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Sunday, April 28, 2013


The best counsel I've tried and works is to know about all about Golden Seal Root and why it will work here and grapefruit. ("A little bit of knowledge can kill you," is an old saying and it is so true in this business.)
First, why are you having leg-cramps? Example: I notice when I had to take a lot of insulin, or lost a lot of water, used diuretic pill that day, I would have very bad leg cramps at night.
Most drugs rob the body of essential minerals, or, in fact, the more you study and pay attention to the body's signals, you can notice, drugs will  render needed mineral's in the body ineffective. This can causes cramps in the muscles but, not just the legs, even the heart, hands and arms i.e.
 For this type of cramp take Golden Seal Root. Leave it by the bed side with a glass of water and take as needed. I take the largest dose and one.

If this doesn't work it may not be the root, or, for that matter, not Golden seal at all. The big HFS ans drug suppliments pirrannas's have move into supplements and trying to take this business out of HFS. If the herbs don't work then why this move? If doctors are in charge of herbs, they'll need better trainning by the drug company's which know nothing about NATURE OR NATURAl and may use synthetics purified white powders.

 The golden seal root will take that specific drug thats causing the cramp out of the body and render it powerless and if the cramp will stops you will know the cause that made it in the first place. You can again go back to sleep. In fact if this works. The point here is to be sure to tune into your body's signals so to trace the cause; Remember what you took about 3-4 hours before the cramps. And, if it works you know it's drug caused, then, You may need to cut back on it dosages

The other food source that eliminates the force of a drug is the fruit, grapefruit. That's why theirs a warning on drug labels when taking certain drugs to not take, drink or eat this fruit. HELLO-clue
 (We can use it when we need to take a drug that causes the camp. I keep grapefruits on hand and eat the seeds, (kills parasites), and a bit of the rind (oil), however only if its an organic source.

Restless Legs or "CRAWLY LEGS": If you have "restless legs" syndrome; much of this is parasites and feel different from cramps. I finely got rid of them for good...They are parasite, and, yes they may come back as the babies hatch out again.  (For this one, soak you legs/feet in warm vinegar water with a wash cloth dangling on the parts not into the water) or, for
crawley legs: electric heating pad on low acts like a fever. A fever kills parasites.
CALLUSES; First get a bucket of warm water, not to hot, with a cup full of Epsom salt. Allow salt to dissolve before placing your feet inside. Once the salt has dissolved, place your feet inside of the water, allow to soak for up to 30 minutes. 2 Remove feet from water after 3o minutes. Scrub gently with toothbrush to remove all loose, dry skin. This only takes a small amount of time. The skin should be very easy to remove. Rinse feet with water and pat dry with towel, need for summer!

(These three; Clorox, Epsom salt and vinegar will clear out parasites. Soak your legs and feet in Clorox (only brand) or, you could alternate with Epsom salt (Magnesium my be missing and is a mineral in body- it also now, comes in patches so not to cause diarrhea.) both use with warm water.

Follow up: rubbing the legs down with bitter parasite oils drops in a good lotion. (See my parasite posts.)

The aspirin cream or such made lotions will relieve the pain on leg and foot. You do this on the outside so it doesn't go through the liver. (Gout on big toe)

Post Notes: I've always had candied dry ginger root ; or, bItalicy Grandma's Old Fashion Ginger Snap Cookies, for the ginger; these maybe hard to find?) I find them at the dollar store. They only come in once a year, so I stock up. . Lots of sugar in them so don't over eat. Remember parasites love  sugar and it will keep toxins in to build up more.  No aspartame- causes pain nor, corn syrups if your prone to leg problems.

*Mustard for the same reason's, but most don't use them long enough to truly get rid of anything. (The secrets is the spices...Turmeric (pain)  in its product.)


