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Monday, August 30, 2010

Natural STERIODS (cortisone's) Licorice Root

Need Natural Steroids_Cortisone? Here are a few, but their are many more herbs that have the same characteristics of natural steroids(cortisone's.) As you relies post have limited space to cover any subject thoroughly.

Another bad Asthma Attack. I just got back from a long costly stay at the hospital. Usually going every year about the sane time. I stop breathing with out of control coughing this time. I am a diabetic so and can't take their steroids without it doubling by weight and blood sugars doubles. My insulin is not controllable when taking the asthma medications including what antibiotic had done to a ruin system. It was in this year when I remembered an herb taken for taking for weight problems in the herb closet. However, the doctor warned me to get off it and his lecture on the cons.
Out of desperation of the situation, the though came to me to use it. I knew I had some in the house somewhere. They put me on oxygen and I was very weak and it was hard to move and locate but some left in a bottle of Ma Huang (350 mg ) so I began taking it again.
It began to work immediately to my surprise. The herb was Ephedra or Ma Huang by Solaray. Solaray is a UT base company and Utahan's scare easily by the government cry's of wolf to for their advantage. Companies won't make it anymore but I did found some on the Internet. (Not as strong...made from the stems, but it will do, and you can grow your own!)
Read direction on the bottle:
Read warning also, this herb is to be use with much skill and in emergency's with asthma. Also Licorice Root 450 mg for the coughs and is one replacement of the steroid effects (it's a source of corticosteroids). It will help with stress (great for the adrenals) and with incontinence problems too. This herb will effect potassium levels, so be careful not to be on it long term, and, interfere with some most especially in cholesterol or asthma drugs. However, remember drug (all drug steroid's) deplete minerals of the body.)One of the greatest flue herbals. You'll find it in most natural cough etc formulas involving lungs.

History: "It is interesting to note that the ancient Greek and Roman armies gave their soldiers licorice, and they carried it on their persons as our boys have carried penicillin. It was given to allay thirst, but it may have done another thing of which the were not aware. It could have been the reason they were able to stand the terrible stress of war from childhood until maturity and still be the strongest, healthiest, continual armies the world has known. Certainly we in our day live under stress, but was is not a way of life with us usually as with the Romans. Our stress is certainly comparable, however, and I do not feel is going to get any better. People my come to learn that a little licorice when under stress is superior to a sedative or a pain killer for the resultant headache that sometimes follows heavy stress." It's great for adrenal exhaustion.

The other herbs I'm aware of that act like cortisone are Licorice root, Yucca Wild Yam, Licorice Root being the better. Licorice ACTS like a steroid, Cortisone is a steroid sugar. Licorice Rt. does not, however, bring the high insulin reaction that the sugar does. Some tea formulas use it as a sugar. (Wild Yam and Yucca have some steroid properties for those who cannot handle licorice root.) There are many other such herbs on the earth. Remember all chemical are glorified, purified (shite), meaning drugs are deluded to minute servings, and are chemicals which the body can tolerate in lower levels. They do not leave all body's at the same rate, some are weaker in nature. These drugs will accumulate in our weakest spots in the body. Some are impossible to remove such as used cancer therapies that destroy the immune system and leach out the mineral of the body. Some herbal tea formulas use Lic. Rt. as a sweetener.Although it seems counter-intuitive, researchers at UCLA have been looking into licorice root extract to see if it may inhibit the growth of the bacteria that leads to tooth decay.

Licorice root is among those medicinal herbs that aren't true herbs (technically, herbs refer to dried leaves and/or grasses). The plant itself is actually a legume, related to beans and peas, and like other legumes, produces pods containing the seeds of the plant which can be boiled and eaten like any other bean. It is native to the Mediterranean region of Europe (it is a primary flavoring in the popular Greek liqueur known as ouzo) as well as parts of Asia. In the U.S., it is the predominant flavor of that unique American beverage, root beer.

