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Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Note: Did you know Herpes has been linked to Aspartame? AND DEPRESSIONS Sugar or poison...think!
*These iris's are examples of heavy metals poisonings AND COMES FROM CHEMICAL WARFARE ALL OVER THE WORLD and, drugs are chemical too.)They represented that part or area of the body where they are lodged and causing health problems Heavy metals are on top of the color of the iris natural color and each metal has its own color. Use liver herbals such as Yellow Dock (see this page) and getting rid of heavy metal from the blood thus liver. Others are; Bugel weed, Chlorella (broken cell), Certo, Citrus pectin, Grape fruit rind, Apple pectin, Garlic's celation's pulls metal out of the body, Astragulas, most Chlorophyll's, Olive leaf (mercury) Tumbleweed (uranium), Boric Acid, Aloe Vera (nuclear fall out i.e. x-rays) Parsley and or Cilantro mobilizes heavy metals, (removes Chemical poisons), fasting, semi fasting on the mild foods, Goldenseal root, Lobelia etc.)

Metallic acid found in rhubarb, plums, cherries, grapes and many other fruits will remove lead, mercury, aluminum and cadmium.
Metallic acid is helpful in removing aluminum from the body.
When you cook in certain metals and drink out of metal'll always be putting more in the body. Think. See more on my heavy metal pages.

*Mineral test; WHY GUESS; get  the "Comprehensive Metabolic Panel" tests (Have your physician do the longer one) Herbs and vitamins will effect this test.  What will take them out of your system.

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