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Monday, October 18, 2010


Did you know Herpes links to Aspartame? Don't let the soda product touch your mouth! If used use a straw. Touch you warm tea cup on it's blisters when they appear. The next day the herpes will go down from heat being applied and fad. Dr. Oz's TV show an scientific experiment of Aspartame WITH calcium which blew up. Think what this phonemics will to the calcium in food in the stomach and your body. 

What happens to formed herpes (or virus) inside the body.
Two Remedy's: If you get mouth herpes try by rubbing raw (organic) dark sesame oil on the blisters. See OP Oil Pullin in this blog. (Heat work...apply a warm cup filled with hot water touching the blisters) (or, clove of garlic on top i.e

Diet Soda's
Not a sugar but a poison? 
Their are about 3 pending laws suits in California, you better believe the public will win one way or another...Vote, by not buying anything with aspartame. (ADD kids? Why parents allow children to drink pop is mind blowing.) Notice the shelves at the groceries are full because folks stop buying. Manufactures truly underestimate the educated knowledge of its consumers. -Lupus/arthritis conditions Splenda's...stay away from it. It is un natural sugars!
Herpes Cure? Judge for yourselves, but do let us know...
Comment: Add [YEA] 01/11/2008: Brigitte from Houston, Texas writes: "Thank you for the information regarding Herpes outbreaks. Luckily the cold sore that I have is not a terribly aggressive form. I seldom have a problem but when I do the cold sore forms on my cheek. Last night I began to feel the tingling sensation which is a precursor to its appearance. I tried the DMSO and hydrogen peroxide which simply burned and did nothing to prevent the manifestation of the cold sore. This morning It hurt really bad and I am expecting a vivid from family and I did not want them to see my face with a festering pustule so in desperation to stop the burning, itching, and tingling, I tried the ear wax because I had none of the other more hygienic ingredients which are spoken of in other articles. To my utter disbelief, It worked to stop the pain almost immediately the swelling has stopped and I am saved the embarrassment of having the eye sore while my in laws are visiting. Thank you again for this home remedy. I will use it again in the future." (I use it on my forehead wrinkles)

This came from: (I love the comments which are real...Plus, I use this comment to advertise their site...just common ordinary remedy's that can help and are cheap or in this case free.)
additional comments are always welcomed
ADD or ADHD read
*Researchers sound warning: Number of chemicals toxic to children's brains has doubled in 7 years.
Aspartame will cause an increase in appetites and weight gain

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