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Friday, January 30, 2009

Cough and Flue Recipe (Tincture)

Tincture of Garlic or Onion (good basic recipe for flue, colds, coughs, asthma etc.) (c) 2005-9
Tincture Recipe (Three step...easy!)
Syrup of Onion (or garlic)
1. 1 pound of Organic Onion
or, 1 lb. of minced or chopped garlic cloves Equal parts apple cider vinegar and distilled water sufficient to cover the garlic (*Onion which is weaker in flavor) Get a garlic press they are great.
2. 1 pt. Vegetable Glycerine if stored longer...added at the very end. (You could use stick a cinnamon (cloves) stick when storing it. Also, you can use grain alcohol or vinegar and honey in making of tinctures) I do not store mine a long time so I just use Bragg’s Apple cider Vinegar.
Tips: (You can add lemon juice, ginger, cinnamon, clove and parsley to help with the odor if too offensive.) Add the parsley before adding the honey etc. Then, throw it away or chop some of it in a concoction after straining in stainless steel or Tupperware plastic strainer. Their holes are smaller. Strain again through good quality paper towels or muslin i e. This is very slow, but effective. The point is to get the onion or garlic herbals strained before adding the glycerine or if you are going to use the honey.

1. 3 lbs pure honey (add last so not to kill its properties)
Place the garlic into a wide mouth jar, cover with the vinegar and water; close, shake well together; allow to stand in a cool place for 4 days, macerating (shaking thoroughly) 1-2 times daily; add the glycerine, shake and allow to stand another day; strain with pressure. Filter through muslin or thin linen cloth; then add honey stirring until thoroughly mixed; Seal the jar tightly and keep in a cool place. Dosage: 1 teaspoon - 1 Tablespoon for 3-4 times daily between meals.
Uses: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrhal conditions, phthisis, tuberculosis, coughs, dyspnea, heart weakness, internal ulceration and so much more but this gives you the idea. Look up properties of Garlic.
(Their are ways to take the garlic pungent odor out. Work with the vinegar first with caraway, cloves, fennel seeds, cinnamon stick is storage container, macerate, strain, then add the glycerine.) Actually, the glycerin or honey-vinegar dilute the odors, and is not offensive.
Tip: I like to add a carrier herb (catalyst), like lobelia, a very intelligent herb, which knows what to do and assist other herbs where to go. The lobelia tincture or use strained ginger root (also is a catalyst), too, (and so is cayenne). These are all optional. Catalyst herbs move herbs quickly through the body and good carriers of other herbs. A good herbal formula has a catalyst in its composition. Memorize these three if you do formulas for your family.

Tip:*An onion cut in half left in a sick room will absorb the germs of the illness. You can start with crisping the chopped onion in the oven and sub the glycerin with vinegar and honey
*Remember in during the flu or illnesses to use the semi-fast or mild foods, in other words, only “milder foods” meaning just plant-based diet when sick. Keep bowels running (Re: colon herbals) and, watch the liver, such Marshmallow herb other herbal listed in blog that will work on the liver. Do not clog up the pipes such as the colon and stomach in assisting the body in its “elimination” process.
*Dr. John R. Christopher School of Natural Healing has made up a similar formula to the one above. I was taught and still have my lesson from this teacher. His son owns the company now and may have discontinued the product. Check, it out they has a web site I have referred to on the side. He still has his book on the market and its basic to have in any good library.
Other remedies for Flu or Cold
Use a Enema or Laxative
Approx. 1000 mg vitamin C, ascorbic acid, each hour with full class of water.
No Food or Semi-Fast mild food listed in this blogs
Tonic teas: such as, Comfrey, Red Clover Blossom, Alfalfa Mint, and Horse Tail, (The liver or blood cleaning herbals) etc.
Chest Cold, use lung herbs such as Mullein, Lobelia etc. Also Vapor and Mustard Plaster

Add: If you can,Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) every hour with a full glass of water. Garlic, Onion (Natural "sulfur's"),Vitamin C, Honey, and AC Vinegar are all anti-fungals needed to kill the bugs.

Be sure to store the excess in a cool place and in dark bottles. Light leeches out properties.

