture ahead. The past is not working for anyone, claims proving better health have failed. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed, copyright 2006-9.
Emergency Preparedness is the 72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Kit (home-made) that I did years ago and it now the time to rewrite this page again on emergency preparedness needed by all God's faithful prepared children who have been warn of last day disasters that's in process occurring all over our world. I actually did all this preparedness kit myself as I wrote it. You do not have to do everything on this list, but it is nice for some who have big families to have a bigger and better list than this if you can afford it. Do prepare for all of your family including your extended family. Who can stand idle by and see others in your families suffer. (If you have funds to.) For it’s the “Character” we are forming here that measures us all.I couldn't resist by putting in a the story of the "Ten Virgins" in here to remind all of us of being prepared for any disaster temporally and spiritully and to endure to the end of it all..."and not fear..." as stated in our scriptures.The advantage of this list is it's a basic, frugal list of emergency foods and supplies that any poor can get in one week ,or for the last part "supplies" in a month or so. At the end of this list will be other equipment that may be nice to have on hand at all times, but may not necessary. You may be able to pick most up at garage sales or some Goodwill second hand stores in your area. Remember to eat the best nutritious foods for you and you’re family will be stressed and more hungry during this period, and poor nutrition will abet or provoke it more.
The supplies need to be light in a tightly lid covered container (4-5) so water, bugs, and such cannot get in. I did this for one person but ended up that these buckets have plenty in for 2-3 more persons. It’s nice if they buckets have handles, lined with garbage bags, a card listing the entire ingredient on container and ready to go out the door. Some have used backpacks; this will not keep out water but is an option for your last minute medications, like diabetic supplies i.e. this could also hold blankets, clothing such as sweaters or coats etc.You do need that list of item in each container to rotated such items each year, and children grow. Do keep a copy this list handy to use as you check of items as you get or need them. This list is not in order. This took me many, many days to compile and have had it stolen out of my blog and PC (go figure). I kept a copy and am re-doing it from last years list. Count each person, times desired days, times three meal and 2 snacks should be a good guide.Image result for storing beans
Do keep a copy to use when you feel your ready to start and take to the store with you. But this is not to be published except by myself thank you. Sometimes the items are just a matter of personal choice .
Canned goods, those are ready to eat, products you like. Examples are canned vegetable soup; or packaged tuna canned in olive oil, (You can use this can to eat out of also) jerky, sardines, Spam, and potted meats, pork n beans, and chili beans. (Canned items are heavy not too many or maybe you’ll want other types of containers)
Plastic or paper plate, glass with lid that can be used for bowl or a cup (remember you don’t have much room so don’t get carried away) Basic knife and food utensils. Others might be pancake turner and a cast iron frying pan that will be a stove too etc.
Basic roll of paper tape and toilet paper (can double for bandages)
Powdered milk or formula for babies and don’t forget bottle and baby equipment that is a must.
Cases of bottled water that’s ready to go, or filtered water in pop quart plastic containers. If it’s distilled water you will not have to rotate the water. Have a large container to boil water on hand at all times.
Dry-packaged items, Mac and cheese, Ramen noodles, soups etc. and add to them wild young dandelions greens about if they haven’t been polluted.
Medications examples such as aspirin, antibiotic saves, and iodine etc that store well. (Many of these type of items I got at a bargain store) Get an extra blood sugar meter and sticks. Acquire extra diabetic supplies that can be stored. Thinking clearly at this time will be difficult.
Herbs such as lobelia tincture, rids the body of poisons, and good in malaria Conditions, or Milk Thistle etc., and a good multiple chewable baby or child’s vitamin that can be taken by everybody that digests immediately. (Add your own items here)
Teas are good…and the leaf there of for…etc. Rooibos, Red Bush is a very nutritious tea, from Africa, and has made a come back in America. There are so many others to mention. You may even consider your beverages of choice like hot chocolate all sorts of coffees. If your use to them they are so comforting at this time.
Sweeteners: Agave,  honey, maple syrup, plain old sugar etc. just watch and use unbreakable containers.
Disinfectant: The greatest natural disinfectants are vinegar and hydrogen peroxide and are the toughest ones. Store in plastic containers. Bottled or sanitary hand wipes etc. (Vinegar, bleach)
“No battery flash lights, radio’s, or/and emergency candles for about 4-7 days (72 hours)The last of the list is addition emergency essentials that some may be able to afford or pick up free.
Fuel sources: cigarette or candle lighter, self-lighting charcoal, a small barbecue or such, fondue etc. It needs to be able to be pack up and easy for flight and dept dry. Store well. Did you know you can roll newspaper, edge toward the center, tie tightly or use rubber bands, and soak in dishwashing soap, dry thoroughly and light for your fuel needs. It’s great! Try out some to get it right. Or soak accorded newspaper folded in a tuna can with some paraffin and pour on the top and store.
