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Sunday, April 28, 2013


This link has all the best info on Golden Seal Root. About Golden Seal Root
It's one of my basic herbals I use ever day.  Golden Seal Root It's one of natures BITTER HERBS, bitter is caution.
Many use this herb before testing for drugs... so, be careful when using other drugs and taking Golden Seal. This is great in balms
SEE: the following post for suggestions to where to buy it cheaply. SWANSON VITAMINS?
JESUS ASKED WHERE was THEIR Balm's to heal? herbal salves, was
Golden Seal Root is a natural antibiotics, that can take out toxins,
drugs and chemical. Good for itching dealing with insulin's
prob. it will weaken your medications, you may not do both?
This is a good Herb when you need something other than insulin for blood sugar problems. It has to be the root and of good quality. If you've given yourself for too much insulin or allergic reactions to them like I do. This may do the trick for you. You do have to learn to work with GS and notice what the plant is doing in your system. We are not all the same regarding health and conditions.
You can get it at Puritian Pride, but I've had problems with them sending me more and charging my credit cards for more than I planned for, so be careful. Their are pyronia's out there in this Natural healing world and seems to be getting worse.
Goldenseal is a folk medicine staple whose uses as an antibiotic and antiseptic was imparted to settlers from Native Americans. Goldenseal once grew wild in the shady forests of eastern from Minnesota and Vermont south into Georgia, but the population has declined in the wild due to over harvesting and loss of habitat. Today the only remaining stands of wild goldenseal are isolated in the northern and central Appalachians and the Ozark mountains. Insist on cultivated goldenseal only when purchasing this herb, or consider substituting Oregon grape root, a naturally abundant member of the barberry family that also contains an impressive amount of berberine.

Medicinal Uses: * Athletes Foot/Ringworm * Bronchitis * Colds * Cuts & Wounds * Diarrhea * Eczema * Eyes/Vision * Gastritis/ulcer * Immune * Parasites/worms * Psoriasis * Sore Throat Properties: * Antibacterial * Antifungal * AntiViral * Bitter * Cholagogue * Hepatic * Immunostimulant * Vermifuge
Parts Used: primarily the root, to a lesser extent leaves Constituents: hydrastine, berberine, berberastine, canadine, candaline, and hydrastinine, fatty acids, resin, polyphenolic acids, meconin, chlorogenic acid, phytosterins

Goldenseal is widely used in many herbal salves and ointments as a disinfectant. Goldenseal root contains berberine and hydrastine which have a broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiviral action. Duke The herb's primary value is as an infection fighter for upper respiratory congestion and sinus infections as well as a topical antibiotic in skin infections, cuts and wounds, sore throats, mouth ulcers, and eye infections.

Goldenseal is also a bitter herb that stimulates bile and can be used to improve digestive problems from peptic ulcers to colitis. It works well against diarrhea caused by intestinal bugs and can be used in formulas to treat intestinal parasites. Hoffman MATERIALS FROM MT. HERBS.

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