Re: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 Sherm Happenin’s, Let Food Be Medicine, and my Seasoned Wisdoms blog
A EO's Representatives is Craig or Sarah, s-782 )

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Stroke_Watch The Tongue

"Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue
STROKE:Remember the 1st Three Letters....S.T.R.
If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks.
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics.) She said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.
They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening
Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die. they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.
It only takes a minute to read this...
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough...

Thank God for the common sense to remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S *Ask the individual to SMILE.
T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. It is sunny out today)
R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue
NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other,that is also an indication of a stroke. "

PEACE AND PAY IT FORWARD (Herbs: Ginkgo, CoQ10, Cayenne tincture and clear colon-stomach)

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sassy Water Recipe

Sassy Water helps you drink more liquids, get rid of hunger, helps with getting rid of toxins and yeast or water from our fat cells. Do no drink soda as it will sabotages the effects of this healthy drink. This originated from one of the many diet book given to me? Which one??? I do remember the name. However, I have changed the original recipe to my tastes. Please feel free to do the same. The cucumbers seem to be essential and the citrus and ginger root.
2 liters of good water
1 teaspoon freshly graded or thinly sliced ginger root
1/2 cucumber (thinly sliced and half peeled)

1/2 lemon or one very thinly slice (to get more of the flavor squeeze a bit)
Mint leaves (about 12, crumble to release flavor, optional)
COMBINE ALL INGREDIENTS IN A LARGE GLASS PITCHER AND CHILL IN and store REFRIGERATOR TO BLEND the FLAVORS. IF YOU BLEND OVER-NIGHT REMOVE citrus. (It can become too bitter for some pallets.) Adjust this ingredients to your tastes. Make sure the drink has a vegetable in it because too much fruit speeds up eliminations as it also raises blood sugar. Vegetables slow down the process of eliminations and satisfies the hunger by making the body less acid more alkaline. Cuke, Ginger and peppermint will keep the body alkaline.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wheat For Man, (TORTILLAS W/W)

Whole Wheat Tortillas (Re: Yatta, Yatta, Yatta blog at12:57 PM, 20-Jan-2008
You can always embellish from a good simple basic recipes, to different style of bread like to a flat breads by making them a bit thicker i.e. Whole wheat tortillas cost so much in the grocery stores these day and are not keeping up with popular demands from consumers. It may be easier to make them up and store in a covered container in dough balls or cooked up then store in the refrigerator in a plastic container so not to dry them out. Be sure to reserve this recipe on hand in bad times also. Plus they taste better-made fresh. Tortillas can’t be store long time. And they can last though out the week if planned ahead of time. Make a small dowel stick about the size of a broomstick for a rolling pin to roll these out more efficiently if you’re going to be making them up a lot.
Basic Tortillas
4 cups Flour or w/w flour
2 tsp. salt
½ cup Lard, Shortening/Leaven (or equivalent)
2 cups very hot water
Mix flour, salt, shortening and mix thoroughly like pie dough. Add hot water slowly to right texture then knead into small balls. If you use whole-wheat flour add either less flour or a bit more water. Set dough aside an hour getting water into the wheat germ, brand, and gluten which is not required using white flour. Small rolling pins (size of broom sticks) are best to roll out the tortillas with then fry up as you normally would. If your going to store some for later don’t over brown them so they will be fresher tasting later. These can be made up for fry breads, wraps by adapting the thickness or shapes and vary them by add some powdered vegetable color them green, tomato, red etc.,
Corn Tortillas
2 lbs mesa
Water enough to make a pilable ball of dough
2 tsp salt.
Shape the size of a walnut, roll out thin and bake on a hot griddle. No grease. When they start to puff, flip them over and cook a few seconds longer.

Wheat For Man
12:57 PM, 20-Jan-2008 .. Posted in EDUCATIONAL .. 0 comments .. Link
Wheat For Man? Today I listened to my same basic health TV program and really tire of its rhetoric. Today television is so polluted. Will and Grace is a disgrace and a deterrent to any healthy NORMAL relationships. So are Desparate Housewives and Sex and the City with IMMORAL patterned behavior we so dislike in our children. IT'S NO WONDER we have problems with our youth. So yes I watch most anything to educate myself…but, even there we need to be selective and careful with falsehoods. Everything they say is not to be taken as gospel! even in books. Take the philosophy of GRAINS in our diets.

