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Monday, November 18, 2019

How to get rid of yeast naturally

The getting rid of Candida Overgrowth.
Stop the beer drinking in men yeast settles in the testacies.
Another; Diabetic's in comes through your insulin's that have a yeast (timer in it) known as an extender/carrier. Some insulin's and other medications cause more yeast infections. And, you will have to continually work on this problems.
Here are some suggestions some ideas I've picked up on the net for myself. ( note that your sexual partner can pass this on, You both should be treated at the same time.

 My best remedy for yeast that I use all the time is just baking some baking soda in your water +can add it some lemon or apple cider vinegar. Why you ask?
You’ll need to turn your body back to alkaline —yeast is acid.
Keep infections down No milk/dairy except probiotic is Getting rid of this naturallywhat you’re aiming for here for a s season at least stay away from acid producing foods+ beverages-meats turm in the body to aacid.  So time your intake for meats some dairy also

Well, it turns out a caesarean birth deprives you of all the lovely bacteria your mother's body has prepared for you, which you're supposed to be exposed to on your way out. This sets you up for poor gut bacteria, and as a result a poor immune system

From there, the snowball keeps rolling. A poor immune system from the start, with a normal North American diet that doesn't has too much processed foods carbs and too much sugar  which yeast feed on .

We are prescribed antibiotics for every thing, that would include antibiotics in all dairy and animal product pass on to you. Which might save your life for now but they sure beat down the immune system even more in the long run...

Contributing factors to Candida overgrowth

Add to that 10 years of taking the pill from my late teens to late 20s, because I never knew any better and of course everyone takes the pill! Doctors literally shell them out like candy. Acne? ill. (here's how the pill contributes to Candida overgrowth)
Turns out these are some of the classic causes for and symptoms of Candida albicans overgrowth. Who knew!
Candida albicans remedies
From that point I started a very long, stressful and expensive process of researching, buying and cycling through various candida remedies and protocols. Here are some that I tried:
  • bentonite clay with calendula
  • diatomaceous earth
  • ashwagandha
  • pau d'arco
  • turmeric, cayenne and ginger capsules (DIY)
  • garlic
  • eating only coconut oil 
  • not eating basically any carbs except green vegetables (no fruit no starch)
  • oregano oil (health food store brand)
  • clove oil (health food store brand)
  • tea tree oil (health food store brand)
  • caprylic acid
  • goldenseal root
  • drinking nasty herbal tinctures and taking heaps of capsules in a kit called Candigone (completed 2 kits, didn't work)
  • Difluconazole from the doctor (has to be continued)
  • pharmacy yeast infection kits many times EAT NO SUGAR, CHOKE OUT THE CANDIDA, KILL IT WITH ANTI-FUNGALS.
The problem with the typical approach to Candida
Thankfully I found this blog post from Lauren at Empowered Sustenance first.
She pokes holes in the typical Candida Diet approach, pointing out that it doesn't affect the root causes of the Candida overgrowth, which are essentially:
  • leaky gut
  • poor digestion
  • and therefore a compromised immune system and systemic inflammation
Lauren also points out that
A Candida Diet impairs metabolism and hormone function. A sugar free diet will elevate stress hormones, which exhausts the adrenals, reduces thyroid hormones, and taxes the body. (Insulin's too)
This includes developing an armoured shell called chitinbuilding a bio-filmburrowing deeper and deeper into tissues, or casting out long filaments in search of the fuel it needs to survive.
It's important to keep in mind that Candida is supposed to exist in a certain amount in a healthy human, and completely choking it out is (clearly a losing battle and) actually not healthy.
Healthy candida levels are vital for proper nutrient absorption and to protect the intestinal tract from other infections. (source)
It's just a matter of keeping things in a nice healthy balance. And this is where the mind-shift happened.

Thrive Primal - finally beat candida

want to pin this_Thrive Primal-01

A new approach to cure Candida overgrowth naturally

Thanks to Lauren's article, I decided to shift away from the KILL CHOKE KILL approach, and toward a self-love, health-supporting mode of overcoming Candida overgrowth. The theory here is to support the immune system, metabolism and digestion so that the body can naturally re-balance the microbiome.
Here are some suggestions:
  • support digestion by drinking lemon juice and/or raw apple cider vinegar a few times a day (juice of 1/2 a fresh lemon, or 1 tsp ACV in a glass of water)
  • support metabolism with generous doses of pink salt on my food (always be sure to have some in the morning to support the adrenals), plenty of healthy traditional fats (such as grass-fed buttercoconut oilred palm oil, avocados, oily fish, etc) and moderate amounts of sugars like raw honey, dark chocolate, fruits and starchy veg (max 3 small servings/day)
  • support the immune system by eating probiotic foods like raw kefirhomemade sauerkrauthomemade kombucha, and using immune-boosting therapeutic-grade essential oils topically, aromatically and internally. I especially used the supportive blend OnGuard a lot at first, and the GX Assist capsules from do TERRA. They are a clean blend of immune-supporting and anti-fungal essential oils, plus caprylic acid. I also use immune-supporting anti-inflammatory oils like frankincenseoreganorosemarylemon etc on my feet at night. Here is where I get essential oils good enough (and safe!) to be used medicinally this way.
  • consuming fresh garlic, turmeric, cayenne, ginger in cooking whenever I can (yum!)
  • I've also found that making capsules of powdered turmeric, ginger and cayenne (TCG) helps (take 1-3 capsules of each, 1-3 times a day) I recommend using your own organic spices rather than buying extract supplements, because you never know what's actually in those or how good-quality they are.
  • supporting immunity and healing in general by applying a transdermal magnesium oil supplement quite religiously (1/2 tsp to 1 tsp a day), making/cooking with/drinking bone broth as often as possible, and being sure to sleep enough

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