This link has all the best info on Golden Seal Root. About Golden Seal Root
It's one of my basic herbals I use ever day.  Golden Seal Root It's one of natures BITTER HERBS, bitter is caution.
Many use this herb before testing for drugs... so, be careful when using other drugs and taking Golden Seal. This is great in balms
SEE: the following post for suggestions to where to buy it cheaply. SWANSON VITAMINS?
JESUS ASKED WHERE was THEIR Balm's to heal? herbal salves, was
Golden Seal Root is a natural antibiotics, that can take out toxins,
drugs and chemical. Good for itching dealing with insulin's
prob. it will weaken your medications, you may not do both?
This is a good Herb when you need something other than insulin for blood sugar problems. It has to be the root and of good quality. If you've given yourself for too much insulin or allergic reactions to them like I do. This may do the trick for you. You do have to learn to work with GS and notice what the plant is doing in your system. We are not all the same regarding health and conditions.
You can get it at Puritian Pride, but I've had problems with them sending me more and charging my credit cards for more than I planned for, so be careful. Their are pyronia's out there in this Natural healing world and seems to be getting worse.
Goldenseal is a folk medicine staple whose uses as an antibiotic and antiseptic was imparted to settlers from Native Americans. Goldenseal once grew wild in the shady forests of eastern from Minnesota and Vermont south into Georgia, but the population has declined in the wild due to over harvesting and loss of habitat. Today the only remaining stands of wild goldenseal are isolated in the northern and central Appalachians and the Ozark mountains. Insist on cultivated goldenseal only when purchasing this herb, or consider substituting Oregon grape root, a naturally abundant member of the barberry family that also contains an impressive amount of berberine.

Medicinal Uses: * Athletes Foot/Ringworm * Bronchitis * Colds * Cuts & Wounds * Diarrhea * Eczema * Eyes/Vision * Gastritis/ulcer * Immune * Parasites/worms * Psoriasis * Sore Throat Properties: * Antibacterial * Antifungal * AntiViral * Bitter * Cholagogue * Hepatic * Immunostimulant * Vermifuge
Parts Used: primarily the root, to a lesser extent leaves Constituents: hydrastine, berberine, berberastine, canadine, candaline, and hydrastinine, fatty acids, resin, polyphenolic acids, meconin, chlorogenic acid, phytosterins

Goldenseal is widely used in many herbal salves and ointments as a disinfectant. Goldenseal root contains berberine and hydrastine which have a broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiviral action. Duke The herb's primary value is as an infection fighter for upper respiratory congestion and sinus infections as well as a topical antibiotic in skin infections, cuts and wounds, sore throats, mouth ulcers, and eye infections.

Goldenseal is also a bitter herb that stimulates bile and can be used to improve digestive problems from peptic ulcers to colitis. It works well against diarrhea caused by intestinal bugs and can be used in formulas to treat intestinal parasites. Hoffman MATERIALS FROM MT. HERBS.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


A free remedy that sometimes work is  having a glass of water by your bed and sipping it when cramps come in the night. You for some reason you've lost too much or didn't drink enough. The elimination of too much water relates to the loss of mineral's thus invites in leg or arm cramps. It works so try it...its free.
*Dried  fruit beside the bedside may help...It worked for me.
If your using medications, examine them as many drugs take potassium from the body. Ask your self what drug you took before leg cramped.
Golden Seal Root will remove the residue or excess es of your drug. Also, all insulin uses needed potassium. Drugs and insulin's do leech out minerals and especially potassium. If you use insulin all the time then you'll need to used this mineral. (Check too for deviancy in Vitamin D3 levels,their is a blood test for Vitamin D levels.
(Phyllanthus niruri) will take the pain away within 10 to 20 min. If your subject to this kind of pain have on hand. They drug store variety of pain relief is inadequacy. I have a hard time with the pain pill ibuprofen (effects on lungs and bad for asthmatic), or Aleve which is hard on diabetic kidney's (retains salt) If this herb CP causes too much urine (don't take before bedtime.)
The next is a multiple vitamin/mineral, a not from drug stores, to replace the minerals loss. Many prescription's, sodas, and devitalized food (boxed-packaged) i.e. cause loss or lack of of potassium and will cause this problem. (Need fresh foods full of mineral/potassium)
You'll defeat your purpose if over-indulgence in a non-balance approach as in buying too much sugar or buying pops, alcohol, cigarettes etc and/or getting back on them. If this doesn't work for the worst of leg cramps use 1tbs of ACV in 4 oz. of water everyday...this works. No aspartame soda's, and too, this will cause pain!

One example in the news is Pickle Juice, and their are many reasons this may work, Turmeric is one of as well as,the vinegar.

