Herbal Remedies
Some simple home remedies here is for seniors or whomever very ill that's meant to build the immune system that been perfected over the years for myself... This is on of my best home remedy pages and most are by experiences. Following these tested suggestions will help you to look and feel healthier, younger and livelier than ever, if you have one too please feel free to add in comments. Here’s a lots of healthy building healthy foods and herbs to feed Seniors in a more holistic, efficient and nutritional way to help them be more alert and living longer.
To start with the elderly especially need to have a bowel movement every day eliminating sluggish body toxins from their bodies, other wise not doing so will acerbate any disease. So lets start here. They need the best nutritious foods and take organic supplements every day.
Drink lots of warm body temperature water, which is utilized immediately. Make use of good teas, fresh lemon, ginger, baking soda will jump start your day.). Coffee can jump start up senior’s body in the mornings but its acid and not alkaline. Coffee can have some benefits for mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s, senility and dementia. Don’t over do this or you’ll have a sleeping problem at night. Never after 3:00 pm. Chamomile tea, baking soda, or any chlorophyll will keep your body the right PH. Soda Pops actually leach out vital minerals of the elderly.
Some simple home remedies here is for seniors or whomever very ill that's meant to build the immune system that been perfected over the years for myself... This is on of my best home remedy pages and most are by experiences. Following these tested suggestions will help you to look and feel healthier, younger and livelier than ever, if you have one too please feel free to add in comments. Here’s a lots of healthy building healthy foods and herbs to feed Seniors in a more holistic, efficient and nutritional way to help them be more alert and living longer.
To start with the elderly especially need to have a bowel movement every day eliminating sluggish body toxins from their bodies, other wise not doing so will acerbate any disease. So lets start here. They need the best nutritious foods and take organic supplements every day.
Drink lots of warm body temperature water, which is utilized immediately. Make use of good teas, fresh lemon, ginger, baking soda will jump start your day.). Coffee can jump start up senior’s body in the mornings but its acid and not alkaline. Coffee can have some benefits for mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s, senility and dementia. Don’t over do this or you’ll have a sleeping problem at night. Never after 3:00 pm. Chamomile tea, baking soda, or any chlorophyll will keep your body the right PH. Soda Pops actually leach out vital minerals of the elderly.
1. Colon Care: Bowel movements are essential everyday to clear out old and newer toxins. Castor Oil can actually heal the colon and is still a good old-times remedy. (Add to ii molasses and/or prune juice on empty stomach. It can also be capped in 000 capsules and used as needed for evacuations. Meta Musil with psysllium or use in another colon care remedy. Fenugreek is great for hemorrhoids, and pain.
2. Colon: Milk of Magnesia, a laxative and antacid, if you only take one Tbs or less. (Adult) right before bed will stop frequent urination at night. (For children or adult adjust the dosage so it will not be a laxative. Magnesium tables will also work (adjust dosage) be sure you’re buying the organic cheated magnesium with amino acid or enzymes taken with each dosage. The Amino’s may be from an animal protein source. (Caster Oil, prunes, Cream of Tartar i.e.)
3. Diet: Watch for Fiber in everything even in candy-bars that has anti-fungal plus omegas is Almond Joy by Peter Paul. Buy 1 gram of fiber from a pill? No, just enjoy a candy bar once in a while that has 2 grams of fiber in it plus, with coconut (a anti-fungal) and, with almonds that is full of omegas. The bad part is the “corn syrup.” so limit this product. It’s a better candy bar to have on hand for emergencies in cases of low-blood sugars. (Pay-day’s another but not a anti-fungal. (Because most of the candy bars have corn syrup in them and, if you have out of control hunger and your over-weight skip the use.) For other senior who have no appetite this will help. See: Yogurt for intestinal flora Note: today their are high fiber bread with 6 grams of fiber in each slice. Senior's don't get all their fiber which causes back up problems in their systems.
4. Diet: Add in soups, senior need something easy and quick to eat choose the best buy. Like a more healthy products in TV dinners or canned soups. Do compare sodium; sugar and most especially watch fiber contents on the labels. If it has over 3 to 500 of sodium buy another brand it will be too salty and hold water in tissues. No trans fats. Example: If cream of mushroom soup has one gram of fiber and another brand has 0 fiber buy the more fibrous brand. Think it through…less fiber less mushroom and more water. Avoid Mono sodium Glutamate (MGS) it affects the brain cells (Alzheimer’s-memory.)