Sanitary Napkins that can be used as bandages also. Don’t forget senior pads and take care of our blessed parents needs!
Basic soap, powdered, glycerin soap or a Napa bar will be able to double in uses and store well.
Breads: Crackers or dried breads and pancake or such mixes are comforting and basic. Use that honey you’ve store it’s so veritable.
Dried fruit, nuts, seeds, etc
Jar of nut butter add honey and take jam too.
Don’t for get the candy; Hershey bar will take hunger pangs away till you get settled in.
Extra tooth brush, use hydrogen Peroxide can double for tooth paste or add orange Listerine for tooth paste they all have duel actions for an antiseptic. Eye glasses
Sleeping bags stored in plastic or blankets and close to exits.
Tent or Plastic cover or tarp with equipment to set them up, preferably all in a waterproof container.
Portable computer
Boxed 72 hour kit bought a supermarket as emergency essentials in most areas, (this has products that will be helpful if purchased and it stores well. This is usually for one person but everyone can use some of the equipment. Give it as a gift for the poor ones in your family or the young people who can’t afford this right now. Listen to the “spirit.”
Bucket or Backpack with an extra blanket, clothing for each person ready to go. Line these buckets with plastic. You’ll need the extra plastic. Keep in a place that will be accessible. Times of stress are not a good time to “hunt.”
In a container, like a plastic bucket that concentrated laundry soap comes in save your important genealogy and such, with important papers, such as insurance etc, (Xerox) you may need. Don’t forget to put in “cash.” Then seal the top tightly with the lid so moisture will stay out and not get in. Label in black waterproof pen what’s inside the bucket.
Add here: This is the story to motivate you in taking this seriously. The kingdom of heaven be liken unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise and five were foolish
They that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. (This is when the days were good and Jesus was with them.)
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. (Are you ready?)
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; least there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. (Like in the “flood” right?
Afterward came also the other virgins, saying Lord, Lord open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you. I know you not. (...they were all of the same Godly family and all obviously had been warn with the same teachings of be prepared (with oil in their lamps). But, now the awaited dreaded time had come and for some it was now too late to come in. They had been fore warned of this day it was over (Time was over and the heaven shut). The date and hour is here and the Lord warns he knows the very hour... The Lord was now closing up, protecting the faithful, obedient virgins, his prove children (Virgins, pure or clean male or female, obedient, faithful, endured to the end i.e), Note that many resided in his house and had "faith" but some wasn't wise enough to practice it and put the warnings of Christ into action.) The pre-existent state of his virgins is inferred here too, because when we all came to earth we were pure, holy, virgin, children with no blemish! We are his children. We passed our first estate there and now earn these earthly bodies. We then are instructed and are being tried in our faiths. Then we return back to Father in Heaven as you're prepared and accept His "anointing's," covenants, and/ or teachings i.e. You will be preserve and it will light your way back home again... if you remember his promises and keep the faith to endure to the end when he come back to get you as he did with the wise virgins. Remember not only is "oil" one of our basic's supply's in life (for who can endure without the "light" and with all this light ramification.) ...and what about the "fire" the oil produces? i.e. "...he knew them not..." because they were not really "his sheep", metaphorically speaking. They didn't return. On earth they pretended in their style of faith to be His, but in the end proved it was not so they didn't listen, follow up and end the end did not measure up and were not faithful to the end when The Lord came. They couldn't come in because they were unprepared dwell with the Lord in that day of his coming to all his holy children on earth. You might say they didn't keep the whole law did they? …To “every thing is a time and season”…then it’s too late. Clean up your act! Be prepared spiritually and temporally here in this life… The moral is being prepared or be left out! Isn’t that what life is all about? You know God rules or commandments. I give you my suggestions to be prepared only temporally. (That's only in "mans terms, for their is no difference to God, between temporally and spiritually) Put oil in your lamps temporally and spiritually and began it today so you'll be prepared and ready when its time.
*And do warn you neighbor that’s what I’m doing with this page.
 This may give more suggestions in this area of study.
*Store 14 gallons of water per person is the suggested amount to store for 2 week emergency situations. This is a very minimal amount. You may want to store more if space and containers allow. (Bulk -try a 55 gallon good grade, plastic drums with its pump attachments) To purify "opened" water it has to be boiled at least 20 minutes.

Copyrighted 2005, no publishing or public copying without permission by author P.T. Sherman

All rights all reserved (No reprinting pages in any media form without permission.)

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