A TV host keeps on, everyday, by having guests that sell some health news, book or their own health products generating their cure alls with the basic lie grains are not good for us. Why I keep listening beats me but I’m afraid of missing out on something new he might have to offer. I know he may help many novas to this area and that’s sometimes scares me too.

The biggest disagreement I have with him and note I haven’t revealed his name or TV show because it’s the issue that the point of this page, and not running down every thing he says or does.

He is against a lot of the things that our communist controlled government we’re heading will always try to control the people with the its greed and its all becoming insurmountable and defines all common sense. Now we need “Chips” in our body’s so they will know what were up to and where we heading etc., but what if our information and number gets in the wrong hands i.e. Were not even sure of who is going to rule and if he/she get in and does our president really have any power anymore? Can you impeach anyone? Back to my point this TV hose has a problem with grains.

No grains and no breads products of any kind. It might have fungus in it or mold in it i.e., in which he is the earthly authority in his books on this subject. He has a bit of truth with much error. We all know that most of our food is polluted and some more than others. The more added chemicals in the box and the more refine the more it lacks in nutrition etc. We all know were going in the wrong direction (diet, weight, problems with drugs etc.) and are now try to back up and become educate and then speak up. I count on my readers “common sense” or “personal revelations” that we all have to carry on my teaching of health issues on before using for themselves. That deity or spirit that houses our body in each of us if we will listen will reveal their truths if any and it will be of simple” common sense” variety.

I don’t know why he doesn’t go back in or earth’s beginnings and its history including the scriptures and out line every time it mentions grains and read it etc. What and why is bread mentioned to be the staff of life? Yes, do buy organically grown grains if possible and fight the GMO changes that actually end up poisoning our food supply and environment.

However, did you know this know it all because he know some truth which he’s eggregated for the most part making you depend on his bible he’s selling, that his wife is dying of cancer?

Maybe she needed the fiber! Don’t be fooled…more is coming about with wheat (fibrous) and diabetes. Ship the grain? Where’s common sense.
Bonus...THIS Addendum: The secrets for the diabetic is its fiber base!

Try: Dee's Cereal (Utah)
Good for low energy, high blood pressure, diabetes, constipation, weight control and even high cholesterol. I'm going to put in the ingredients because if you don't have this cereal in your area you can by the list of ingredients (in order and figure it out by using what we herbalist do "in parts equations."
Substitute whenever if you don't have the product called for. I can actually tell you why this works as I go along to write it out.
Rolled Oats (extremely high in fiber and great for blood sugar problems). IT WORKED FOR ME. *Wheat
Cranberries (bladder and kidney) Sub.
Raisins (iron and fruit for the day)
Brown Rice (fiber)
Almonds (fat need to loose weight)
Bananas (fiber and fruit for the day)
Flax seed (weight, oil, and high in fiber)
Oat Bran (the extra fiber needed to loose weight surrounds food and pushes it through the colon. (Colon Health)
Sesame Seeds (Oil and omegas)
Sunflower Seeds (oil, omegas, and fiber)
Coconut (parasites)
Corn (all the grains and foods here are fibrous)
Garbanzo Bean (acts as a fiber and acts as a natural starch-blocker)
Millet (fiber, but it great he uses more grains than wheat, no gluten which makes it more light)
Oat Groats (fiber and insulin)
Barley (good for the blood and light flour, no gluten so it keep it light)
Spices: should be cover but is not on this package (add your own like cinnamon, cloves, etc which would double in for parasite etc. and would aid in any disease.

See how this calculated and done. Do It! this is a good product. No I don't know them or their company or get a discount etc. I put the basic formula in here because its public knowledge and I have a lot of countries that can't carry this product, however they can make it up themselves. Freeze it first because this will keep the weave out of the product and it will store longer.