You can't get chemicals or drugs out of our water supply so what make us think the body would be different? Carbon copied of natures drugs effect the tissues and ruin health. A organically grown, in the raw state will dissipate in the water supply, but chemical (drug) pill hormones do not, neither will Prozac. We all get drugs indirectly in meat shot with them and in the water suppers. Use earth's natural sources plants in the organic pure form when possible.
Other Herbs dealing with asthma:
Golden seal acts somewhat like an antibiotic and insulin. It somehow assist the body in the use of sugar by killing it's parasites. (It also take drugs out of the body) (Never take at the same time as your insulin, timing with this herb is everything.)
La Dean Griffin suggest in all chronic problem to take an enema here too. I just take a laxative, making sure you are not clogged up and the mucus can't have a clear passage out of your system. Stop eating until breathing is normal and approx. 1000-2000 mg of Vitamin C every hour.
In drastic case: empty stomach using up to 1 tsp. of Lobelia tincture in water. (This will remove any poisons from the system) Always have Lobelia on hand, even to use with other herbs as a, “carrier,” catalyst of those herbs to the correct location needed. Use the mild food diet to keep it at bay. Use Ginger or pepper family such as, Cayenne acts like an catalyst, it will carry Lobelia quickly though out the body. Lobelia is always "the general" and lets the other herbs know the blockage and weak areas.
Ginger root will act in the same way. Remember without mucus (inflammation)in the lungs their would be no asthma attack. The cough is trying to eliminate the mucus.*Be sure to read the entry blog on "mild foods". (No meats, it stops any process of elimination in any disease.) Stop eating during an attack.
*Christopher's Herbs has a "Lung and Bronchial" was a good formula to heal the lung area. It has Marshmallow Root, Mullein Leaf, (lung herb and so is Comfrey root), Lungwort, Chickweed, Lobelia and Pleurisy Root. Comfrey Rt. was taken out of the formula. However, you can buy it separately and add it in yourself.
Ephedra, from the whole organic herb Ma Huang may have some side effects like short term memory loss or foggy mind, but will return as soon as you stop the dosage. It's because it dump the liver of toxins. Too many are incorrect that the herb causes liver problems. (Just slow it down) Use this herb only long enough to get control to use other herbs possible.

The Food and Drug (FDA) will still allow Advandia to still be sold, as it continually causes heart attacks, deaths and not yet remove or weeded herbs out off the markets. such as Comfrey Root because of one person's death which may not have been the cause. This is because it can cure lung diseases. All because of the control of the Drug Company's profits which they and the government is affiliated with its stock profits. This drug market is now America's new mafia marketeers to which the Congress and White House is in their profits.
In the US the AMA control the use of this great herb Ma Huang. It is to be used with skill and not for our weight problems. Theirs is only one way to keep weight off, using organically grown whole foods that will allowing cleansing while building the body back up from it's starved conditions called in my writings, "Mild Foods."
Ephedra is controlled by the big drug manufacture who would lose a lot of money if people got control of asthma, and the asthmatics used this herb. Ephedra makes natural serotonin. Oh, don't forget the drug company's put this herb in their products! Why?
*Licorice root retains water, do no use if you have kidney failure or high blood pressure. It work great for inconstancy problems.
*Ephedra can cause adrenal exhaustion if abused. You'll wake up tired that's your warning signal to cut out, or you’ll feel jittery, high, or your heart beats to fast i.e.. These are signs you've overdosed...cut back and take smaller doses. Consider age, weight and height with the dosage . Do not take if you are on mental medications. Read labels carefully. I only need about 6 pills in three days and that was enough! (about 350 mg) Other aids are;
*Chanca Peidra (Phyllanthus Amarus) may help or Compfrey, Mullein, Pleurisy Root…but take longer time to work, so be faithful as you would a drug. This will help with the right dosage right away.
I believe the drug companies know that this herb (Comfrey root, Ma Huang i.e.) could wipe out Asthma and their big money for them, doctors, hospital and all the other health agencies which are their drones. Corporations know what they’re doing! They are sneakingly using these same herbs in their exclusive drugs and other products, trying to control the uses of the best herbs. The back-door approach of controlling herbs and vitamins.
The doctors are too busy to learn about herbs and the medical professions are taught by the drug company's. More doctors are on TV and writing books but still are preaching incorrect messages about herbs. More need herbal degrees, but its a start.
Their are many other such powerful herbs that will do the same as mentioned but space does not permit in one writing.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Natural Disinfectant spray

History: Did you know that raw vinegars was the result of an ancient accident?
Long ago, someone stored a keg of wine too long (presumably a poorly sealed one that allowed oxygen in). When the eager drinkers opened it, they found a sour liquid instead of wine. The name “vinegar” comes from the French words for “sour wine.”
''To help remove potentially harmful residues, mix a solution of 10 percent vinegar to 90 percent water (for example, mix one cup of white vinegar in nine cups of water). Then, place fruit vegetable (produce) in the vinegar solution, let it soak briefly, and then swish it around. Finally, rinse the produce thoroughly." This appears to remove certain pesticides says published research, and getting rid of harmful toxins and bacteria on top..New studies shows it never get rid of it all and now suggest peeling the apples i.e. if not organically grown. However, this is just as good as the store brand of cleaning them. Yes. add other oils if desired.

