Beside the major constituent of terpenoid nepetalactone, the herb also contains α-Pinene, β-Pinene, Cyclohexen-1-yl-methyl ketone, Triplal, Thymol, Nepetalactone, Nepetalactone, etc.
1. Herbal Catnip (Nepeta cataria) and anti-microbial activity
Catnip is also known as catswort, or catmint, a plant of Nepeta, belonging to the family of Lamiaceae, native to Europe and Asia. It has been use in herbal medicine as insect repellant and to treat digestive disorders, children restlessness and nervousness, fevers, cold and flu, skin irritations stimulate sweating, promote menstruation, etc..
The immune system is the set of cells and their activity against antigens or infectious agents that comprises of the body's defense system against diseases. The immune system does a great job of keeping people healthy and preventing infections. Beside foods and nutritional supplements, herbs also play a important role in helping the immune system defend against viruses and bacteria attacks.
Beside the major constituent of terpenoid nepetalactone, the herb also contains α-Pinene, β-Pinene, Cyclohexen-1-yl-methyl ketone, Triplal, Thymol, Nepetalactone, Nepetalactone, etc.
The benefits
Chemical composition of essential oil from N. cataria found that the chemical 4a-α, 7-α, 7a-β-nepetalactone (55-58%), and 4a-α, 7-β, 7a-α-nepetalactone (30-31.2%) were effective in exerting theirs anti microbial activity against all tested bacteria at concentrations of 0.125-4 μL/mL. and inhibited the growth of Candida species at a concentration less than 1 μL/mL. Other in the study of the anti bacterial effect of some herbs, including Catnip, found that Lavender oil is more effective in exhibition of antibacterial ability in comparison with C. nepeta essential oil, probably based on the concept of synergistic values of essential oil components.
* Overdose of Catnip may cause central nervous system depression.
2. Long-term exposure induced tolerance to stereotypic behavior, catalepsy and sleeping time, and increased the susceptibility to seizures.
3. Catnip may interacts with other medication if used on a daily basis
2. Herbal Catnip (Nepeta cataria) and memory
Central nervous system include is the part of the nervous system of the brain and spinal cord with function of integrates information it receives from for the entire nervous system, and control all the workings of your body.
Evidences emerged in the research community that certain ingredients plants and vegetable may improve the cognitive function by enhancing theirs antioxidant activity. Study of the effects of menthoides aqueous extract on memory retention and retrieval of mice using passive avoidance apparatus, the result showed that the extract has exerted its antioxidant effect by enhancing the memory retention and retrieval, these may be a result of the effects of the herb's rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid and phenolic acids.
Overdose of Catnip may cause central nervous system depression.
2. Long-term exposure induced tolerance to stereotypic behavior, catalepsy and sleeping time, and increased the susceptibility to seizures.
3. Catnip may interacts with other medication if used on a daily basis
Long-term exposure induced tolerance to stereotypic behavior, catalepsy and sleeping time, and increased the susceptibility to seizures.
3. Catnip may interacts with other medication if used on a daily basis
3. Herbal catnip as repellent
Beside the major constituent of terpenoid nepetalactone, the herb also contains α-Pinene, β-Pinene, Cyclohexen-1-yl-methyl ketone, Triplal, Thymol, Nepetalactone, Nepetalactone, etc.
Catnip may be used as repellent agent in protect skin against insect and may be used to as mosquito repellent against several Aedes and Culex species, both topically and spatially and can be considered as a relatively safe repellent, which may cause minor skin irritation.(1).
In Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae) study, chemical compound from catnip oil tsuch as isolongifolenone, 2-methylpiperidinyl-3-cyclohexen-1-carboxamide and (1S,2'S)-2-methylpiperidinyl-3-cyclohexen-1-carboxamide, showed to effective a significant effect in repellency against stable flies(2).
But in the study by Chemicals Affecting Insect Behavior Laboratory, catnip oil and nepetalactone isomers are significantly less effective when compare with the repellents N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (deet) and chiral (1S,2'S)-2-methylpiperidinyl-3-cyclohexene-1-carboxamide (SS220)(3).
3. Catnip and Anti inflammatory effect
Beside the major constituent of terpenoid nepetalactone, the herb also contains α-Pinene, β-Pinene, Cyclohexen-1-yl-methyl ketone, Triplal, Thymol, Nepetalactone, Nepetalactone, etc.
Herbal catnip may be used as anti inflammatory agonist in treating chronic related inflammation disease. 4aα,7α,7aβ-nepetalactone and 1,8-cineole, a chemical compound from catnip, found in the main concentrated components of NP essential oil, showed to alleviate symptoms of both the acute and chronic forms of nociception, through its anti inflammatory effect in does depending manner, ibn rat study(1). In support of the above, the Tarbiat Modares University study showed that Nepeta crispa essential oil enhances anti-inflammatory effects in the formalin-induced paw inflammation model and significantly reduced the paw oedema in all applied doses(2).
The coincidence of the proven inflammatory effect with insistence of herbalist may be due to its inhibition of calcineurin; an important regulator of T-cell mediated inflammation that has received little attention in ethnopharmacological research, Dr. Prescott TA and the research team at the Royal Botanic Gardens suggested(3).
Catnip as Antioxidants
Free radicals are atoms, molecules, or ions with unpaired electrons through chemical bonds with other atoms or molecules during a chemical reaction. They may have positive, negative or zero charge. The unpaired electrons cause radicals to be highly chemically reactive in the human body, leading to aging and cancers.
Beside containing anti inflammatory effect, Catnip may also act as antioxidants in fighting against forming of free radicals. In fact, the study at the found that catnip and other plants used in folk medicine in the Mediterranean basin in the experiment showed to exhibit the deduction of reactive oxygen species produced by neutrophils, such as the superoxide anion and the hydroxyl radical, could be implicated in the overall reduction of inflammation(1).
The testing of herbal medicine Teucrium chamaedrys L. and Nepeta cataria L. (Lamiaceae) used in traditional medicine in treatment of related inflammation, also support the antioxidant effect of catnip, through inhibition of calcineurin; an important regulator of T-cell mediated inflammation that has received little attention in ethnopharmacological research(2).
It's a good prepper herbal to dry and store for the winter see more ideas here
More on Cats:
Catnip is a type of medicinal plants from Catnip Plants is in the same family as mint. The oil that is called. Hepetalactone. Lactone compound which is unsaturated. This activity has to make a cat a cat in a good mood. When you smell or eat into the state of happiness to (Ectasy), and not harmful to cats.
From the reaction of the cats to catnip Miao symptoms Psychedelic drugs like the cat is clear. Animal family cat is not that of any breed. International reaction to the catnip response tactics with even the lion was obsessed with this kind of herbs, too.
Reaction to Catnip Plants is as a cat will approach from catnip and inhaled, then it will begin to lick eat and chew catnip and then take the body to rub the Catnip Plants to the sound vibration in the throat to hiss cry cat other.
Roll around, or leap upward. Sometimes found with paw feet. Even the cats at the best position it's hard to resist the effects of the chemicals in catnip.
Catnip Plants no effect on the body of a cat. After conditions of happiness. Cats will return to normal without any side effects. The cause of any illness at all.
* For a play toy use a long sock and tie some catnip inside and they will play with it for hours.
Pioneers use to live on this one the KNOTWEED:( )
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