1/3 cup with 1/3- 2/3 cup of water for 1-3 minutes. Cooked in juice or water. Did I say this taste like C!@P! But it works. I now put this in muffins.
This has in 1/3 cup 5 grams of fiber and 1 gram of soluble fiber, only 6 sugars, and 7 grams of protein is all we need. Everyone's getting plugged up with all that protein! The potassium is 210 and 1.5 grams of good fat (Total is 8 grams=12 %) It's ok; it takes good fat to let go of fat leveling the blood sugar slowly all day long. This takes care of a lot of supplement that someone keeps telling us we need more than what is in the natural amounts in good organically grown foods. The money people want you to think you need more and sick because you're not getting enough from the foods you eat. This may be true for some but not all and don't fall for it.

If good fibrous complex whole plant base foods don't do it, check other sources for health problem or and give it time.
By the way I forgot to let you know the 5 or 7 or maybe its 9-grain cereal in the health food stores tastes better but not formulated as healthy.
1-866-537-1290 no e-mail number from the state of Utah. Not that I'm actually trying to sell their cereal, I don't know them.
Addendum: Only on of the secret to this cereal is the "whole wheat flakes. I tried adding more oats to it to get it down better but then it didn't work for my diabetes or blood sugar. Then I remember the scripture...”

..."Wheat for man, And corn for the ox, And oats for the fowls and swine, And for all beasts of the field, And barley for all useful animals,
And for mild drinks as also other grains..." specifically, wheat God made for man and ordained for all mankind! "I've now added all, not part, whole wheat bread with only salt and honey in it and it works too.

(Don't weigh till the end of the month, you'll lose inches at first) You'll be so surprised. One or two slices with every meal and with a nighttime snack too. No soda's or fast foods...!

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Reverse Diabetes Damages

Broccoli Helps Reverses Diabetes Damage 1:29 PM, 19-Aug-2008
Eating broccoli could reverse the damage that diabetes, especially on heart and blood vessels areas the key componen compound is in the vegetable called sulforaphane.
Sulforaphane encourages production of enzymes that protect the blood vessels, and reduces the number of molecules that cause cell damage -- known as Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) -- by up to 73 percent.
One of broccoli’s most powerful compounds is the phytochemical sulforaphane. This compound has been found to restore your immune system as you age and increase your liver's ability to detoxify carcinogenic compounds and free radicals. This turn protects against cell mutatio. It turns out sulforaphane also protects your heart. All greens Alkalinize you system with its phytonutrients 1. It reduces levels of harmful molecules called Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS).
2. It activates a protein called nrf2, which triggers protective antioxidant and detoxifying
enzymes that protect your cells and mutations, cancer and other harmful effects. Most of the veggies in the cruciferous family also contain it, includes vegetables such as turnips, Bok choy, rutabaga, mustard greens, cauliflower, radishes, Swiss Chard, Kale, etc.Try broccoli Sprouts... Just 5 grams (0.17 ounces) of broccoli sprouts contain concentrations of the compound glucoraphanin (a precursor to sulforaphane) equal to that found in 150 grams (5.2 ounces) of mature broccoli.
If you opt to eat mature broccoli, keep in mind that the way you cook it can greatly alter its nutrient content. Lightly steaming should keep most of its phytonutrients intact, but if you decide to microwave it you could be reducing the beneficial compounds by 74-90 percent.
You can always just eat broccoli raw, of course,
and this will ensure that most all of its
phytonutrients are intact.
Remember Diabetes Is Not A Disease Of The Blood !

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Herbal Natural Remedies

Herbal Remedies
Some simple home remedies here is for seniors or whomever very ill that's meant to build the immune system that been perfected over the years for myself... This is on of my best home remedy pages and most are by experiences. Following these tested suggestions will help you to look and feel healthier, younger and livelier than ever, if you have one too please feel free to add in comments. Here’s a lots of healthy building healthy foods and herbs to feed Seniors in a more holistic, efficient and nutritional way to help them be more alert and living longer.

To start with the elderly especially need to have a bowel movement every day eliminating sluggish body toxins from their bodies, other wise not doing so will acerbate any disease. So lets start here. They need the best nutritious foods and take organic supplements every day.

 Drink lots of warm body temperature water, which is utilized immediately. Make use of good teas, fresh lemon, ginger, baking soda will jump start your day.). Coffee can jump start up senior’s body in the mornings but its acid and not alkaline. Coffee can have some benefits for mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s, senility and dementia. Don’t over do this or you’ll have a sleeping problem at night. Never after 3:00 pm. Chamomile tea, baking soda, or any chlorophyll will keep your body the right PH. Soda Pops actually leach out vital minerals of the elderly.