5. Diet: Avoid eat “fast foods” such as, KFC that has too much trans fats in their oils do not buy till they change. Seniors eat out a lot because they have a hard time cooking. This company does not use “organic grown chickens Patronize companies that do and have discounts for their seniors. This is only one example they’re others healthier fast-food restaurants. Avoid-too much animal “protein” if kidney is a problem with especially the senior stage of life.
6. Diet: Warm jello water is best for any upset stomach problems like in a 24 hr. virus. It will stop any throw-up as long as the jello stays on the stomach and the rest passes on.
7. Diet: Organically grown dried fruits such as papaya, pineapple i.e. are excellent natural enzymes for the stomach and colon a few at every meal. Dried banana chip gives excellent potassium when needed. They’ll need water with them.
8. Diet: No sugar juices. Try cranberry juices excellent for the old plumbing just mix with apple juice, pear juice or white grape i.e. (no sugar). A lemon in distilled or purified water is a must in the morning to clear out toxins bringing the body back to a natural pH. It will give seniors the best start for the day.
9. Diet: Lemons and kiwi is an excellent natural diuretic every day for any fluid retention, but not close to bedtime. (Lots of different fruits and veggies have the same properties, papaya, watermelon, or celery i.e.)
10. Diet: Greens (chlorophyll , especially gets older bodies back 6-7 PH level or alkaline) is a must every meal is a must for senior because they do not get enough nutrition and have been strip of many nutrients because of the over-use of drugs and incorrect habit of eating. Most vitamin and mineral supplements are not formulated correctly and are a waste of good money. But if you must use vitamin and mineral supplements use the ones that are chewable or in a forms like liquids that are digested before they reach the colon. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables every meal. (Rebuilds-neutralizes the body pH)
11. Diet: A good organic, non-GMO, yogurt is necessary to keep a good flora going in the colon if you’re taking any drugs most especially anti biotic’s but not together. Drugs wipe out the balance of good flora in the gut. A must once a week buy yogurt for your best health. Never use products with Rbgh hormones.
12. Diet: Have some legumes 2-3 times a week. They are full of fiber, natural serotonin for the brain, and the colon followed with a green salad. Read more in the scripture in Hebrews. Too many seniors ignore foods for the brain, including nuts.
13. Diet: Use good whole complex organic grains especially whole wheat that still is the staff of life. Don’t skip a day without eating some version of a good grain product. (No GM white or bleached-out grains only the very best at this time of life and you will achieve more quality years ahead.) Don’t forget to start the day with a good hot complex cereal with lots of fiber. The GM is the cause of many allergies because they are no longer in a natural balance as nature sent them in the beginning of life.
14. Diet: A must every day is an organic, (in season or raw) simplified, basic milder foods. Watches the glycemic index, for using complex fibrous foods. Especially, if you have diabetes add omega oils that will slow the digestion process down. Meats, or animal proteins will corral up the sugar in the system making it hard on the organs and getting the sugar out of the body. Water help here too. Water will dilute the poisons, (sugars). Grains and vegetables that use fiber as it rounds it all up then clearing it more efficiently out of the system quicker than protein that holds this process up.
15. Diet: When toxin become too much, everyone can work up to a 24 hour fast once a month. First, try starting with “mild foods, then go to a semi fast…a vegetable and fruits, for 24 hours with foods, juices or water. No grains if possible and, especially no animal products. This is the best cure-all listed. Then graduate to two meals of the 24-hour fast i.e.
16. Diet: A fast is nature’s operation for a healthy body and will reverse all disease. Animals in the wild have instincts to fast when sick, injured or in pain. It the best remedy here. Make a fast work for you…use water diluting any poisons that are clearing out the liver and blood. Juice is not effective because it eliminates toxins too fast.
http://shermsorganicnews.blogspot.com/2010/12/yeast-infection-remedies.html Yeast infections.
Health News
- Green Tea Compound Could Ward Off Alzheimer's Green tea is a fat blocker. I use it for an upper at three in capsules or double tea bag... (I personally don't believe in fat blockers because the block needed fat to the brain...Hello. Don't eat them with meals is a suggestion. For you die-hards: Have we gotten skinner as a nation with low fat anything, and we won't with blocking the fat either. This is so common I haven't don a pg. on green tea, they say it's good for cancer too. I'm just trying to say watch what it accomplishing when you give it a try. It may not be the herb for you. It's not a good herb for me because I have bi-polar and I need the fat-omega's to the brain so not to have depression. However, a capsule when I'm not eating at three is just the thing. WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT AND YOUR BODY.
