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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Weight And Disease Affected By Gut Flora

Caution Too Hot of Foods/Beverages Effect Our Gut Flora (Stomach, bowel Issues)
Eating too hot or cold beverages or foods is too hard on the gut and even our teeth. First, it is no wonder we have stomach acids and colon problems. They are mostly because we do not enough floras in the digestive system, and get a yeast spill over. We kill most natural flora to pro biotic off. The most popular food for this is yogurt and sale could not be better. This kill off sets us up with the number one problem and that is yeast, which effect weight, diabetes, and most other diseases.
Secondly, Teeth have a uniquely enamel that contract and expand depending if food is too hot or at very cold temperatures (ice in beverages) when we eat and drink them. Cracks then decay moves in when too cold of food hits a tooth, but it cracks like glass if hot temperature introduces too soon afterwards. It is because of excesses of too hot or cold temperatures (even ice cream) than sugars decays has a way of getting into and through in the tooth enamel.
In addition, the gut needs to remain at a normal body temperature so not to eradicate its natural flora. That is why so much stomach and bowel disease that is increasing. Drugs do not cure this probable because they do not get to the core of it. So many are trying to bring back the “natural flora in the gut” that’s been destroyed by too hot or cold food in the gut and now have stomach problems and effects and passes on down to though out the bowels. Simple remedies do not do it all. Remember a child will naturally refuse to hot or cold food in the beginning until their trained other wise or by example.
Home Made sauerkraut (that’s not pasteurized and the recipe’s in this blog) Break nature’s rules then you’ll need probiotic foods i.e. yogurt with many bacillus, sauerkraut, pickles, softer white cheeses, and other fermentation's, may help to bring some of this back
Do not eat or drink any thing into the stomach and bowel that will kill its natural flora if you want to keep good healthy body.
Another example is, the over run over of yeast and fungi that causes an unbalance of anti bodies and natural flora. We need to try to keep nature in balance.
Water at room temperature can be utilized immediately but not if it too hot or cold. Too extreme temperature of the body has to use more energy to turn it into the body’s norm temperature. When you change body temperature it creates an artificial fever or it may go toward cold death if too extremes. (Brain Freeze is not healthy) This also includes all hot or too cold foods not just beverages.
Very seldom do I recommend any weight-loss book. They all have a general principle that sell the book as a fad for a while and then may becomes educational for an idea and worth the price of it. Depends if it will work for you... right? I'm recommending Fat Flush Plan by Gittleman, because the "FLUSH" means to get rid of the yeast and back the flora of the body then the "water logged body" will lose its stored fat or weight. (No, I don't agree with every page...and that's OK too.)

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