1. Colon Care: Bowel movements are essential everyday to clear out old and newer toxins. Castor Oil can actually heal the colon and is still a good old-times remedy. (Add to ii molasses and/or prune juice on empty stomach. It can also be capped in 000 capsules and used as needed for evacuations. Meta Musil with psysllium or use in another colon care remedy. Fenugreek is great for hemorrhoids, and pain.
2. Colon: Milk of Magnesia, a laxative and antacid, if you only take one Tbs or less. (Adult) right before bed will stop frequent urination at night. (For children or adult adjust the dosage so it will not be a laxative. Magnesium tables will also work (adjust dosage) be sure you’re buying the organic cheated magnesium with amino acid or enzymes taken with each dosage. The Amino’s may be from an animal protein source. (Caster Oil, prunes, Cream of Tartar i.e.)
3. Diet: Watch for Fiber in everything even in candy-bars that has anti-fungal plus omegas is Almond Joy by Peter Paul. Buy 1 gram of fiber from a pill? No, just enjoy a candy bar once in a while that has 2 grams of fiber in it plus, with coconut (a anti-fungal) and, with almonds that is full of omegas. The bad part is the “corn syrup.” so limit this product. It’s a better candy bar to have on hand for emergencies in cases of low-blood sugars. (Pay-day’s another but not a anti-fungal. (Because most of the candy bars have corn syrup in them and, if you have out of control hunger and your over-weight skip the use.) For other senior who have no appetite this will help. See: Yogurt for intestinal flora Note: today their are high fiber bread with 6 grams of fiber in each slice. Senior's don't get all their fiber which causes back up problems in their systems.
4. Diet: Add in soups, senior need something easy and quick to eat choose the best buy. Like a more healthy products in TV dinners or canned soups. Do compare sodium; sugar and most especially watch fiber contents on the labels. If it has over 3 to 500 of sodium buy another brand it will be too salty and hold water in tissues. No trans fats. Example: If cream of mushroom soup has one gram of fiber and another brand has 0 fiber buy the more fibrous brand. Think it through…less fiber less mushroom and more water. Avoid Mono sodium Glutamate (MGS) it affects the brain cells (Alzheimer’s-memory.)
5. Diet: Avoid eat “fast foods” such as, KFC that has too much trans fats in their oils do not buy till they change. Seniors eat out a lot because they have a hard time cooking. This company does not use “organic grown chickens Patronize companies that do and have discounts for their seniors. This is only one example they’re others healthier fast-food restaurants. Avoid-too much animal “protein” if kidney is a problem with especially the senior stage of life.
6. Diet: Warm jello water is best for any upset stomach problems like in a 24 hr. virus. It will stop any throw-up as long as the jello stays on the stomach and the rest passes on.
7. Diet: Organically grown dried fruits such as papaya, pineapple i.e. are excellent natural enzymes for the stomach and colon a few at every meal. Dried banana chip gives excellent potassium when needed. They’ll need water with them.
8. Diet: No sugar juices. Try cranberry juices excellent for the old plumbing just mix with apple juice, pear juice or white grape i.e. (no sugar). A lemon in distilled or purified water is a must in the morning to clear out toxins bringing the body back to a natural pH. It will give seniors the best start for the day.
9. Diet: Lemons and kiwi is an excellent natural diuretic every day for any fluid retention, but not close to bedtime. (Lots of different fruits and veggies have the same properties, papaya, watermelon, or celery i.e.)
10. Diet: Greens (chlorophyll , especially gets older bodies back 6-7 PH level or alkaline) is a must every meal is a must for senior because they do not get enough nutrition and have been strip of many nutrients because of the over-use of drugs and incorrect habit of eating. Most vitamin and mineral supplements are not formulated correctly and are a waste of good money. But if you must use vitamin and mineral supplements use the ones that are chewable or in a forms like liquids that are digested before they reach the colon. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables every meal. (Rebuilds-neutralizes the body pH)
11. Diet: A good organic, non-GMO, yogurt is necessary to keep a good flora going in the colon if you’re taking any drugs most especially anti biotic’s but not together. Drugs wipe out the balance of good flora in the gut. A must once a week buy yogurt for your best health. Never use products with Rbgh hormones.
12. Diet: Have some legumes 2-3 times a week. They are full of fiber, natural serotonin for the brain, and the colon followed with a green salad. Read more in the scripture in Hebrews. Too many seniors ignore foods for the brain, including nuts.
13. Diet: Use good whole complex organic grains especially whole wheat that still is the staff of life. Don’t skip a day without eating some version of a good grain product. (No GM white or bleached-out grains only the very best at this time of life and you will achieve more quality years ahead.) Don’t forget to start the day with a good hot complex cereal with lots of fiber. The GM is the cause of many allergies because they are no longer in a natural balance as nature sent them in the beginning of life.
14. Diet: A must every day is an organic, (in season or raw) simplified, basic milder foods. Watches the glycemic index, for using complex fibrous foods. Especially, if you have diabetes add omega oils that will slow the digestion process down. Meats, or animal proteins will corral up the sugar in the system making it hard on the organs and getting the sugar out of the body. Water help here too. Water will dilute the poisons, (sugars). Grains and vegetables that use fiber as it rounds it all up then clearing it more efficiently out of the system quicker than protein that holds this process up.
15. Diet: When toxin become too much, everyone can work up to a 24 hour fast once a month. First, try starting with “mild foods, then go to a semi fast…a vegetable and fruits, for 24 hours with foods, juices or water. No grains if possible and, especially no animal products. This is the best cure-all listed. Then graduate to two meals of the 24-hour fast i.e.
16. Diet: A fast is nature’s operation for a healthy body and will reverse all disease. Animals in the wild have instincts to fast when sick, injured or in pain. It the best remedy here. Make a fast work for you…use water diluting any poisons that are clearing out the liver and blood. Juice is not effective because it eliminates toxins too fast. Yeast infections.

