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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Alternative Beverage to Pop_Cleanses Blood

Alternative Beverage to the Pepsi Generation to more natural cures to health.
A fresh lemon aide and drink it every morning. It cleans out over night toxins, provides normal PH to the body, and imparts lots of energy. If theirs too many toxins you'll feel down and badly. This is much better than coffee in the mornings.
It’s great on any weight loss program. Especially rather than diet, soda that creates weight gains. So does corn syrup (7 processes to make corn syrup more sweet so less costly for marketeers and goes by many other names even glucose.) High Fructose is just too much sugar for diabetic i.e.
Not only does it make the body alkaline even though a lemon seems to be acid forming, which can be very deceiving. Meat on the other hand is alkaline but turn acid in the body. (There are other such fruits.
I’m going back to the more nature sugars if I have to buy from stores. Winder Dairy has a good product of lemon-aide not from a mix that taste awful and or concentrates…ugh! It’s fresh.
At first, it was too, sweet and too expensive so to solve the problem of both I get another ½-gallon jug and pour ½ out into it. Then top each jug with distilled water. This seems just right sweetness and effect. Its cost effective because it doesn’t take very much lemons to make lemon aide. Limes will work too and both are great to macerates meats as well as vinegar that rid it of parasites. (Good to clear out liver and that will clear toxin's of the live to ward off and clean out disease.)
Lemon pies, zest of lemon (oil), hot cup of lemon for colds (ascorbic acid), and its curative, and preservative powers with its flavor makes this fruit very popular.
*Good News: Smaller Dairy's are moving toward Organic to keep afloat.
"Red" Bush Teas know as Rooibos (Africa) are great rich teas with no caffeine. They are the best on the market today.

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