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Monday, March 15, 2010

The Anti Plague Formula (liver herbals)

This anti plague formula will rid the body of parasites, cleanses the liver and because of that reasoning, can be use for most everything else. Remember, in all diseases, its the liver that needs to be cleanse and this formula has plenty of such herbs. Its basic to clean the parasites and therefore great in flues i.e. If you don't have all the liver herbals or parasitical, just like in cooking vegetables, substitute or leave out herbs not available in your area and it still will work
ANTI PLAGUE FORMULA (This is a basic herbal formula for everything!)
8 parts Comfrey root (liver)
4 parts Lobelia (gets rid of any poisonings)
4 parts Wormwood (parasites)
4 parts Marshmellow Root
4 parts Oak Bark
4 parts Black Walnut Hull (parasites)
4 parts Skull Cap
4 parts Gravel Root (kidneys)
1 quart distilled water (change “parts” to ounces)
1 quart of raw organic Apple Cider Vinegar
One pint of the distilled water for all below directions'
Each of the above organically or wild vary herbs must be soaked in distilled water at a low heat. (Use oven on the lowest temperature.) Leave the door ajar and use only stainless steel container to cook herbs in. (20-30 minutes)
Each herb is to be done separately then combine. Simmer down to ½ the amount and strain, not through aluminum or plastic.
Place the ingredients in a large container and add the following;
1 quart of apple cider vinegar , coconut, or wine vinegars will work (The vinegar is very much part of the anti plague in itself) The thieves ant plague formula used garlic.
*This will amount to about 80 ounces or parts used of liquid. Then add 20 parts or ounces of raw honey. (Be sure to add this at the end of this process.
Bring to a low heat, bottle and seal in brown bottles, found at HFS or order on the Internet i.e.
Comfrey root can be order in “cut form” at HFS or over the Internet. Get a root or two to grow in your herb garden. It's a good tea, liver cleanser, 30 % protein, cell “proliferator,”and will produce B-12. It's these reason the medical professional want to control this from consumer. But they can't stop you growing the great herb. Comfrey is a great lung herb. (FDA has put a stop to ordering the powder, however get a coffee grinder and that will do the job. Dry the herb and clean it will from your own garden. It's a basic healing herb every body should have
(*MOUNTAIN ROSE HERBS... Carry's the cut root, and Horizon Herbs carry's the root to grown in your garden, both have catalogues.
Note: Nature has a way of letting you know the "liver, parasitical, or cancer herbs" (same)...their taste is bitter. They do not make the best teas at all. It nature's way of letting the gatherer, harvester, know this is a powerful herbs..."caution." Read the scripture they're are many mentioned there. These may not be the unwholesome herbs spoke of which are opium, Marijuana and many others used mostly for of pain, or mind altering herbals. Should only be used by skilled professional in which most of us do not have to appropriately use them or diagnose. Herbs are just as powerful as drugs when used correctly. Do you home work.
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