Health News

18. Exercise (move) at your own level or pace at least five days a week. This may be simple and cheaper form of exercise such as yoga or lifting small weight, or walking (low impact). If you don’t move the body and blood gets too stagnant, and adds, as we get older, more disabilities to deal with.
19. Faith: Be active in a good faith based church intermingling with people. It’s a time to pass on wisdom to the next generation. Show your faith by being it.
20. Flu: Flu shots may make it worse. Don’t believe it all unless you can’t take care of your own needs. Or you eat unhealthy then nothing going to build you back up in strength. Rotate fun gals (parasite herbs read below). Wild Oil of Oregano on palms of feet, Olive Leaf Extract or Airborne i.e. are good fungals. Flue shots have chemicals such as mercury and e coli in them making many conditions worse. After 70 they are not recommended anymore. Listerine everyday it's a good anti fungal and good to soak denture in over night.
21. Flue Season Tip- 1. Get out your biggest pot on med. heat 2. Boil water and vinegar together on low it will disinfect the air. (Make another pot when company comes or add any of the following; cinnamon, citrus (Orange, lemon limes i.e. for their oils and properties to disinfect and kill the flue bug); add in cloves and i.e. making the air friendly and inviting. It the same principal of the old time peel a raw onion in the room of a sick person. The natural sulfa killed the germs in the room. Also, you can use many of the Essential Oils on the market today. These natural products don’t strip the body of the natural good, balance of friendly bacteria as antibiotics do if taken internally.
Heat: Create or work with a fever using heat. It can be healing wherever there’s pain. It will kill parasite but they will come back from other areas through the blood. Heat pads or lamp, hair dryer on ear if you have an earache, but be careful not to burn. Even, herpes on the lip can be killed with a hot cup of water as much heat as your lip can handle, on the blister.i.e.
22. Heath Care: Health Care Professionals such as Doctors, Hospitals, All Home Care deliveries, Oxygen, Wheel Chairs and equipment, i.e. are the new piranhas to government rip offs at the seniors expense. These middlemen are as just manipulative crooks. Watch out for any Doctor, surgeon, who has a "take it out" mentality. Or, geriatrics doctor’s that just uses your SS no. But, actually don't doing anything for seniors except give out another prescription, who’s not keeping up on medicines side effects. Or, our stock market making hospitals that seeing at the end of the month they’re not going to make monthly quotas profits so they added use you to add extra stays or therapies, or even surgery at whose expense? The new strategies to therapy for seniors to exercise equipment, swimming pools, dietitian counseling, i.e. unfortunately are only for the richer class whose insurance are smart enough to pay for it our governmental insurances won’t.
23. Hormones: Too many inorganic hormones Rbgh and chemicals in dairy, meat and female-male pills they bulk people up like the animals. Try using natural ones instead at this time of life. Alfalfa, work up to about 10 a day, is a must to regulate the hormones glands though out the body. It’s one of the best sources of calcium, vitamins and minerals that are depleted from senior. Alfalfa will aid in relaxing the body for good night sleep. Other hormonal herbs; Wild Yam, Black or Blue Cohosh, Chasetree, Schizandra, i.e. in many good formulas. Find one that suits your needs. Ginseng for the men and many others as needed.
