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Saturday, December 27, 2008


Remember parasites herbals and liver herbs work together. The Bitter herbs are the best for anti fungals but they most are and  need the "liver" herbals to carry them out of the system though the blood and kidneys so not to over-tax the system with back-up slug-toxins that make you feel awful until they are mostly out. Most of these bitters and most seeds will kill some form of parasite. If you don't know the type of parasite you'll have vary the herbals.
If your prone to parasite (All diseases has it's parasite) or, in other words, your sick, you should never eat a runny egg, blood in any meat and, don't eat pork, that takes 9 hours to digest and is prone to be infected these days with parasites. Note: after the holidays the flues come...why is that? Ham for the holidays.
 The other is any raw fish. A egg not thoroughly cooked will add parasites as well as any redness near the chicken bone i.e. (Avoid at this at all costs, its too unhealthy,  costly and hard to be rid of them because they multiply and lay eggs to hatch out later after every treatment.)
 To be more blunt don't fed on the animals, especially the children. Read more about being a vegetarian and they too are not free of parasites. Even the cows, horse etc. eat  grass, if you can find any that do these days, have parasites. Some are fed animal product too and they you go...mad cow, pig, bird flu and it goes on and on.
 So of course we inherent them from the infected meat and dairy we eat. Pork is cured not really cook at a high enough temperature that would kill off their parasites. Horse meat is the worst, and other such delicacies, such as shell fish. Don't eat the bottom line!
The History Channel has a great show on the subject, but leave it up to the so call professional to give out their intelligent poisons to patients to get rid of them for big profits. Visiting foreign countries and dirty water, and insects can be carriers in any country.

It's not just meat that carry fungals do be extra clean when eating or storing left over foods.
Don't forget...all diseases or illness and has a "parasite.".. That needs to be dealt with first before any cu re's come...


All seeds if not good- GMO's food will not kill parasites.
A  grain, legumes or coconut is a seed too. So are some other fruits and vegetables as we eat the flower or seed of the plant its a good medicine if the properties in their processes to make it genetically modified is not destroyed.
The more organically grown the better to kill the plant predators and thus in turn ours. LIFE CYCLE IS NATURAL IN NATURE. IF NOT INTERFERED WITH AND DESTROYED.
 (And the seeds for medicine and it flowers, root, leaves i.e. is in the scriptures or if you prefer history.) Man comes along and destroys Gods designs. for our cures then come pledges. Remember we do it not him. The Lord only reminds us of the future when we will do it to ourselves.
Children will do well with papaya seeds mixed with some honey. Pumpkin seeds are good for men's prostrates and blk walnut hull is a seeds for lupus. Wormwood clears out the deb re of parasites in the body which worm and such hate the clove  or other tincture. Cloves is a seed if not GMO are good germ killers i.e. I have written since 2002 on parasites and seem to be the only author that knows the value of the message. Most cannot read the iris or read them incorrectly. I see the lines (spokes) fad in the iris when the parasites (spokes) widen, and gradually disappear. Spokes are a chronic condition of infestation referring to parasites, accompanied by the disease it carrying and feeding on. It take in this spoke, ditches about three months to get rid of all of them. But, if you eat the same foods, or don't get all the parasites, and generally we don't, they will hatch out again eventually. Fasting

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