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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Eating Meat is notThe best diabetic food

Is not diabetic food.
I’ve gotten along with this and I’ve tried it and I’ve heard it because I’ve been a diabetic for quite a number of years I started out as hypoglycemia and now I’m hyper. Some of them don’t know the difference between the two the two people that I used to follow on these following posts I no longer support. You’re in a hobbyhorse one has a wife who obviously is not a diabetic and he is high pole glycemia not hyper. In the other butter Bob doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Too much meat In his diet for me I’m going another direction back towards vegetarianism but let me use one of their own words their own statements that catch them up in that I caught.
Let’s try and experiment like he gave us in this video I am providing he says he tried spaghetti O‘s and it brought his blood sugars too low. Isn’t that what we want?
His wife on the show clearly shows she’s not a diabetic at all. I like his recipes so I will continue to post the ones I like and see what he has to say.
But no more of this all meat diet that he has and butter Bob.
Let’s do the experiment in the video where diabetics I presume you are or you would be reading this and let’s get some SpaghettiOs and just vegetables that day and see if our blood sugar doesn’t go down.
I was doing periodically vegetarian days and then I switched to a pro team because that’s what they said I needed to do and I all I think we all need to not have all meet days anyway it clogs up the system everything in the body needs to turn to glucose and we need sugar and oil for the brain. I have this published in tough times today that you can read.
I’m taking my blood sugar before I get the can of SpaghettiOs then three hours after taking it again and seeing if my blood sugar didn’t go down. Will you do the experiment to and report back.
Listen to what he says he went into hypoglycemic.
Judge for yourself try it here’s the video.
To catch you up-to-date him and his wife are pastors in Africa and he does this on the side. Very nice and talented man. I’m attacking the principal remember I am not attacking him at all I really like him.

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