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Monday, June 14, 2010

Allergies_Natural remedies

Allergies are caused mostly by corrupted, devitalized, un nutrient, toxins. GMO food in our societies that are changing our genetic codes that evade our cells and body. Bare in mind that even genetics' has been altered by  bad eating habits
My favorite: The behind the counter. ID is required for Sudafed if serious:
Is some lip balm around the raw nose with a drop of peppermint and put some of this on the nose and inside for instant relief of raw nose and to breath.
Their is a timed 240 or more 24 hrs. of pseudoephedrine combine others;
 The other is: SUDAFED pe for pressure and pain and mucus (for sinus)
It doesn't seem we can stop corporations from stealing our health with their corrupt practices, lying, and perhaps ignorance's. Making the medical professionals, drug companies and seed grower rich at our children's expense. Most of all they don't care. In the end I believe consumers will lead their marketing and not the other way around.

The Markets are filled of unwholesome foods and so is our polluted environments, carcinogens, heavy metals mostly caused by everybody.

Wholesome definition's: ..."And again, verily I say unto you all wholesome herbs (meaning plants or vegetables) God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man..."

You must understand our "constitution" (body make up), is natural quality_obeying the natural fulfilling nature governing laws to our earthly body. Nothing else will heal...

Remember God made up the earth and the body with all laws governing it. But man has destroyed his laws (freak plants) that was meant to heal the body, enjoy health and have joy.

Environmentally Caused:

Allergies are caused by bad eating habits of polluted foods and a man made environment's that now attacks the immune system. This includes the parasites found in foods. Genetically Altered foods are not satisfying so we have to eat more-over weight etc... Does Corn Syrup come directly from nature or is it made up by man...there's always your cue. We all need a plant based diet so our bodies can scuff off more chemicals, hormones, drugs, and pesticides in our foods that injure our health permanently even to the next generations because they are interfering and changing our gene-cell pools. We are evolving into sick freaks of nature like some of the animals. Wild life are changing too, and man made plants have polluted the whole earth. Don't feed into it...Don't buy them and raise some sort of organic garden. (Teach the next generation by example.)

Allergies need organically grown raw, green, especially the sick needs to get back to nature(nature) and stick to just basic good simple foods. No boxed, pre-fab bed, or packaged foods and they will evolve into a healthy person.

The body is full of parasite's. The lympthic need to be address along with adding liver herbs, Golden seal, Lobelia. (see my pages on the subjects ... click below.)

Also: Frank Jordan Corporation is an entrepreneur to research studies in the food and herbal areas. His corporation is called, "Nutritional Scientific Corp. Check here for more of his own allergies studies. (Bata Glucan builds maybe what's needed for the immune system but, it's not all the answers nor is "coconut" but that's a great start) (Note coconut is an anti fungal) Here are more anti fungal need to rescue this health problem. Liver herbs are essential to move 'em out and clean the halls of the blood. Sinus: use the best old remedy which is powdered beet root. Chineese I've just ate lots of fresh beets and it works too.

Adrenals burn out (wake up tired? Licorice Root more on the post.

Their are many herbs to help with allergies, the best remedy is to change eating polluted foods. Many have relief from ACV, Royal Jelly, Ephedria, which has a bad rap. (Most of the drug company's have medicines that have done much more harm than this herb. In fact they make it white, process it and sell it themselves. They simply want the market all to themselves.) Go to the liver, and parasitical herbs then take Lobelia that carry out poisons. Read the directions especially for youngest children who should us only the tincture. That page is in these writings.

Note: Try this on your pet allergies: I use only teaspoont- tbs (big dogs) Apple Cider Vinegar in dog's water, It always stops his runny eye, nose and sneezing that my dog gets when he eat Johnson Grass that he loves on our walks. Human's think.... Stay away from Steroids and faithfully sub. the herbal ones. Allergies/pesticides
(anti biotic: golden seal root, onion/garlic) steam in shower i.e, (salt and water 1tsp to 2 cups of water), ACV, lemon/honey, cayenne, and ginger etc. (Product called: breath tonic HFS, drops in cup hands enough up the nose. I would go a winter without it. Found on Amazon)http :// GOOD SITE

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