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Sunday, June 10, 2012


Coleus forskohlii (CALMING HERB)
Each fat burner's work differently for you. Be sure to add only one at a time. Use the whole bottle to judge its effectiveness, everyone so different. This one is calming to me but I lost no weight? Brand, too cheap, too many fillers, I don't know, but it was calming which I needed. It it worth the money? This was introduced on the Dr. Oz TV show, however, remember his staff has to always come up with new herbal weight introductions to keep him on the air, most of the time they've simply not worked for me anyways. But ,I do my research more than his staff for sure and I pass on what I've found in my opinion.

This "power" herb has an active ingredient in it called forskolin. It has been used in ayruvedic medicine for many years. Forskolin's basic mechanism of action is that it increases the amount of cyclic AMP (adenosine monophosphate) in cells by activating an enzyme called adenylate cyclase. Cyclic AMP (cAMP) is one of the most important secondary messengers in the cell. It is considered to be one of the most important cell regulating compounds.
Under normal circumstances, cAMP forms by adenylate cyclase activation due to hormonal stimulation at the cell receptor site. However, forskolin seems to bypass this reaction and allows for an increase in intracellular cAMP to occur. Why is it important to increase cAMP levels?

Well, there are several benefits of this to athletes including relaxation of the arteries and smooth muscles, lowering blood pressure, enhanced insulin secretion (which can help drive carbohydrates and protein into muscle cells for energy and recovery), increased thyroid hormone function (which can help enhance metabolic rate), and significantly increase lipolysis (fat burning). Forskolin also seems to benefit other cellular enzymes as well.

The breakdown of fat for fuel (lipolysis) is actually regulated by cAMP. Forskolin has been shown to not only enhance lipolysis but it may also inhibit fat storage from occurring. This is very good news for individuals trying to lose body fat and get lean. Another way that forskolin may allow for fat loss to occur is by stimulating thyroid hormone production and release. Thyroid hormone controls metabolism and can enhance metabolic rate, which may translate into more fat loss.

One of the overlooked benefits of forskolin includes its stimulation of digestive enzymes, which can allow individuals to digest and assimilate their food better. It has been shown to increase nutrient absorption in the small intestine.

Forskolin has been shown to be safe and effective and has a great amount of potential as a sports supplement?  (As with most dietary supplements, more human research is needed but the future looks bright for this compound.
Organic heals so much better and faster but not GMO plants, including;  chemically treated, grown in polluted soil or altered in anyway.

 I just took one of my norm herbs that I've purchased before from the same company and it didn't work. The last batch did. Why?  I ordered from Swanson's a cheap herbal vitamin co. However, that alone doesn't guarantee that HFStores expensive brands will be any better product. The "fillers" in these products delude the main ingredient and will interfere with its effectiveness.)

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