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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Natural Dry Shampoo (Dogs Too)

Natural Dry shampoo's are coming back from the 60's are into vogue. Some are made with (Argo) a cornstarch in spray form. Today they are coming back for about $35.00. Some are called "dry cleaning shampoo" which doesn't sound good to me. By the way, even a cheese cloth rubbed through the hair will work until the next shampooing. However, here's some more natural r-made varieties using a few herbal scents.
Be sure to add the corn starch (or what ever one you choose) next to the roots only then rub it out with cheese cloth i.e. How to remove pet stains (Home improvement series)

400 Popular Lipstick Shades Found to Contain Lead | Natural Society
This one is the easiest gift to make, requiring only that you store a few spring of lavender, rose, rosemary, mint, or other earthy herbals can be used. or, fragrant herb added with either powdered ground oatmeal, that was too gritty for me, or barley (un-glutten flours usually works best to absorb oil in hair.) Store until the grain absorbs the scents. Some add in baking soda etc. (Seal in a plastic seal baggy or jar until the flower etc dries out and the scent is incorporated to the meal). (So many hybrid roses have no smell at all to them, but if you happen to have “heirlooms” or old fashion scented roses... this will do. When they dry out take out then add another flower until the desirable scent is accomplished.
Use a soft brush through the hair before blowing some out with a hairdryer on cool or just rub out with a towel at the roots first. Be sure to add the instructions in the gift to others, and add in the direction to your recipe, but you may want to keep the secret for the next year too?
When ready to try your dry shampoo. Rub a small amount of the mixture into your hair, about 1 tablespoon. Let it soak up the oils for a minute or two, then brush it out completely. (Towel dry the hair afterwards) Do this over a towel, or bag to avoid getting the dry shampoo all over. Your hair will feel clean and refreshed. This also makes a great shampoo for bed-ridden people, and can be used safely on pets, to spruce them up in between baths.
When the unsuspected happens — no water, no time, or a sudden head cold this modest gift is priceless. Get cut containers, decorate and package for that special person that has everything.
Note: Barley (Hordeum vulgare) This cereal grain has little gluten, so it's not sticky. Use in face masks, dusting powder (add in a scent as in directions above), and as dry shampoo. Heals blemishes, sooths irritation, and softens roughness. (Refresh with dry shampoos too)
Pets Shampoo
Begin making a dried pet shampoo by splitting a vanilla bean then add to a large container filled with 1 quart of orris root powder or fine powdered cornmeal. Cover the container, preferably with a lid and allow to sit for one week. The cornmeal was too much for me...

Afterwards, sprinkle the dried pet shampoo over your pet and, with a fine brush, shampoo it thoroughly out.
and has a some more suggestions on dry shampoo's This sights real sneaky! If you want more reading and ideas just go to Google's “Images” and type "dry shampoo" and there are more suggestions like even using un-scented baby powder etc.
I strip my hair with a small bit of baking soda and shampoo or if I want fluff add it to the mousse and leave in and what a shine.

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