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Thursday, October 16, 2008


Vegetarian Mincemeat (Green Tomatoes) ~Canning Post11:09 AM, 21-Jun-2008 ..
Green Tomato Mincemeat pie is so light and grandeur full of flavor with no fat. (soot) First when I first tried this recipe, it was because I had so many green tomatoes in my garden and hated to waste them at the end of the season. This recipe even it fooled me. It is an excellent recipe for a save to do again, but you won't need to because it makes up enough half pint jars for about five years. I wish someone in the family would adopt this recipe and save me a lot of time. However, one batch for a large family will last for years. Do not give it away for Christmas and holidays because your friends are never grateful enough.
Your kitchen will smell heavenly. This is one of my best recipes, and a must to pass on to all vegans or vegetarians. I love this recipe so much that I don't like to share the canned pint jars of mincemeat, as give away for the holidays. Use only for presents to special friends who like mincemeat pies and its cookies.

This recipe is one you will need to stand over. You will not want to burn or scorch it it's too expensive and nutritious. One of the reasons this recipe is so great, no soot that makes it so light of a mincemeat recipe. The green tomatoes you can't tell if they are another fruit. I would love to pay extra money to purchase this green tomato recipe in the health food store. Some one should bottle this and make it up for them as a small business. The advantage of this recipe is it actually taste better than any store bought recipes in grocery stores.
Green Tomato Mincemeat
Ø 6 lbs or 24 small green tomatoes
10-12 tart apples

Ø 1 lb. seedless raisins

Ø 4 cups brown sugar (or honey, use half as much...taste)

Ø 1/2 cup vinegar

Ø 1 tsp. salt

Ø 2 tsp. powdered cinnamon

Ø 1 tsp. ground nutmeg

Ø 1 tsp. powdered cloves,

Ø 1/2 tsp. powdered ginger

Ø 1 orange

1 lemon

Directions: Core tomatoes and apples, (don't peel) and cut through coarse blade of food chopper. (Or cut very small pieces). Combine raisins, sugar and spices with vinegar in a large open kettle and add apples with raisins. Cook over low heat about 2 hours (here's the hard part) stirring constantly, or it will scorch. Quarter lemon and orange, leaving peels on, remove seeds, run through fine blade of chopper, and add to mincemeat stirring well. To freeze, cool well and place in pint containers.

To can, fill pint jars to within 1/2" of top and process 30 minutes in boiling water bath. Makes 10 pints. (1 pint makes a pie) Green Tomato Marmalade:

The spice and even the orange is known for it's anti micro toxins abilities so let's use it more in getting rid of fungi's.

GREEN TOMATO Marmalade:'' Twenty-Four medium green tomatoes 4 oranges 3 1/2 sugar will make a new and delicious marmalade. You can use Sure Jell, Certo or M.C.P. and follow the directions for marmalade by substituting the green tomato for the grapefruit.'' (I add only enough sugar to make it a nice sweet, remember to began to cut back on sugars, each time using the recipe till you get just the right combination for your family.) Note: Be sure the all the fruit and vegetables are organically grown in a local garden if possible.

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