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Saturday, September 28, 2013

NATURAL SUPPLIMENT'S: Under BIG Pharma Regulations

Common foods such as garlic and peppermint would be classified as drugs or a third category (neither food nor drugs) that only big pharmaceutical companies could regulate and sell. Any food with any therapeutic effect can be considered a drug, even benign everyday substances like water. Dietary supplements could not be sold for preventive (prophylactic) or therapeutic use.
Potency's would be limited to extremely low dosages. Only the drug companies and the big phytopharmaceutical companies would have the right to produce and sell the higher potency products (at inflated prices).

( Michael LeVesque@ProfHealth1 Aug 11

August 2011 - URGENT! Emergency Notice! FDA 60 days left. - Vitamin Express FDA (gov) latest attack, please sign.)
Percriptions would be required for anything above the extremely low doses allowed (such as 35 mg. on niacin).
Common foods such as garlic and peppermint would be classified as drugs or a third category (neither food nor drugs) that only big pharmaceutical companies could regulate and sell. Any food with any therapeutic effect can be considered a drug, even benign everyday substances like water.
Codex regulations for dietary supplements would become binding (escape clauses would be eliminated).
All new dietary supplements would be banned unless they go through Codex testing and approval.
Genetically altered food would be sold worldwide without labeling.

"If Codex Alimentarius has its way, then herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeopathic remedies, amino acids and other natural remedies you have taken for granted most of your life will be gone."

A MUST READ ALL ARTICLE to understand this post:

"Codex Alimentarius" (meaning food code) is a set of regulations that aim to outlaw any health information in connection with vitamins Remember: they code diseases to get insurances to pay the doctors.


The FTC and the pharmaceutical cartel are behind it, it threatens to become the trade issue, using the campaign of Operation Cure-All to advance its goals. It's also behind or in Obama Care (goals is to control health care, supplement's, insurances. Is their thinking to pull USA out of more national debt by getting into this coercive business since we have outlawed no inside trading by law makers, Senate etc.?

Its actual aim is to outlaw health products and all information on vitamins and dietary supplements, except those under their direct control. These regulations would supersede United States domestic laws without the American people's voice or vote in the matter.

The federal government must NOT ONLY CHANGE its FEDERAL LAW, but must ALSO require state and local governments to change their laws as well to be in accordance with international law.

This has been covered up get their newsletters i.e. If you click on the some of the information: I found an old article that said diabetes use to be treated with Vit. C (Won the Nobel Prize on this supplements) This Vit C under these new rules would be gone. We would have to go to the Pharmacy's to get it from a Doc. visit. That's a lot of cost for supplement's.

Bottom line: Look here for some links be prepared for their great fall to come because of these wicked men's control as they tried before the world was, and Satan was cast out because of wanting to control man so all would have to obey him to get back to God, our Father.

How to plan Water Storage


Bartering-bargins-money when in need.

We will need some information on FUEL SUPPLIES
Odd-ends+ camping +72-hr-kits OR,


Thursday, September 26, 2013


The morning after pill is in the news today CNN NEWS ; "A federal judge in Brooklyn, New York, has ordered the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to make the morning-after birth control for whom some says is to "aborted a fetus's;"  It was because of this ruling this morning after birth control pill maybe available to people of any age without a prescription (over the counter without parents consent." ," said in a statement.
The key ingredient in Plan B is a synthetic hormone called levonorgestrel.
This drug stops an egg from being released from the ovary, or preventing fertilization of the egg by sperm. (So, it can't be an abortion.)
If there has been fertilization, this Plan B may prevent a fertilized egg from embedding in the uterus. But if the egg has already been implanted in the uterus, the morning-after pill will not work. So what's the problem if this is not yet a fetus other than, both male and females involved aught to strive, in the future, to be morally clean in every way; this will not the issue on the news. And, I didn't know
you can legislate morals just for the women...and not the men

These emergency contraceptives (and for rape) is intended for use within 72 hours after sex but are most effective if taken within 24 hours.  Again...What's the problem? Who's telling women what to do here...when and why?

