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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Burdock, Yellow Dock Blood Problems (skin)

Herbal Remedy's OF Burdock and Its Cousin Yellow Dock
Burdock Root is one of my basic herbs and is easily gathered in our back yards. However, leave the root and scatter the seeds for next year. If we all strip it from nature we do harm for the plant, environment. Theirs plenty if we don’t get too greedy. It’s not costly at your local health food stores and in used many formulas. Its common names are Lappa, Lappa minor, Thorny Burr, Beggar's Button, and Cloth burr.
It grows in North America, from Asia and Europe. Is found along roadsides and all vacant lots. If you venture out in the open areas, you will remember Burdock's burrs as it adhere to clothes and to your animal. It has a purple flower which bloom in July and August and when it dry out it has its troublesome burr. In Japan is sometime planted for its enlarged parsnip-like roots that are eaten as a boiled vegetable. In Russia is known as Repeinik or Lopuh very close to the Latin name Lappa.
Parts Used: Roots, seed, leaves, stems and whole herb. It can be made into extracts, ointments, tinctures and oils for the same purpose as Folk Medicine administered for generations.
 It is a Diaphoretic, Diuretic and Alternative. Herbalist all over the world use Burdock. It is an effective and ultimate blood purifying plant has well earned the unpretending authentic value for which we know it is capable.

The root and seed of Arctium Lappa is a soothing demulcent, tonic, alternative; it slowly but steadily cleanses skin, soothes the kidneys and relieves the lymphatic; eliminates boils, carbuncles, canker sores, sties, felons, etc. Soothing to mucous membrane
throughout the entire system, and is also used for gout, rheumatism, scrofula, syphilis, sciatica, gonorrhea and kidney diseases
 It is best used with more stimulating agents

Burdock is a mildly laxative. It also aids in the elimination of uric acid. The herb contains polyacetylenes that have both anti-bacterial; anti-fungal properties. By improving the function of many organs of elimination (liver, kidneys, bowels), many health conditions can be improved. Burdock is primarily a tonic and alternative herb. The cumulative effect of its use is said to bring a subtle strengthening and cleansing to the entire system. Though most of the therapeutic benefits attributed to this stately herb have not been clinically proven, burdock has been long tested in folk use, and is a safe, if mild, herbal remedy. It promotes perspiration and the release of toxins from the body. It is great in clearing up such skin conditions as ache, psoriasis and dry, scaly eczema. It works best when used over a period of time i.e. the bitter properties of burdock particularly noticeable in the dried leaf and seed, stimulate bile secretions. It is a good digestive herb and liver remedy. Burdock's anti-microbial and fungi static properties have been traced to as many as 14 different polyacetylene compounds in the root. Burdock has also been used to treat boils, canker sores, carbuncles, measles, and sties. It will help restore friendly bacteria in the system after antibiotic use, and may bring relief in cases of chronic arthritis and gout.
Burdock may also help reduce blood sugar levels (liver). Burdock roots contain from 27-45 per cent insulin, and up to 12 per cent protein, as well as oils and other trace minerals. Therefore it is easy to understand why they consider food as medicine, and medicine as food. It is best to collect the roots of one or two year old plants in autumn. This is the problem with the health stores and others who sell wild herbs i.e. they are not paying attention to "how old is the plant" I know many plants they sell that are not herbal terms. Now wonder they're not as effective in healings.

Pregnant women should not use burdock, as it has a reported action as a uterine stimulant.
Tincture of Burdock Root 10-20 drops (Tincture can be made from the crushed root marinated with vinegar or alcohol then used. Combine one
part fresh herb to three parts alcohol (50% alcohol/water solution) in glass container. Set aside in dark place. Shake daily for two weeks.
Strain through muslin or cheesecloth, and store in dark bottle. The tincture should maintain potency for two years. Standard dosage, unless otherwise prescribed, is 1/2 tsp, three times daily.) Add in tincture of Lobelia
Externally: The leaves will be found very useful in fever, by bruising and apply to the forehead, or to the soles. For burns, shred the bruised leaves fine and fold into a stiffly beaten egg white; it will relieve the pain and hasten healing.
Homeopathic; Tincture of fresh root--Acne, Bunion, Dupuytren's contraction, Eczema serpeginosa, eruptions, phosphaturia, rheumatism, ringworm, scrofula, sterility, ulcers, uterus (prolapsus of) and used in diabetes.

Practical Uses:
In Russia, it could be use as they prepare a pit for fish or game wrapping the Burdock leaves (no seasoning) around the meat. They also use it as a hair tonic to grow hair.
In the Kitchen the roots are roasted and used for coffee; the fresh root is eatable in soup instead of potatoes; fried as cutlets and pancakes. Cut very fine and boiled with apple cider vinegar and Yellow dock with appitionic sour cream, they make a tasty and nutritious jam.
Yellow Dock (Cousin) A herb I always use or have on hand in my medicine cupboard, and I know where and how to gather it.
Known to North American Indians as the tobacco plant and in the fall is finished with its many seeds. It’s found in dry areas near by burdock plants. Do not pick near roads (lead poisoning). Tinctures can be made the same as its burdock cousin.
Note that its companion Yellow Dock has very similar properties. This is a blood purifying herb or in other words it will keep the liver clean, and is very high in minerals such as iron. No herbalist would be without this basic in his or any cupboard. Yellow Dock is a bit different, but similar properties to Burdock. I love it for any skin problems, (even boils).
The primary chemical constituents of Yellow Dock Root include anthraquinone glycosides, tannins, resins, oxalates, and iron. It also contains varying amounts of phosphorus, vitamins A and C, and calcium.
Yellow Dock is valued even more so today as one of the best available sources of iron. Yellow Dock's high iron content makes it beneficial for treating anemia and pregnant women.
Yellow Dock is used to purify the blood supplied to the glands, improving the flow of bile; digestive fluids. Yellow Dock has also been known to help improve bladder and liver functions, and reduce bowel inflammation and  swelling.
This herb can be used to treat some cases of jaundice, and skin eruptions associated with the toxicity of the intestines. Another use for Yellow Dock is as a laxative to help relieve mild constipation.
Yellow Dock improves the function of the kidneys, liver, lymph glands, and intestines, thus aiding the body's natural cleansing processes. It has been used to help the body eliminate pollutants, including heavy metals such as lead and arsenic.
You can even cook and eat Yellow Dock as herb to improve vision. Yellow Dock helps to free up iron stored in the liver, thus making it more available to the rest of the body. It is a good herb for leukemia cases, or when the white count is too high.
I actually had an experience with a young man who reversed his leuhemia with fresh root of yellow dock he gathered from his farm pasture. He and I was greatly surprised with its fast results.
I've use this wild herb for boils, making the head go through the blood not coming to a painful head.
This herb is to  be taken everyday just as you would a drug. It will rid any skin probems. Skin problems are signs that the liver is over-loaded and thowing out toxins through the blood-skin. (even boils)

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HIV and Leukemia needs to be treated individual. Look at iris markings to see where disease has settled in the body to give cues to what herbs (parasite/liver) should be used etc.
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