I get penny's a day for posting on Google and very, very little rewards in forms of thank you from any my readers. Some and most of which just copy my ideas for their posts for profits using gobs of ad on their pages. Most readers are too stupid and don't get what the whole picture of this blog is about and never have. I started out giving some simple remedies, diets, fast to heal the poor, but kept that going by adding the latest new on herbs, environmental issues, which effect the lower classes health and I do mean in third world countries. etc.
I don't sell anything but have always given. I'm getting pissed and will close my blog shortly.
Who in all your reading can successfully tie in iridology with a holistness of herbs, chemical's/drugs and environmental issues. You are too stupid to get it and I tire of wasting my time! It take all my brethren and sisters, not one part. This iris has a acid stomach...where's the stomach? What herbs/food (same) can eradicated this? What's going on in the brain area? Where are the lesions locations in this body? If you've read the posts you'd know. Did you pass the test. I'm a teacher and if you've failed...go elsewhere. As your no longer welcomed here. Most iridologists I know can't do this either because they don't have the gift of discernment to the mystery's and health (If I maybe so bold I do.)
(Google, if you use Duckduckgo, which blocks any traces to your privacy's, it will not let you load photos. That's a prob. for blogger's which I will not put up with. To load this photo I had to close make a copy and come back in with a very small shot. Not acceptable for my work.)
If you want to know more of my tastes and stories that I might have published see me on Pinterest, face book, or tweets. (addresses are on the side of my posts.)
I do my stories there not here anymore. Google's publish my stuff on Google + which is a way of by-passing bloggers ad sense. I tire of it all and can say no more. I will no longer publish here much at all. This is just to notify you of the change and why the slow down on posts.
We have a gut-less, thank-less public and they are now infiltrating the Political arena. You are what you get...their my friends is your rewards.
Did you hear on the news today the chemicals and contaminate that are in your cosmetics? Even Amazon is cutting them off...LOOK IT UP
http://www.pinterest.com/ptsherm/beauty-tip-collection/ Some of my beauty tips that are natural...
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