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Wednesday, November 16, 2011


RE: After using the semi fast, around three months of mild foods you may experience a Healing Crisis a part of the process of cleanse of your body. (See post) This can be brought about by obedience to the rules of nature with cleansing the body through eating differently on organically grown plants or grain. Remember a disease crisis comes only to those with a buildup of toxins as a result of disobedience to natures laws. This is important to pay attention and learn. When we have the flu it's a forced elimination. This will act the same. The only way the body will heal itself through the following:
1. Fasting 2. Semi-fasting (are mild foods) 3. Forced Elimination, as with illnesses.
A. This happens only as the body is naturally cleansed through fasting and/or in a semi-fasting using correct body building foods.
B. This happens only when the body has enough vitality to stand the shock.
C. This happens when a person feels the best.
D. This usually happens about three months of correct eating to bring about a healing crisis.
E. This only lasts two or three days at the most. No need to take an enema or help in any way, except to stop eating.
F. Sometimes, by correct eating, semi-fasting, etc., the body picks off the waste a little at a time, and no crisis is necessary, and depend on the person..
Notice the difference between the healing and disease crisis.................................................................................

1. Happens when the body is too full of mucus and clogged to its limit.
2. Happens when enough germs, parasites, funguses i.e. have multiplied and needs to be eliminated.
3. Happens when body strength and vitality are lowest.
4. Happens to save the life. If clogging continues at the rate it is going, the person would die because of injury to body organs. (Poisons are pumping in the blood through-out the heart, and vital organs as in cancer, etc.)
5. Lasts several weeks or more
6. Happens, sometimes when the body becomes extremely cold, causing the body to squeeze like a sponge thus starting elimination.

*Fruit, Loosens, sustains the body and cleanses. Vegetables, Slow down process of elimination somewhat. They sustain the body and cleanses. Protein's on mild food diet, halts any process of elimination. (Meat) Even a little protein with live foods,(herbs vegetables) may not move out toxic wastes which causes obstructions and builds up to chronic disease. It the biggest reason people can't lose weight and keep it off.
*No Vitamin therapy because there’s no such thing as a vitamin within that shown within the body's compositions chemistry, it's a blind study at the most. To understand this statement further study is needed.
*Example: Go to the Internet and type in Keyword: hair analysis there are many companies who do this work or go to your physician for blood work. The test will let you know where you are high in a mineral and your body needs when it comes a mineral. Then use the best plant source high in that specific mineral to balance out the rest. This will aid you immensely toward getting well. If you’re anemic in iron or depleted in minerals you can't lose weight nor get well. Your body is starving for basic nutrition. Careful your source of mineral may hinder you if you choose rock, egg shells, oyster etc. select the plants sources. You need a good balance of minerals. Your body must not be in a starving mode by missing minerals to be healthy.
You will find the rewards will be less hungry and your mind will become sharp. See: 1 Daniel; King Nebuchadnezzar musicians didn't pass the test, but Daniel and his family tested out 10 times more knowledge in learning and wisdom at the end of three years. (No meat, wine etc.)
*Use nature's natural, mercury, lead, nickel, manganese, copper, cobalt, cadmium, iron, zinc, chromium, potassium, sodium, lithium, calcium, phosphorus i.e. balanced CHELATED minerals from organically grown plants. (All Corpses lack minerals.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Go toward the Mild Food Diet post and stay on this diet to heal. Adding more Mild Foods as you get better. Go back and forth, but know the difference between diets and why ... for herein lies the wisdom.
+Book: Energy Fast by Pamela Serure

*The reason the "The Jerusalem Diet" works for dieters is because people eat just fruits and vegetables on the days you gain weight. It’s a semi fast. Those days your body has a chance to clean! Susan Summers diet worked for the same reasoning, meats and carbs were eaten at least a meal apart.
But the mild food diet is a diet that you are in charge of not a book combining all it for you.
Not enough can be said on organically grown whole grains...they should be the staff of life. (However man has ruined the DNA of most of our grain and foods. Be generous with the right grains, no GMO foods.
Mild Foods, Fasting; (D.C. Words of Wisdom, bible all connects, do read futher on this post subject.)
'WHEN A STUDENT IS READY A TEACHER WILL APPEAR'....Thanks for all your comments!Please, feel free to add your own feelings in comments. 2002-11 IBSN-0100368574©-copyright 2006 by P T Sherman..

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