18. Exercise (move) at your own level or pace at least five days a week. This may be simple and cheaper form of exercise such as yoga or lifting small weight, or walking (low impact). If you don’t move the body and blood gets too stagnant, and adds, as we get older, more disabilities to deal with.
19. Faith: Be active in a good faith based church intermingling with people. It’s a time to pass on wisdom to the next generation. Show your faith by being it.
20. Flu: Flu shots may make it worse. Don’t believe it all unless you can’t take care of your own needs. Or you eat unhealthy then nothing going to build you back up in strength. Rotate fun gals (parasite herbs read below). Wild Oil of Oregano on palms of feet, Olive Leaf Extract or Airborne i.e. are good fungals. Flue shots have chemicals such as mercury and e coli in them making many conditions worse. After 70 they are not recommended anymore. Listerine everyday it's a good anti fungal and good to soak denture in over night.
21. Flue Season Tip- 1. Get out your biggest pot on med. heat 2. Boil water and vinegar together on low it will disinfect the air. (Make another pot when company comes or add any of the following; cinnamon, citrus (Orange, lemon limes i.e. for their oils and properties to disinfect and kill the flue bug); add in cloves and i.e. making the air friendly and inviting. It the same principal of the old time peel a raw onion in the room of a sick person. The natural sulfa killed the germs in the room. Also, you can use many of the Essential Oils on the market today. These natural products don’t strip the body of the natural good, balance of friendly bacteria as antibiotics do if taken internally.
Heat: Create or work with a fever using heat. It can be healing wherever there’s pain. It will kill parasite but they will come back from other areas through the blood. Heat pads or lamp, hair dryer on ear if you have an earache, but be careful not to burn. Even, herpes on the lip can be killed with a hot cup of water as much heat as your lip can handle, on the blister.i.e.
22. Heath Care: Health Care Professionals such as Doctors, Hospitals, All Home Care deliveries, Oxygen, Wheel Chairs and equipment, i.e. are the new piranhas to government rip offs at the seniors expense. These middlemen are as just manipulative crooks. Watch out for any Doctor, surgeon, who has a "take it out" mentality. Or, geriatrics doctor’s that just uses your SS no. But, actually don't doing anything for seniors except give out another prescription, who’s not keeping up on medicines side effects. Or, our stock market making hospitals that seeing at the end of the month they’re not going to make monthly quotas profits so they added use you to add extra stays or therapies, or even surgery at whose expense? The new strategies to therapy for seniors to exercise equipment, swimming pools, dietitian counseling, i.e. unfortunately are only for the richer class whose insurance are smart enough to pay for it our governmental insurances won’t.
23. Hormones: Too many inorganic hormones Rbgh and chemicals in dairy, meat and female-male pills they bulk people up like the animals. Try using natural ones instead at this time of life. Alfalfa, work up to about 10 a day, is a must to regulate the hormones glands though out the body. It’s one of the best sources of calcium, vitamins and minerals that are depleted from senior. Alfalfa will aid in relaxing the body for good night sleep. Other hormonal herbs; Wild Yam, Black or Blue Cohosh, Chasetree, Schizandra, i.e. in many good formulas. Find one that suits your needs. Ginseng for the men and many others as needed.
24. Home Care: First rule, It’s about you…personalize care in your unique home and individual needs. Learn to keep it “all-professional.’ Second, lock up all medications and anything that can be hocked. Third rule: get an agency that represents you and not mostly untrained college girls that you’re suppose to train with your energies. Start a “Senior Care Groups” to voice needs more fitting for senior to your allot government money...(SS, Medicare, Medicaid i.e.) Voices are needed by SENIORS lobbying state government for needed changes to home care. Most of these Health Care Professionals are only looking out for their interest using your SS no. Fourth rule: Watch out for abuse even in privacy issues and keep talking till you find someone to listen!
25. Hygiene: Bath with a natural glycerin soap or, find healthy liquid moisturized bath shower soap then add in your favorite essential oil such as Tree Oil, or etc to treat skin problems skin. The skin largest organ in the body will absorb some of these great oils on the market aiding further healing to bodies. This goes for shampoos too but watch out for too much sodium laurethate in these products. It too much for delicate hair and scalp adding to thinning, falling out of hair. Get a favorite scent or healing oil such as Eucalyptus, Rose, or Lavender i.e.
26. Hygiene: Zinc Oxide (About 40%)for a natural non-chemical deodorant. Use where ever necessary. A little goes a long way for a longer time. Don’t plug up the lymph system with bad deodorants especially with aluminum.
