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Thursday, December 16, 2010


These writings, provides my best experience, ideas toward a "Transitional Vegetarian plant based Diet," It doesn't mean we're all total vegetarian's, but working toward the goal of no meat, maybe dairy i.e. We are all in different stages, degrees, with individual styles depending on our health needs. Fruit, veggies, herbs, grains, "all plants" when eaten can gradually allow the body to eliminate diseases.

In any case, more plant food verse man's protein theory. Look at the health of America to show this theory hasn't worked. Animal protein halts all natural elimination processes. Toxic back ups has allowed acquired over loaded livers, and parasitical bowels the cause of every diseases.

Periodically, fasts are essential part of good health. Even semi- fast will starts a elimination and clear out body's toxins.
You can eat all you want of balanced fruit, vegetable and more complex, organically, grown grains but very small amounts of animal protein and no GMO foods. If we do it correctly they will improve weight issues, and restores health.
One of the biggest conspiracy's is the ownership of organic plant (foods.) The government with Wall Street wants the controlling power of all foods sources including herbs for their Drug clientele. Its investors need more profits at the cost of consumers health. Poor health is good business, you'll need their drugs, use medical professionals, its a win wins situation. It's a war! We win by what we buy and raise ourselves. Knowing about the healing power of plants is essential to keep us out of their power.
Enclose are a few recipes using organic foods and herbal Remedies. The others are in Sherm's Organic Recipes. ...see links below

Also see; LAWS OF NATURE: Gen. 1: 11-12, 29-30..."... And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so." Seeds kill all "Vermifuges, and the leaf there of..." Exceptions are, GMO,s the non healing plants.
The genetically altered seeds removes most of its healing properties for the plant to naturally conquer their own enemy's then passed on to man, and to procreation. They all have some natural anti fungal properties unless removed. If removed will cause plagues of sickness.

All plants were created spiritually before they came to earth and posses an intelligence. The have been ordained by God for the use of man and know exactly where to go and what to do in your body to heal, unless man robs them of their natural powers. Gen. 2: 5
5. And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground

Conniving, greedy, wicked behavior of man's is heading us toward the greatest famine and plagues on earth. It destroys all forms of live (plants, insects, bees, ruining the soil, plants, and brings changes to our DNA. If not halted, in the end, the wicked will destroy all life's forms. Even the air and our water, sea fowl, fishes are being in danger.
You can't do good objective research if you have" Sacred Cows," I try not cover rhetoric or be a part of corruptible teachings by any corporation, greedy men nor represent any kind of man-made-fads that have some truth but as a whole are just falsehoods of more false teachings to corrupt and conquer us all.
Iridology is used to prove my objectives: If an herbalist can't change the markings in the iris than the herbs are not healing the marked area, in most cases. I do only basic iridology, it all that really necessary.

Photo of an Iris that maps out an acid stomach: This eye shows an over acid pH body (all the white) and needs to eat more greens i.e. not meat which produces more uric acid. The livers involve because of the rosary in the 7th zone. (shows in the blood and can't get out) The white stomach area (circle about the pupil,) and rosary (outside edge of the colored area)will not show up in a normal iris.

These are strictly my opinions, all subjects are fair game. I try to stick within my four areas. These pages may NOT be published or reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use these materials, must obtain written consent of the contributor (me) with proof of consent. PT.Sherm ©2002-11

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