These is my formula method. I've made a quicker onion formula then the flu formula below just by dicing onion on a cookie sheet; bake till bits of browns are made than add this to ACV (cover, and it will swell) and at the end add honey a natural antibiotic too. Then after 14 days and shake periodically then, drain before adding the honey. Make as much as you need in this method its all food. Store in dark bottles.
(To keep the flu away take some everyday; the same as the next Garlic Formula).
Mix from dry herbs; making them into liquids before combining;
Mix well the following liquid ingredients:
*8 parts apple cider vinegar (parasite, etc)
*5 parts glycerine ~Vegetable (?) or, preserve it for a longer time with Vodka/liquor
*5 parts raw honey (add last) Honey is healing and makes the medicine have a pleasant taste.
*2 parts garlic juice, fresh (see below) This is the antibiotic part. Use hot potent garlic or for children onion can be substituted. Remember the honey make it milder. I've been know to use more garlic?
*2 parts comfrey root concentrate -This is the part that cleanse the liver and you can sub with another liver herbal, listed in my blog post (Be sure to grow your own by buying root cuttings) Horizon herbs has the roots to plant in the fall. Leave out if you can't get it.
*1 part wormwood concentrate -parasites (add in 1/2 cloves or 1/2 part cinnamon which will kill parasite also, if you can't get this herb.)
*1 part lobelia leaf concentrate- calms, reduces fever, kill poison and kills off toxicity waste (I have bought the tincture on line and added a bottle in. This is important if really sic.) I will not buy a formula without it in. I sometimes have to add it in at the last minute. Directions are on the bottle. Mountain Rose Herbs, Oregon has the tincture and they have the recipe to make it too.
*1 part marshmallow root concentrate (mucus less forming, a natural pH can Slippery elm (colon~lax...) or, sub ginger root; will aid if stomach problems)
*1 part Oak bark concentrate (parasitic)
*1 part Black walnut bark concentrate (parasitic)
*1 part Mullein leaf concentrate (Lungs need to be protected, holistic med. comfrey's will do some of this too)
*1 part skullcap leaf concentrate (keep you calm and kill parasites)
*1 part each: Uva ursi, Hydrangea or Gravel root concentrate (it also has female and stones melting properties)
To make concentrates:
Each concentrate should be made individually.
Start by soaking the herb in enough distilled water to cover it, for four hours, over night if it is a root.
Makes one gallon: (bottle in dark smaller bottles)
After soaking, add more distilled water so that the total added equals 16 oz. water per 4 oz. of herb. Use a multiple of these amounts for larger batches. Using this amount will make approx. one gallon of Anti-Plague.
Simmer the herb on very low heat in a covered pan or double boiler for thirty minutes. Then strain the liquid into a clean stainless steel pan.
Put the liquid into a double boiler or on very low heat uncovered and simmer it down to one-fourth of the original volume (4 oz.) Only after all the ingredients have been prepared should the liquids be mixed. (Use only stainless steel pots.)
To make Garlic Juice: for the above amount use 2 1/2 lbs. of garlic - peel, blend in blender with vinegar (do not liquefy).
Let set for 3 days, shaking several times per day. Squeeze out liquid and measure. If needed add more vinegar to equal the 8 parts. (This with Lobelia/or cayenne can be added for a penicillin and taken alone if you can't make the rest up.) Or, sub. onions for the children?
(all parts are quoted) I've made just parts of this formula recipe and it stilled worked. Sub. where your herbs parts are missing or its not available, or in your area their are different herbs for the same purpose.
Another "liver" herb may be dandelion root i.e. You do not have to come to the USA or go over-seas for their herbs. They may have the same herbs of different ones for the same purpose. God is good to all. (or, they're many, see liver herbs, that maybe added or substitute.
If your in pain stop eating. If you do eat, don't indulge in heavy foods such as eating meat, high proteins. A correct pH balance is best. Best is a plant based diet especially if really sick. Remember the blood must be cleared/cleaned so toxins/parasite/cancers/ and other diseases can leave.
Keep your doors to your body's hallways open. Ingesting meat will close these doors. Just watch you tongue, if its white your cleaning the lymph's/liver/blood out of the body. You will heal of your disease with this natural Penicillin if you follow directions. Use the best plants for any medical herbal formulas.
This formula is similar, more complicated in design:
Here are more options, some times it depends on what you have on hand for an emergency. It's smart to think ahead and keeps certain item in you first aid supply.
If you have a stomach problem add in ginger root (or, buy the candied and chew on it with this)
Bowel: If you have diarrhea use more fiber in the diet; 6 g. fiber bread, sunflower leaves will work, no sprays on herbs plants use healing GMO's).
Yogurt with live bacillus to replace the bowel flora lost and or cheese, i.e. for IBS or diarrhea problems.
If you can't do this every meal eat only one meat/protein meal and the other two vegan; take your formula Tbs 3-4 times a day.
Balance out all Protein sources it not in balance is not good for the liver and kidneys.
The flu shot is under fire: read before you take it if you have asthma etc
Whiskey and sugar:
My mother, an N American Indian lineage, for my asthma bronchial attracts of fits of coughing sent my dad out in the middle of the night to get small sample whisky. Then added it into a tablespoon of sugar. No problem even the next day no more cough fits. It burned and kills the flame in the throat immediately.
Lemon and Sugar:
Mom also made us kids hot cup of fresh lemonade and sugar. We never had money for over-the-counter cough syrups.
Steam showers for throats or lungs and breathing problems still works.
Rubbing Alcoholic soaked rag about the neck then covered over and tucked under the covers before bed time. My dau still uses this as did my mother. (...strip throats i.e.)
24 hour flu virus, "throwing up kind"....easy! Hot jello water by morning it will be gone.
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