27. Hygiene: Keep clean; this is becoming harder for some senior. Each of us is at a different stage of disabilities may need a quick bath or wash like ReadyBath (Medline), Handy Wipes, or the stronger “Huggies.” They’re a must to keep by your bed and along side you commode. If incontinent don’t be embarrassed to use pads even sometimes diapers. Much of this can be delivered to your door in private. Never smell of urine or etc.
28. Hygiene: Such as Ready Bath, is a total body cleansing cloth. The cotton washcloths can be washed and reuse too. It's formula kills germs and eliminate odors. Rinse-Free (The very best on the Market, but other company’s have their own brand names.) 1-800-medline. Or, try Sensitive Huggies...and keep them by the toilet and bedside. It’s important to keep odors and bacteria down making it easier on home-helpers.
29. Hygiene: Incontinence: "MoliMed" Hartmann a maxi pads for incontinence (Germany based) (Best on the market that I know of) Or, cut a comfortable size diaper style made from white cotton, "quilt backing," get material from a fabric store will work and reusable. These reusable cloths come in handy for handkerchiefs, bibs and are great. Some extra large persons place under adipose or may use the folded baby diaper holding it in place at night or during the days for any leaks.
30. Liver Care: Astragalus herb is a prized herb for senior with toxin build up of salts-drugs that are causing senility in the brain (anemia.) Excess drugs-chemicals or salts that has accumulated over the years. (3-4 grams a day 2-3 times a day) Other herbs are Yellow dock, burdock or milk thistle i.e.
31 Lungs: Comfrey Root (In USA buy this herb in bulk, powder in coffee grinder then, add to your lung formulas or grow you own, and use.) Comfrey is one of the few herbs has B12 and protein. Ma Haung for asthma i.e., grow your own or, get outside US. (See Internet under “seeds”.
32. Remedys: Baking soda will bring the body back to the right acid balance. Brush the teeth, tongue, skin, deodorant, and on the hair too. Ex. If you put some in soda pop and shake it this will stop the carbonation effect of the soda pop, so it is better natural aid on sour stomach. Baking soda baths removes dead skin and on the hair removes drugs and toxins (used today in beauty parlors). BS is great for yeast infections, onset
33. Remedy: Hydrogen Peroxide (food grade) is a must to have on hand. Use as a disinfectant, sore throat, ear, mouth, and whiten teeth, breath, even get rid of film on the iris. But get a book, read first directions first, learning how to use this simple most effective remedy. Great for getting out chemicals including spots on rugs. (Straight)
34. Remedy: Burns, or any raw bedsores, an excellent remedy to have on hand for any raw skin is “Aloe Vesta” a protective ointment. 1-800-422-8811 The phone no. is just a reference no. on the tube to call so they can tell you where in your area they sell it. Burns heal fast! Needs to be the raw with no alcohol variety.
35. Remedy: A few popular example of anti fungal are Oil of Oregano, 1 tbs of raw apple cider vinegar, etc. These two will kill most anything if faithful as you would antibiotics for 14 days i.e. or longer. It will take a little time for it to begin to work and, is a continual process. See: “Parasite - Micro Toxin page.” because every disease has its own parasites, fungi, virus and/or bacteria’s that’s involved in the illness. Cancer herb is one of the "bitters" such as apricot seed or "Laetrile" (First, do research before using these fungals) and, Mandrake root also is a laxative. Caution: These herbs are much too powerful to be use by lactating, consider to be or pregnant women. Most drugs are the elderly worst enemy (drugs are just chemicals mocking plant sources) for the most part. Drugs are foreign polluters to the body causing diseases depending on where the chemicals decide to settle. Most foreign (drugs-chemicals) to the body will settle usually to the weakest part of an organ or to your particular inherent lesion (-gene’s) of the body. Drugs began destroying tissues causing a gradual desecration of the area where it lodges. Not all of drugs are eliminate out of the body, listen to their warnings signs. Most have warning to permanent damages to kidneys, liver and other organs; some elderly will ride the warnings to the end. Why do you think there are so much organ replacements today? When drug deterioration reaches its builds to a momentum gradually bringing on cancer i.e. settling upon your weak area. Then, they name the disease by where it lodges. Bottom Line: Use drugs very sparingly if at all, depending on the severity of your disabilities and how old you are. The answer is still prevention…using the best organic food and herbs continually building up the body, and eliminating added environmental or daily toxins. Unfortunately, we need more “professional health care professional” who know how and offer this kind service.
