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Monday, May 21, 2012

Soda Beverages Sold in Public Schools.

Two Utah schools fined for vending machine practices in high school for violating a federal laws in which they were aware of and what they were practicing, and are taking no responsibility. Are being targeted as examples to this law? (Such fine examples in Utah!)
Our news media gets on the side of the two schools in Ut. Their children need their "pop fixes." while  continually reporting children being overweight, such hypocrisy’s of everyone!

Utah's Rob Bishop called the law ''silly'' concluding it should be a state issue and stating that "it’s wrong to punish kids for these "silly" reasons.' Punish...get real. Who in this saga punished who? The other attitudes of this State's leaders rode on Bishop's horse or example. He supports good "eating habits," that’s his quote, but really his double-standards just said something opposite if your really listening.
For just lunch they could have held off drinking poorly or, be an example of a way to get weights down with a more healthy style of nutritious, even one meal is a good start. There is no nutrition in pop and gobs of chemicals. It doesn't matter when or, where you drink it. It should be outlawed in schools period. Why does the school sell it? For profits to programs that were there before pop machine came along.  No sympathies here.
All sorts of excuses is coming up to cover their asses. One is blaming the Federal Government.  A little late to challenge them isn't it?  Whines, such as, we have to take the children's  musicals or, arts programs. No, no: the blame is themselves and leaders. Now let’s teach the kids how to make excuses using that "old devil's tactic" of getting out of the problem, blaming others.
Comment: "Davis High School in the Salt Lake City area is having to fork over a whopping $15,000 in fines to the Feds because it "accidentally" sold soda through a vending machine during lunch."

(Well now; they could have turn off or lock up the vending machines at noon however, no one want to take the responsibility they were negligent in the first place for not doing so.)

It all just the same rhetoric: feeding biases of new media to a "poor me" news story and who again report on the kids are over-weigh and will die early...or, did you forget? THEY FORGOT...AND SO DOES THEIR PARENTS

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