Note: losing to much water rushes out minerals, that need to be replaced. (urination too much i.e.)
PICKLE JUICE For Leg Cramps (simple cheap remedy)
RE: 09/08/2008: Jackson writes, his combination "may be of help to sore throat sufferers as well as people having leg cramps." "I have always liked dill pickle juice and, as chance would have it, I was suffering from leg cramps when taking five gulps of juice. Lo and behold, my cramps went away."
 He makes his own dill pickles that use cayenne pepper in his recipe. And, currently working on a concoction that includes elderberries, garlic, honey, cayenne, and vinegar, as his base." quoted material
(The vinegar will capture the the parasites) Organic- ACV is best.
Do make your own and here's a recipe. The idea here is to avoid sodium "BENZOATE" in our pickle juice as it kills our DNA (an aging effect.) This chemical is also in soda pops. Did you have pop the day of leg cramp with aspartame? Aspartame can cause pain too. Check your med's are they robbing you of too many minerals, another culprit is any water pills. By the way potassium is a good natural diuretic too. These two can take you on circle if you haven't figured this out yet.
Post note;
Loosing too much water, urine, can cause leg cramps. Any drug or herb could do this having a diuretics effect also insulin's deplete the body of minerals (potassium i.e.). Watch what drugs you take before bed time. (electrolytes depletion's)
(Pumpkin Seed Oil will stop excess urination, bef. be.)
*Many swear by yellow mustard for pain and cramps.
Crawley legs: electric heating pad on low acts like a fever. A fever kills parasites.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Do we drink contamination's to ourselves?  This is by Masaru Emoto; his water experiments. Drink good water and never let pollutions, nuclear and/or drugs contaminate ruin our water supplies. Do we need to make international laws today? What can clean up Japan's nuclear water, fish and foods destroyed now the mass is moving toward other countries or the oil spills by everyone ruining our wild life i.e.?
We're all connected by land and use the same water supply and interdependent on each other to keep water clean for all life forms... I would have liked to see what Japan's Nuclear waters looks like today....lets hope Masaru Emoto up dates soon.
Maybe we could take a look at our own Nuclear plants. Do we need to go toward natural sources of energy?

Professor of bioengineering the University of Washington, Gerald Pollack , discussed his research on the power of water to help us understand secrets of nature and health. He and his colleagues at the Univ. of Washington laboratory have discovered that water is not always H2O. When interacting with many surfaces, water transforms itself into what is called Exclusion Zone (EZ) Water, also known as Structured Water or Fourth Phase Water. The energy that builds EZ water is light, so if you drink water that's been exposed to light it probably has more energy, he explained, adding that he considers distilled water to be "dead water" with no energy.
*Alkaline water: just add a packet, = a wedge, of "True Lemon" or lime. (Simple) I use reverse osmosis water.
Interestingly, he suggested that water can have a kind of memory, an "ordered phase" that stores information. This has been demonstrated in the experiments of Dr. Masuru Emoto and others, he noted. Pollack believes that Fourth Phase or specialized types of water hold out great promise to remove pathologies, and there has been some evidence to indicate this, such as in the studies of Dr. Batmanghelidj. There is also a fair amount of anecdotal evidence-- the Hunza culture, for instance, is known for their longevity, and they drink fresh glacial melt water. But more and wider testing needs to be done, before specific recommendations can be made on water products, he said. "Certain types of water can be the wonder drug of the future-- [with] no side effects," he added.
THE REST OF THE STORY ON WATER: The Bush family purchased a large underground water source in South America, because water is now more profitable as commodity, than oil. They've polluted their own water and sea life, maybe we can use this money on what we owe China instead of the Bush's collecting all the owed debt?
Jesse questioned Congress, which of course, led absolutely nowhere. I don't even know why we bother with these people. The only way to stop this, is simply stop buying bottles and cans filled with anything drinkable. Once a human right, it’s now a valuable commodity, and corporations and super-rich oil dynasties are believed to be buying up water rights, controlling nations and populations. Jesse looks into the possibility of these activities finding their way to American shores and uncovers what may be a plot to literally steal the Great Lakes. Don't buy from Nestle co. Boycott Pickenss, Nestlé and Wyeth Maps:
Political contributions are; Joe M. Weller, then Chair &; CEO of Nestlé USA, was a Bush Pioneer having raised at least $100,000 for Bush in the 2004 presidential election. [31] Nestlé USA gave $15,900 to federal candidates in the 2008 election cycle through its political action committees – 56% to Democrats, 44% to Republicans.[32],

Call Blue Gold,
Joe M. Weller, then Chair; CEO of Nestlé USA, was a Bush Pioneer having raised at least $100,000 for Bush in the 2004 presidential election. [31]

Nestlé USA gave $15,900 to federal candidates in the 2008 election cycle through its political action committees – 56% to Democrats, 44% to Republicans.[32],


We are sadden to inform you that Raintree Nutrition is going out of business.  
As many of you are aware, we have been prohibited by the FDA of importing our 
bulk plant materials in from the Amazon to manufacture our products over the 
last year.  Between the additional high costs in meeting new GMP standards, the 
falling US dollar affecting our import prices, and battling the FDA over our 
website while still  providing our customers with important factual information 
about our products, we simply cannot go on any longer. 