36. Remedy: For pains use an organically grown Chanca Piedra that takes the place of Ibuprofen i.e. and for cholesterol. (Fish oils or Flaxseed oil, 1000 g. 3 x a day+) Stay away from some foods or Aspartame that’s an intensifier’s for pain. Gelatin or Collagen 10 gr. 3-4 times a day or Knox gelatin for arthritis pain 2 days a least. They now try and descise the name, but simply, if it's diet avoid.
37. Remedy: Leg Cramps-jerks use alfalfa, Magnesium and, B-complex vitamins use nightly. Mag. is a must for senior (1 tsp a day with 3 psyllium tables and a glass of water on empty stomach.) (...mustard, or pickle juice the funnies one I head was a bar of ivory soap between the sheet...hummmm) Have water sitting on your night stand and sip it when you have cramps. The loss of too much water acerbates loss of potassium. Keep banana chips on your night stand too. Don't use diretic drugs they cause cramps.
38. Remedy: Make your own balms by using a base of Vaseline, lip balm or coconut oil adding in 1 capsule of an herb such as, goldenseal Root, Comfrey Root. (Or, add another herb that may be more personal with an essential oil such as the Eucalyptus, Wild Oregano Oil, i.e. It's a good remedy for bed sores is to add in a tad of Aloe Vera and Comfrey Root powder. It's so easy using a small jar of commercial lip balm as its base. Then add in the eucalyptus oil and menthol etc. making your own homemade balms. Just read the labels of the best high priced commercial ones for your ideas. You can make more, stronger, and even better than commercial brands. Make your own natural cosmetic using the same methods.
39. Remedy: Diabetics take a spoonful of organic coconut oil every meal, or use a Goldenseal Root patch that will last for about 3-4 days. (Juniper Berry, Fenugreek seed but not on an empty stomach)
40. Stomach: The stomach is the hub of the body and if used as garbage disposable for all foods it will not work for you. It has thus far been program by you…but you can up-date your software. The suggestion at this time would be to use “mild food diet.” Use plenty of in season fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, nuts and wholesome whole grains, meaning organically grown locally. A few herbs when needed for the stomach is ginger rt, marshmallow rt., slippery elm etc., or, foods such as okra or, even Chamomile teas turn the ph balance as needed for acid stomach. (Can’t list it all) Aloe Vera is great if taken with a meal. (Okra in soup)
41. Supplements: Natural Amino’s (L Arginine) works wonders to build upaged bodies. If there’s any urine smells try Arginine till the smell is gone. It’s just one of the body signs we need to pay attention to. Knox Gelatin is another good food source of amino acids. And try organically grown vitamins.
42. Supplements: Japanese Chinese Chlorella (broken cell) 3-5 g. daily or herbal combo like Veggies 4 Life. This herb is for energy, dementia, and dioxides, rebuilds tissues, rids body of metals and, boosts immune system. I don’t ever go into Spirulina i.e. for too many are allergic to fish and the plant, all sea algae, which they feed on in our polluted seas. “NOW” brand is good too, both are in here because seniors are on a fixed budget and these two are cheaper brands, unless you can afford better brands.
43. Supplements: Wachters Organic Sea Products (minerals) are excellent products to rebuild cells. (Pricey though) They have the best minerals known. When having children they use to be excellent product to produce healthy intelligent children. They rebuild the cells if you can handle the iodine these products. Use organic vitamin and minerals only.
44. Supplements: Chlorophyll of alfalfa, barley or wheat grass i.e. are another “rebuilders” seniors need and Comfrey root rebuild old decayed cells. (Do research here, if your on liver medications.)
45. Supplements: Joint-bone food such examples as vegetable glucosamine (Fish glucosamine is far too risky for delicate bodies and most comes from fish), liquid vegetable collagen, amino acids, pectin, Jell-O, alfalfa i.e.
46. Supplements: Omega 3-6-9 especially for brain, pain, heart and organs. It will also keep your cholesterol down, your body limber and, for pain. (When you add oils to the diet alternate nuts and an omega oil, unless you have a mental disease etc. then add both) Avocadoes are a great source of fat. Look for GLA on labels too. Take with meals in fibrous foods both will slow they body’s digestion down. This will aid in not be so hungry before the next meat and aiding in keeping blood sugars under control.
47. Brain: Ginkgo Biloba (standardized to contain 24% flavone glycosides). Do research here, not with blood thinner drugs or before surgeries. If you have any fog in thinking this may be just the herb for seniors.
49. Hair, use vinegar in spay bottle after shampooing
Vinegar Has Been Used For Decades To Stop Hair Loss & Grow New Hair!
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