Our colon is the most important system in the body in treating any disease. It's the largest organ in the body. If the colons out of whack so is your health. Sixty percent of your immune system is your colon. Drugs or, (Chemicals are just refine down drugs, some have carbon copies of herbs.) strip the terrain of the bowels. To regain health start with what goes into through the stomach and colon to process it all. It's the hub of the whole body. To heal with herbs today will mean a change to “organic herbs,” others have lost anti fungal properties and in most cases ½ their healing and nutrient properties. Some have even been sprayed or chemicals used in the plant or soil altering their healing powers.
Some examples herbs for the colon are the following; "Cathartic" herbs. (Not all plants (herbs), are listed) These plants functions is to evacuating to the bowels in different ways. How each one works takes years of training.
Choose the ones right for you...many will work.
Aloe’s (International Aloe Science Council Gastrointestinal Health) Aloe Vera aids in the alkalizing the system. Great after any _rays i.e. Caution: Avoid during pregnancy, as with any cathartic herb.
Bearsfoot, Bitter root, Boneset, Butternut Bark,
Caster Oil (See formula below) Cascara Bark,
Hydrangea, Mandrake (A big caution here: Not if pregnant, going to be or lactating Moms,)(It's also a "Deobstruent") This means it removes most obstructions from bowels. (Should not be used by novices.) (Laxatives may not be the answer for most)
Poke Root (Is another "Deobstruents"), Rhubarb Root, Salts
**Senna Leaves (also get rid of biliousness, worms), Demulcent herbs functions are soothing and relieves inflamed areas internal or external.
**Herbs such as Flaxseed, or Psyllium, act like a broom and cleans out pocket in the colon. (And are "Mucilaginous",) Caution: must be taken with lots of water to be more effect and not to swell in the throat i.e., read the directions. Fibrous foods, and fiber therapys. (not with aspartames it will make this disease worse)
Marshmellow, and/or Slippery Elm (For congested bowels, pain, Gastritis, colitis i.e.), (and is a "Mucilaginous" herb)… I cannot give examples of all but did give you keys of where to do more research for other such herbs that maybe in your area.
(Prune Juice, Castor Oil (kills parasites) will works wonders on children or, soak four figs over night, sit in salt hot water for about 15 minutes for immediate relief of piles, frozen coconut butter as suppository, or, glycerin suppositories) Don't feed children too concentrated foods for their bodies like cheese and meat. (Meat is not for children, use milder forms of protein like beans etc.)
Another laxative that increases bowel action is Apple Tree Bark
(Gastritis) Amaranth, Alfalfa (One of nature’s finest herbs. Is highly nutritive and alkalizes the colon quickly.) Detoxifies the body. IBS: Comfrey Root (B-12, cobalt). IBS needs B-12 and B-complex. A water-soluble vitamin, can store up to 5 years, but can easily be depleted with the use of acid type of drugs i.e..
Cascara Sagrada Bark: darrhea
http://www.drchristophersherbshop.com/search.phpzoom_query=lower+bowel+formula He has some nice formulas handed down from his dad, however, they are not organically grown like his competitor in the same area, the Young Living company and its "Comfort Tone" formula. The "Young Living CT formula" is rated an "excellent" because they only use the best organic herbs, but has too much ginger that can create a feeling of hunger in some.
{Young Living rep: (sale-782910359@craigslist.org or Sarah at 1 425 827 3863 ) query's.}
Cascara is an aperient, laxative that works more gently without griping or irritation of evacuations and produces more a normal stool function that act primary on the large intestines. lIVER: Cascara will tone and strengthen the bowel. It increases secretions of the stomach liver pancreas and lower bowels. It benefits the gall ducts and enlarged liver.
Others, are Barberry, Buckwheat, Black Walnut Hull, Blue Violet, and Burdock may help and usually in formulas.
Coconut Flour.
Coconut Flour.
Chicory, Chlorophyll in any formula will neutralizing the body, Chlorella (neutralizing), Elder, Gentian root, Goldenseal (acts as an antibiotic and good when bleeding ac cures, but not with pain medications. Goldenseal removes chemicals-drugs from the body.), Guinoa, Ginger, Motherwart, Mullein, Mustard, Peach, Pumpkin Seeds, Saffron, White Oak Bark, Vervain, White Ash etc.,
Excellent Formula’s but too powerful for many:
Laxative use 1 part Mandrake ¼ part Cayenne and ¼ part Myrrh gum (Not to be used if pregnant or going to be or lactating) (For any blockages including polyps, parasites, and tumors)
Laxative use 1 part Mandrake ¼ part Cayenne and ¼ part Myrrh gum (Not to be used if pregnant or going to be or lactating) (For any blockages including polyps, parasites, and tumors)
Gastritis: Equal parts Slippery Elm, Raspberry Leaves, ½ part Marshmellow, and Agrimony.
Constipation: Senna leaves, and many other herbal laxative are on the market.
Diarrhea: Sunflower leaves or raw seeds in hulls as a tea for babies and small children who have diarrhea. Cautions do not collect near roadside. Also Clay is great for diarrhea, when some of the colon is removed. Try, coconut, even in animals and they love it as a treat.
IBS disorders, (Including people who had some of the colon removed.) Use Organic Acacia Senegal, a tummy pre-biotic soluble fiber. This is also good for relief of IBS symptoms, including diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain.
Peppermint tea is best to use with the other herbs. Works faster and harsher than most herbs listed here.
Yogurt therapy (live cultures no sugars. Goat milk, breast milk i.e.
Peppermint tea is best to use with the other herbs. Works faster and harsher than most herbs listed here.
Yogurt therapy (live cultures no sugars. Goat milk, breast milk i.e.