This could result in less term-abortions, less money for lawyers, hospital, medical personal, RX makes 50.00 a pill. Some lawers, churches; the ones who have adoption agency's that will surely loose money, and too, any baby clinic's across the world who sell these young women's baby's to others would have a problem here (more dogma.). These young women's baby's are big money makers, but non goes to back their know who I mean.

So WHAT'S THE REAL PROBLEM HERE? I don't consider this an abortion issue, unless society considers that the IUD and other hormone pills are too; but a way of prevention of one. (No sense in bringing little blessing into the world at the wrong times for the wrong reasons.)

Yes, before this happens, we need to teach both men and women to be chase, however, this sins has alway happened. So lets punish those nasty woman take their babies to teach them to be chase?  We don't need, (at an egg (not yet attached i.e. stage, to bring a Little"blessing" into the world just to satisfy the over-bearing, over-zealous religious nuts as they use it to further burdening these women more. Done mostly by men who don't really know how to HONOR, a woman.  And, don't forget most women do and are using a hormone pill...too! What's the real problem here? Why not the men too?
Yes, I'm against most abortions, but, I never forget women's side of it. She is the pro-creator and in the end it's her discussion not the churches (church and state/law issue?)  The real issue is MONEY, POWER AND GREED...they need that egg to fertilize form a child and sell it as one of the biggest business going...give me a break!
And, too, we have too many synthetic hormone pills in our waters, even the fish are confused to weather they should fertilize the eggs or lay them. All drugs end up in our environment coming back to ruin our health causing many that want to conceive not to being able to because of  our drugged drinking water.
Addendum's This is a must read, control of natural suppliments.

Hobby Lobby will not be furnishing this pill for employees (Idea gone too far)

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Baby food not as nutritious as home made. Watch out for too much sugar, fillers, hormones, chemicals and GMO's; if not, mom can create food addiction's for sugar and for process foods at an early age, that leads to allergies. If store bought baby-foods do not contain enough fiber; another clue that it's lacking nutrients.
If too young for fiber, than add cornstarch/cereals yourself and freeze left-overs for the next meal. If you read labels the educated mom would never buy formula. It's full of sugar and antibiotics given to the cows. Goat milk has less problems if you cannot breast feed.

CLICK More pinterest for home made baby food for further study...

Take care of your baby's by storing formulas
without corn syrups. Not the shut-down
in America; many were without.
So many contain high levels of sugar/corn-syrups and some are promoted for use from four months of age – a time when babies should still be on a diet of breast or formula milk.

Babies would need to eat twice as much shop-bought food to get the same energy and protein as meals cooked at home, some researchers found.

This study, from the department of human
nutrition at the University of Glasgow, said many weaning foods "would not serve the intended purpose" of giving a baby extra nutrients or a range of tastes and textures. continue to read in the link provide above.
Watch the squirrel's store for the should humans. prepare for tomorrow, we're all going here

Saturday, September 14, 2013


"As we've publicly stated over the past year and a half, no stone was left unturned in our efforts to determine the originating source of salmonella.  Heidelberg who is associated with the ground-turkey recalls, yet to this day, we do not know the origin of the bacteria linked to outbreak of illnesses," said Mike Robach, vice president of corporate food safety and regulatory affairs for Cargill in Minneapolis. He provided a long list of steps that Cargill has taken since the outbreak to make its ground turkey safer. Read more:

Even so, the results of Consumer Reports' tests won't make you eager to order that next turkey burger: "More than half of the packages of raw ground meat and patties tested positive for fecal bacteria." Some more healthy versions of sandwiches and burgers

 MEAT IS MEAT THE LOWEST IN OUR FOOD CHANGE, HOWEVER ORGANIC HELPS BUT NOT PERFECT. We raised 6 turkeys on our small back yard farm and that's best for a large family.