3 Cups hot water
2 tbs Borax
4 tbs white vinegar (you can use lemon, orange, great fuit seed, oil etc. for scent)
 They are also a disinfectant..........................................
Apple Cider vinegar in a cup or open container will kill germ in a room better that chemical aerosol spray filled with perfumes. No this does not have a vinegar smell. Great to use in the elderly rooms (gets out urine smells)
 Check out the bad vinegars:

Note: Bug remover: Rubbing alcohol is a disinfectant, shines chrome etc. and great in water as a window cleaner with 1 tbs dish soap and alcohol in a spray bottle. Take on that long trip to keep windows clean.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


BARLEY WATER IS SAID TO BE; The Drink of the Gods
BACK TO SIMPLE CHEAP BASICS FOR IMPROVING HEALTH: This is an old recipe from ancient times (a bit modernize with its sugar.) A ninety-year-old man who had never had the flue or been sick in his life gave this recipe to me. He called his drink "Food for the Gods". Check: Google images: "barley water" for more recipes
Barley Water
Boil 3/4 cup organically grown barley (not from GMO plant) in 1 quart of water 7-10 minutes, seep and strain.
Save barley for other cooking (like in oatmeal, or soups)
3/4 cup of barley water (about)
1 Tb. apple cider vinegar
1 Tb. molasses (iron)
1 Tb. raw honey Or, agave nectar).
Stir and drink warm every day.
Note: leave out the sweeteners if a diabetic and add Stevia an herb.
*You can use the barley, formed like oatmeal, or cracked and soaked over night, or whole. Buy it from the health food store. (The GMO barley's been alternated and have no anti fungal values) If grains can't kill parasites in our body they are not good for nothing. All strong plants have properties coded in them to kill their parasite or their natural enemy's, that would normally afflict and destroy the plant. Weaker plants are weeded out and die, as they should in nature. Healthy plants in turn pass their anti fungal properties on to us as we digest the plants killing our fungi's too.
*Use raw UN filtered vinegar
Scripture:…”And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly…” Don’t drink hot, because too hot and too cold foods or drinks kills natural flora in the stomach and bowels. You’ll need to replenish that flora living continually on yogurts and other fermented type foods. Keeping a balance in the bowels in making up for what’s been lost. What happens to yogurt when you freeze or heat it? The natural pro biotic is then lost. So it is when you cook cheeses and sauerkraut.
Here's scriptures that may help with the understanding of grains regarding this drink.
Scripture quote:…”All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine; that which yielded fruit, whether in the ground or above the ground...”
"Nevertheless, wheat for man, and corn for the ox, and oats for the horse, and rye for the fowls and swine, and for all beasts of the field, and Barley for all useful animals, and for mild drinks, as also other grains... the scriptures continue...quote
..."And all who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones..."
...And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures"...
...And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint..."
...And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen." Unquote
You can roast whole barley till dark brown, cool; grind it in a coffee grinder the consistency desired for a substitute coffee. Many health food stores sell sub. coffee's with barley in it. It's actually a nice drink. Add real no hormone cream and sweetener. I like this site because it give the medical reason for using barley.
This site is also on barley but also has ways to make drinks from vinegars:
See: U.S. Faulted for Scant Oversight on GMOs
"Seeds of Doubt" 7/3/04

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Kellogg's Cereal Company is recalling 28 million boxes of "sugar" breakfast cereal...should recall all of their products... This is a prime example of why it's no wonder why American Children are over-weight?) Parents should know better. However, many are still eating white bread product. This is worse because of the sugar content. .even this is better than these product.
Some in this report has reported nausea and vomiting. Non of their cereals are good FOR KIDS OR ADULTS!!!
All cold cereals are the most un nutritional breakfast going. Parent's go back to "hot" cereals. They can be made up the night before for "convenient sake" and warmed up the next day. (Fruit, eggs, pancakes etc are better for the children.) Many cereals contain high fructose.
Fructose causes Cancer cells to grow (the study was conducted by scientists at UCLA found the pancreatic cancer cells grew faster when fed fructose.) by Dr. Anthony Heaney associate professor of medicine and neurosurgery and the university's cancer center. This is another reason we have so much obesity, diabetes and fatty liver. (1 Aug. issue of the journal "Cancer Research"
This product is in cereals, breads, crackers and in everything we eat. Many are beginning to speak of banning the product as they have some fats. The blood sugar go higher so the children can't be filled up and hunger escalates, wanting to continually eat more resulting in obesity in children. It's better to carry a lunch. Better control of good eats. School push government discounted foods. It a business.
Another new study is that all chemicals make you fat ... read futher in the book; The New American Diet by Stephen
 (Note chemicals come in the form of refined...drugs too)

See my veggie recipe pages:
Perrine has a lot of educational view (Seventh Day Adventist Site. They have plenty of experience behind them. You can have the new one sent in you e-mail.)

WHAT'S A GOOD CEREAL: Try Ezekiel 4:9, a sprouted whole grain cold or hot cereal (Cinnamon Raisin) ... (It's crunchy like grape nuts cereal.) They're scripture or motto is; "Take also unto thee wheat and barley and beans and lentils and millet and spelt and put them in one vessel and make bread of it..."Ezekiel 4:9 (I'm also fond of their sprouted breads both have no fillers or flours in their products.) Good food is always costly, when manufactured. The costs are going down because many new product are coming on the market like this one. News on GMO foods
Kellogg's have a new fiber bar...full of fructose and sugar but 9 grams of blood sugars. It chicory is good fiber which will help with some the high in blood sugars so will protein and fat to slow down the spike. Just not a good formula yet...