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Saturday, October 16, 2010

EXPOSED TO THE FLU...(herbal extract)

On TV on the host was talking about the flu. What took most by surprise is Dr. Oz said that if you think you have been exposed to the flu, then start taking 4 TB of elderberry extract immediately. You should take 4 TB a day for three days, and the Elderberry will actually help to reduce the duration of the flu as well as reduce your chances of getting the flu.
Wow, impressed... because this is an herbal remedy being recommended by a doctor, with an herb, berry or fruit, that I was not all that familiar with in spite of the fact that it's available at "Herbs First" Dr Christopher's herbs shop in Springville, Utah, and many other such Herbal Shops across the country.. Read through a lot of information on Elderberry. It is a well known immune booster, flu and virus fighter, etc.
I need to slip in this space a remedy for the 24 hour flue with it's throw-up that I've used often, whenever I come down with it and that's JELLO WARM WATER. It needs to be slowly sipped. As long as this is on your tummy you will not throw up. Keep the left over water and warm it up for a later dosage. I've never used 2 pkges. as the 24 hr flue passed and I went to work the next morning. I gave it to my ad that barfed her head off too. By the time she left she was fine, and took the remainder with her for her next appointment. No. it wasn't organic, but better if it was. I got this remedy on TV in the 90's. Jello this same remedy is very useful for menstrual cramps. Go figure....
Note the Iridology photo, and more information on how to rid of the flu (*It shows a back-up of parasites)... Check out the lines or markings call "spokes, when found in this iris shows a cumbersome accumulations of stored parasites in those correlating areas of the body. (12:00 the brain, 6:00 the leg etc. an electric nerves message is carried through our spinal column.) This kind of markings is bound for diseases and great stress to follow as the parasite destroy its tissues. If you want to see if these markings change just take and vary parasite herbals (see that page here) and watch these markings disappear. To not get winter flu...stay away from (raw eggs even in products, and swine meat especially in the winter. Use the "liver" (blood cleansing) herbals to carry the fungals and its carcasses out of the blood stream.
Remember the flu is natures way of cleaning your house and if not periodically cleaned one will die in some cases. Fever burns out parasites for in stance. Most medications just mask causing a bigger accumulation of the problem of a dirty sometimes filthy home.
*Pork carries the parasites; salmonella, trichomonas and pork tape worm, and are more common than you think. Most pork is not heated enough to kill its parasite. If exposed to flu another herbs, and by the way their are many more, is Olive Extract (standardized). Use everyday, the whole bottle as it will kills parasite also. (Airborn is a popular formula may help.)
Another for the head area is dab a bit of "Vicks", "Raw apple cider vinegar" up in the nose in morning and evenings. You'll be surprised at the results. Both kill parasites in the head area.
Question; I'm a paramedic and also work in an OB (obstetrics) unit. A little Vicks under the nostrils helps a lot. I've never had a new dad get sick or faint when he's used it.
I believe more people get sick due to smells than sights, and Vicks very effectively blocks the odors. We carry it on our ambulance for crew use and it really helps keep the crew from getting motion sick (especially during calls with really bad smells)."
*My pet small dog gets hey fever? nose runs, eyes water and sometimes the park venture plugged up his nose...this Vicks application helps if used right before his walk...followed up with ACV in his drinking water.
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