 Key: Drug don't work...anywhere...think! A best short-term.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Merigold Flower Medicine (Wild Flowers)

It's an excellent time to collect Marigold flower for my medicine for the Winter and collect their seeds for spring planting. The tincture is so easy to make and so inexpensive for what you can make out of it as natural remedy's. Some ways are better in oils, then salves and I make one in ACV they buy spray bottles to give my neighbor some too. Read more benefits of this wonderful natural herb on the Web. You can't do it all on one post.
Other Names:
Caléndula, Calendula officinalis, Calendule, English Garden Marigold, Fleur de Calendule, Fleur de Tous les Mois, Garden Marigold, Gold-Bloom, Holligold, Marigold, Marybud, Pot Marigold, Souci des Champs, Souci des Jardins, Souci des Vignes, Souci Officinal, Zergul.
Calendula flower, also known as pot marigold, has been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years. Compounds, oils, creams and tinctures of Calendula are one of the most trusted and widely used herbal remedies in an alternative practitioner's toolbox.
Calendula has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as being a strong antiseptic and astringent. Calendula is used in cream to treat minor skin problems, such as rashes, diaper rash, minor burns, acne and eczema. It is considered a vulnerary agent, a substance that promotes healing. It has been used for a variety of other skin problems such as, skin ulcers and inflammation and for relieving conjunctivitis. It has been reported to be effective in fighting  fever, boils, abscesses, and recurrent vomiting.
In a salve or tincture it has and continues to be used in connection with bruises, sprains, pulled muscles, sores and more. Earaches respond well to Calendula herbal extracts, which both soothe the pain and combats infection. Calendula flower extract is wonderful when rubbed in a cream onto the face and skin, which may prevent wrinkles by stimulating the collagen production by the body. Gargling with Calendula can soothe sore throats and stop infections and the same solution can be used as a mouthwash for infected gums and other mouth problems.
The Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences says that Calendula consumed seven days before a woman's menstrual cycle may alleviate the pain of cramps. It can also relieve the discomfort associated with indigestion, colitis and menopausal symptoms. There is some evidence that Calendula flower tincture can help treat certain types of cancers like Heren's Carcinoma when used with other herbs such as Echinacea purpurea.

Calendula Flower in tincture form, taken internally, promotes healing of ailments in the digestive tract. Some report it to be effective as a treatment for recurrent vomiting. It has been used to lessen the effects of ulcers in the stomach, mouth or throat. Calendula works by stimulating the lymphatic system and by reducing swelling and cleansing of toxins in the body. Calendula flower tincture also aids the body by helping to digest food, especially food that is high in fat. Since it is a "bitter", it will soothe indigestion and heartburn, as well as stimulate the liver and gallbladder, making it useful in treating hepatitis. Calendula is thought to be a great herbal remedy for colitis, stomach cramps, diarrhea and protects the lining of the stomach and intestines by inhibiting the cause of inflammation and swelling, and by limiting the effects of the bacteria associated with gastritis, peptic ulcers and stomach cancer and works against Helicobactor pylori, a bacterium connected with peptic ulcer.

Calendula also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity and the most well-known health benefits are for those dealing with skin ailments of all kinds. Unless the user is allergic to this plant there have been no reports of side-effects or drug interactions when using this medicinal herb. It is often used topically for lacerations, abrasions, boils, lesions and other infections. Calendula flower used in creams is a wonderful treatment on the face and skin as well, and may help reduce and prevent wrinkles by stimulating collagen production in the body. It can be used as a natural moisturizer and is very soothing to irritated chapped and sun-damaged skin. Calendula is also recommended for its use in treating varicose veins, chronic ulcers, capillary engorgement, and congestion.

I prefer pulverizing the dry seeds;  soak them in ACV/alcohol  for 14 days;
removing all of them; then add more for a very strong tincture then
make my salves from this concoctions. You can buy the dark spray
bottles from MH and, the herb crushr (mortar+pestile.) ...

Calendula provides one of its greatest benefits in relieving eruptive skin disorders such as shingles, and warts from viral infections. Calendula is considered to be an effective detoxifying herb that can help with the toxicity associated with many severe fevers and infections. The fungicidal properties found in Calendula flower extract, make it a popular antiseptic herbal remedy. The astringent qualities help the capillaries function better; thus accelerating the treatment of physical wounds, cuts, abrasions, insect bites, muscle pains, bruises, varicose veins and other inflammatory disorders of the body.
Calendula also helps alleviate skin infections such as, fungi, ringworm, athlete's foot and thrush. Calendula extract is gentle enough for babies use to ease cradle cap, diaper rash and nursing mother's sore nipples. It has been used effectively in a Spitz bath for genital inflammations or hemorrhoids.
It has been recommended as a use in an ointment for first-degree burns and sunburns. It has healthy influences on oily skin and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and is useful for oily hair as well as, reducing dandruff. This plant has strong natural antibacterial properties that work against some pathogens particularly streptococci and staphylococcus.