Note: PC parasite bloom in the colon (see parasite herb page) For needed hormones. Use Wild Yam
The colon needs nutritious fibrous, complex foods, and herbs such as Glucomannin (fiber) i.e. The exception, is if their is any blockage of the colon or stomach. (The 30-5 grams a day of fiber is far too much!) I'm not going to list all the different fiber product abundant on the market. Not insoluble to soluble fiber because they do not feeding or repairing the colon tract and only act as a broom to move out the toxins. Remember the correct food/herb will reverse colon health. This extra products are too abusive, in some cases. However some may need them for a period of time until they change their diet permanently with natural fiber from foods and their colon get back into shape if possible. In other words we need to get away from supplements and eating the correct foods that heal.
*There are many good bowel cleansers on the market today to keep the bowels open and moving at least once a day. Find the one just right for your health problems.
Gas: Anise, Bearsfoot Root, Blue Violet, Boneset, Calamus Root, Chamomile Tea, Cascara Sagrada bark, Catnip, Cedron, Evening Primrose, Fennel, Gentian, Horsetail, Juniper, Plantain, Poke Root, Sarsaparilla, Thyme, Wild Yam, etc…. (Add the herb in your area of the world…God takes care of us all)
Foods For the Bowel: Constipation: 3 prunes a day (Great for children or prune juice),All fruits are mildly laxatives, Tamarine (Tamarindus indicia) mild Pumpkin jam i.e., Bran and other grain fibrous cereals.
Hemorrhoids, (no cheese) Fenugreek, Aloes, Vitamin C and Slippery Elm or glycerin or cocoa butter suppositories and baby wipe or wet tissues. Garlic clove up the rectum lube with coconut butter. Vitaman D for the colon.
Formula: 1 part Goldenseal 2 parts bayberry and chickweed ¼ part witch Hazel Bark ¼ part catnip. A fruit diet for a few days then switch to mild foods high in potassium.
Impacted Bowel can be relieved by a warm enema with added herbs and specific oil EO for the colon terrain, colonic's or hydrotherapy. Caution: Too many enemas’ can also strip the bowels of natural terrain. Glycerin suppositories are a good idea to keep handy for emergencies for especially for children. Watch the intake of foods like cheese and even almonds are constipating i.e. And don't forget the enema bags are useful to have on hand in an emergency and learn the correct way of giving one. (left side, to back and roll over on the last to right side, i.e.) Colonic's will take a fever down.
Polyps: Lack of calcium, eat more legumes, natural fibrous foods, 100% whole wheat, vitamin D, C, and B-12. Comfrey is a good plant for B-12 (Mucilaginous) for the colon. Especially for Senior, Vegan’s or Vegetarians and those who strip their colon with acid types of drugs. Can cause a leaking gut... no gas pop
Diarrhea- Plantain Plantago Major, P. Lanceola, Centuary Erythraea minimum: C. gastigeatum, Sunflower leaves, Peppermint, Wormwood, i.e. Raw sunflower seed, shell and all may be too constipating for some. Almond nuts tend to be constipating. Clay is in popular over the counter drug remedies and their guarded secret.
Coconut (shredded) works for many.
http://roosterpolitics.blogspot.com/2010/02/cookies-for-diarrhea.htmlCoconut (shredded) works for many.
**1 tablespoon Psyllium in warm glass of water Or 1 tablespoon Chia Seed (ground) in warm glass of water. Omega’s oil will slow down digestions and complex foods
Crone s disease: No Laxatives food or herbs, treat for parasite-yeast (see Parasite page) Probiotic therapy 10 different strains of 1 billion in each dose. (one a day, timed releases is best)(Plain, no low fat, no sugar, add in fresh fruits to sweeten.) Buy the yogurt that has at least 10 active cultures or more, and continue until symptoms are gone and the colon terrain has to be rebuild. Try the great tablets out there, but has to be the most powerful ones.
Chlorophyll's, Goat Milk and soft white cheeses or fermented foods, Green Chlorella, or any "green" will rebuild the colon terrain. Shredded coconut with every evacuation will relieve diarrhea completely. (nightly too) It is also an anti fungal. Clay in water will work. Magnesium citrate or aspartate is important to rebuild the colon and is now available in a gel. (not magnesium oxide which would work as a laxative.)
Chlorophyll's, Goat Milk and soft white cheeses or fermented foods, Green Chlorella, or any "green" will rebuild the colon terrain. Shredded coconut with every evacuation will relieve diarrhea completely. (nightly too) It is also an anti fungal. Clay in water will work. Magnesium citrate or aspartate is important to rebuild the colon and is now available in a gel. (not magnesium oxide which would work as a laxative.)
*Vitamin D (1,000 units)
Colostrum's products can also rebuild and boost the immune system
CHLOROPHYLL: Will eliminates all colon order's (smells) as greens neutralizes the body feces and body.
The Natural Colon Cleanse: 1 whole lemon, 1-tablespoon black strap molasses (raw unprocessed)1-tablespoon Castor oil, 1-tablespoon Cayenne pepper.
*****Left Side View
Left side of the body (Copy and then enlarge charts to read the colon area of your iris.) Right side of the body. Starting from no. 1 the center of the iris, (same as in the colon in the body), the colon is no 3 circle. Leave a Comment
Note... in all sickness or disease treat the colon first! Realize that a herb may work better on one person than another. (Acute, how long the condition, how out of condition and how bad the condition, how old etc.) Plus, some of this remedy's are gentle or some more harsh where immediacy's is need. Research them out.
http://www.greenlineorganic.com/greenline.htm Very Good organic products for the colon.
1 comment:
Interesting post, much of our health is determined by our diet and our colon's health is indicative of our body's health.
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