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Monday, September 19, 2011

APPLE SEEDS KILL? Give Me a Break!

Apple seeds contain "trace" elements of *cyanide and there is some disagreement as to the actual quantity that would be required in order to "kill anyone." The seeds of one apple will probably NOT do the deed. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! Nor the crushing of its seeds when making cider. How many years have we been doing it....?
10:58 AM 9/15/2011
RE: "Apple seeds as well as all seeds are first an anti fungal. Each seed has their own ways and purposes to healing. Apple Seeds: are small and have some cyanide (HCN) (cyanide has an antidote herb which is Lobelia, and B 12 and can reduce negative effects of vitamin B17.) "
They are only toxic if in large doses BUT so is too much acid juice of any kind. (Our bodies produce natural arsenic-cyanide...) The pips have a tough protective coating which will make it even less of a risk. You may even desire some of these healing component's.
Apple pips can be pulverized, pressed, juiced and broken, masticated but the amygdalin is housed and remains safely contained within...and, will go thought the digestive track in tact without any problems.
''Another sources of these cyanide is the Cassava Root favored by many in Africa. Westerners know the plant as tapioca.) The seeds kills germs, bacteria, fungi, e coli and algae i.e
Cyanide's are produced by certain bacteria, fungi, and algae and are naturally found in a number of plants. This non-chemical Cyanide's are found, although in small amounts, in certain seeds and fruit stones, e.g., those of apple, mango, peach, and bitter almonds. In plants, cyanide's are usually bound to sugar molecules in the form of cyanogenic glycosides that defends the plant against herbivores. Cassava roots (also called Manioc), an important potato-like food grown in tropical countries (and the base from which tapioca is made), also contain cyanogenic glycosides.'' (...more on the sub.)
In my training I was taught to eat the whole apple except for the stem and have been doing it for years, with no ill effects. Scriptures: Even the 'organic' or original "seed...leaf thereof for medicine" is claimed as in Bible's history as a healthy folk remedy...
It when we abuse natures natural handling of seeds, juices of fruits uses, which juicing so much is really un natural and more of a problem than eating its seeds, (see; Parasite posts) which not in it's original whole form and drank instead of water.
(I know by experience that a child given too much juice will rot their teeth out ... I believe we're are getting to much propaganda to eat too much fruit stemming from the government who can't make up their minds on what food pyramid to use today. And, most forget juices are TOO much sugars....and goes a long way.
Dr Oz. went too far with the arsenic end of this matter....but, believe what you will....and his disciples will! Even so, these seeds have to be pulverized or masticated and may not work because they are not a chemical (drug) I think this is suppose to be a 'pun' post. You would have a huge headache! My point here is some crushed seeds are not dangerous in juice. However, here' s another example of defiling natures law's. All herbs have to be respected and used correctly
* Gen. 1: 11-12, 29-30..."... And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so." These are seeds natures "vermifuges" that kill all " diseases." Did your d0ct0r teach you how to use them?

'WHEN A STUDENT IS READY A TEACHER WILL APPEAR'....Thanks for all your comments!feel free to add your own feelings in comments. 2002-11 IBSN-0100368574 ©-copyright 2006 by P T Sherman

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