Calendula is often recommended for the treatment for ear infections. Studies have shown Calendula flower extracts offer as much pain relief for ear infection as some non-herbal eardrops. Earaches often respond well to a Calendula treatment which both eases the pain and combats infection. A few drops in the ear are a common and often effective treatment. 

Not only is this herb considered a vulnerary, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory, but it is also useful as an emmenagogue, both regulating and balancing painful and irregular menstrual cycles. Of all the marigold benefits, this is perhaps the most interesting, as the flower blooms on a monthly basis. This tincture can also be an excellent herb for treating anemia.

Calendula's high molecular weight polysaccharides stimulate the immune system activity and has been researched and was determined to have some potential therapeutic activity against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) in vitro, and reduced HIV transcriptase in a dose and time-dependent manner.

More recently scientists have investigated Calendula tincture for possible anti-cancer and antiviral actions this herb may possess. The most recent studies involving marigold seek to isolate its role and there has been some evidence that Calendula flower can help treat some forms of cancers like Heren's carcinoma. Researchers from Universidad de Granada, Spain demonstrated its effects on tumor cell lines derived from leukemias, melanomas, fibrosarcomas, breast, prostate, cervix, lung, pancreas and colorectal cancers. The inhibition of these cancer cells ranged from 70% to 100%. Also tests suggested Calendula may help prevent dermatitis in breast cancer patients during radiation. In one small study of about 250 women undergoing radiation therapy after surgery for breast cancer, commercial Calendula ointment reduced the amount of skin irritation better than another commonly used commercial preparation. Women who used Calendula ointment also reported less pain from radiation.

Ingredients: Calendula flower, Distilled Water, 20% Alcohol or, (ACV will not store as long.)

Instructions: The suggested dosage is 6-12 drops in juice, water or under the tongue or as desired. May be taken three times daily. Store in a cool dark place. Keep out of reach of children.

Contraindications: Do not use while pregnant. Calendula may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to Asteraceae/Compositae family. Calendula might cause too much drowsiness if combined with medications used during or after surgery and with sedatives.

Disclaimer: The information presented herein is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease. Individual results may vary, and before using any supplements, it is always advisable to consult with your own health care provider.
Since I'm from Oregon: I buy from this company and they ship me anything I need. They will tell you how to make it and use it. I'm now gathering the seeds and making a tincture for the winter in ACV. They're many ways to store herbs in a medicine like my grandparents (N. American Indians). Here is a good local company to learn how to make some folk medicine. Oregon has lava soil, + gobs of vegetation with its natural composting for the best crop. They have lots of organic soil and, no spray to its herbs grown mostly from the wild.
Calendula flower, aka Marigold flower, (Calendula officinalis)

This medicinal oil is simple to prepare and has so many uses. The gentle, soothing, and healing oil is perfect for cradle cap, diaper rash, chapped or chafed skin, bruises, and sore or inflamed muscles. The oil can be used alone, or incorporated into salves, massage oils, lip balms, ointments, creams, and lotions.
Basic: Organic Olive oil or, add to coconut oil i.e.
Organic Calendula flowers

1. Place Calendula flowers in a clean, dry glass jar. If using fresh Calendula, wilt for 12 hours to remove most of the moisture (too much moisture will cause the oil to go rancid) before adding to the jar. Pour olive oil into the jar, making sure to cover the flowers by at least 1" of oil so they will have space to expand. Stir well and cap the jar tightly.
2. Place the jar in a warm, sunny windowsill and shake once or more per day.
3. After 4-6 weeks, strain the herbs out using cheesecloth. Pour the infused oil into glass bottles and store in a cool dark place.


Marigolds) The petals work well in cooked and fresh dishes. Calendula is also used as a saffron substitute because of its colour. The yellow or orange petals will colour and flavour foods when chopped and sautéed.