Hopefully by early next year, the Tropical Plant Database will be moved back 
onto the Raintree website and I will maintain the website for the wealth of 
information it has always provided for the last 16 years. I am gratified that we 
have done an excellent job in providing this service and encouraging competition 
because now  many of the rainforest plants we've created markets for are 
available from other suppliers and companies.  Once Raintree stops selling 
products, we will post our formulas on the website product pages so our 
customers can make their own formulas if they care to.  The FDA may be able to 
stop us from selling products but they cannot stop us from providing factual 
information free of charge.  If feasible, when I redesign the Raintree website, 
I will install message boards or discussion forums so you can finally share your 
experiences and results with these plants and formulas (that has been silenced 
by the FDA for all these years).  So while the Raintree manufactured formulas 
might disappear, their legacy will live on and people around the world will 
continue to benefit from these incredible rainforest plants.

While we are out of inventory on many of our most popular products, beginning 
today, all remaining inventory will be available at a 15% discount, until 
inventory sells out.  If you are wanting to make your own formulas after ours 
sells out, don't forget to order the bulk 1 pound packages of herbs while they 
last.  This coupon goes into effect immediately.  To activate the coupon, just 
follow this link: or go to our 
main product page at and the coupon will be 
activated automatically when you click on any "buy" button. 

Leslie Taylor and the dedicated staff of Raintree Nutrition.

VISION HERB FROM THE RAIN FOREST we need these herbals. 
An herb in studies improves degenerated eye problems

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The author A.J. Jacobs was raised in a non-practicing Jewish household, but in the last few years has become interested in religion. He decided to follow teachings of the Bible History for a year. As you can probably imagine, this is not an easy feat. Not only does the author have to adjust to a complex set of rules, but his family also has to endure the results of this quest as the talented writer records his story.
 It was a fairly simple rule, like not being able to shave his beard, but lead to questions at airports, scared kids, and other uncomfortable situations..A.J. Jacobs came up with a list of 800 rules to follow.(Jewish or, scriptural history in the making. Remember the Christian mainly Paul changed some of these dietary laws.)
And, too, if you add to that the fact that there are 7,000 versions of the bible, one of best selling book in history, then the issues becomes much more complicated. It is no surprise that an average person breaks many, many, many rules in our everyday life, because they are the old laws but  some applicable today. Which ones?
(see; W.O. WISDOM for some) "And whosoever among you are sick and have not faith to be healed, but believe, shall be nourished with all tenderness, with herbs and "mild food", and that not at the hand of an enemy" D+C) Mild foods are not animal because we cannot eliminate diseases/toxins.
Here's where I come in on this new posting: with just approaching the purification or fasting laws which should still be done regularly today to rid the body of daily toxin's that invariable enter for everyone.
Remember the pass-over was once a year as the "Levite tribes" in charge of the killing and passing out the sacrament of lamb meat to all worthy members. However, for the most part the meals were  PLANT BASED DIET (TEAS)

 Dr. Colbert interjects Jesus drank wine (...of the pure grape, not as it's made today,) this gave lots of anti oxen's, killed bacteria, germs, parasites, etc. Jesus ate whole foods, whole raw milk, honey, berries, nuts, millet, barley, i.e. (Their food was not full of chemicals, fillers, filthy ingredients as in "aborted cells" in Pepsi Next, and did not eat horse, i.e. as today) Colbert mentions too, they walked a lot, had early dinners and gluttony was a sin.
Vegetable (Plants) slow downs your process of elimination of toxins. Protein halts all elimination to a screeching halt, Fruit speeds up the process and Vegetables slows down this process of eliminating. (consider adding F/V together) (Fasting or (Jewish Purification) eliminates toxins and acts as nature (natural) surgeon. You choose where you are and what you can do now, depending on many factors due to you illness/weaken condition.

RE: You can find Jacobs and Dr. Don Colbert's interview on his book from the Dr. Oz shows. at his site.