24. Home Care: First rule, It’s about you…personalize care in your unique home and individual needs. Learn to keep it “all-professional.’ Second, lock up all medications and anything that can be hocked. Third rule: get an agency that represents you and not mostly untrained college girls that you’re suppose to train with your energies. Start a “Senior Care Groups” to voice needs more fitting for senior to your allot government money...(SS, Medicare, Medicaid i.e.) Voices are needed by SENIORS lobbying state government for needed changes to home care. Most of these Health Care Professionals are only looking out for their interest using your SS no. Fourth rule: Watch out for abuse even in privacy issues and keep talking till you find someone to listen!
25. Hygiene: Bath with a natural glycerin soap or, find healthy liquid moisturized bath shower soap then add in your favorite essential oil such as Tree Oil, or etc to treat skin problems skin. The skin largest organ in the body will absorb some of these great oils on the market aiding further healing to bodies. This goes for shampoos too but watch out for too much sodium laurethate in these products. It too much for delicate hair and scalp adding to thinning, falling out of hair. Get a favorite scent or healing oil such as Eucalyptus, Rose, or Lavender i.e.
26. Hygiene: Zinc Oxide (About 40%)for a natural non-chemical deodorant. Use where ever necessary. A little goes a long way for a longer time. Don’t plug up the lymph system with bad deodorants especially with aluminum.
27. Hygiene: Keep clean; this is becoming harder for some senior. Each of us is at a different stage of disabilities may need a quick bath or wash like ReadyBath (Medline), Handy Wipes, or the stronger “Huggies.” They’re a must to keep by your bed and along side you commode. If incontinent don’t be embarrassed to use pads even sometimes diapers. Much of this can be delivered to your door in private. Never smell of urine or etc.
28. Hygiene: Such as Ready Bath, is a total body cleansing cloth. The cotton washcloths can be washed and reuse too. It's formula kills germs and eliminate odors. Rinse-Free (The very best on the Market, but other company’s have their own brand names.) 1-800-medline. Or, try Sensitive Huggies...and keep them by the toilet and bedside. It’s important to keep odors and bacteria down making it easier on home-helpers.
29. Hygiene: Incontinence: "MoliMed" Hartmann a maxi pads for incontinence (Germany based) (Best on the market that I know of) Or, cut a comfortable size diaper style made from white cotton, "quilt backing," get material from a fabric store will work and reusable. These reusable cloths come in handy for handkerchiefs, bibs and are great. Some extra large persons place under adipose or may use the folded baby diaper holding it in place at night or during the days for any leaks.
30. Liver Care: Astragalus herb is a prized herb for senior with toxin build up of salts-drugs that are causing senility in the brain (anemia.) Excess drugs-chemicals or salts that has accumulated over the years. (3-4 grams a day 2-3 times a day) Other herbs are Yellow dock, burdock or milk thistle i.e.
31 Lungs: Comfrey Root (In USA buy this herb in bulk, powder in coffee grinder then, add to your lung formulas or grow you own, and use.) Comfrey is one of the few herbs has B12 and protein. Ma Haung for asthma i.e., grow your own or, get outside US. (See Internet under “seeds”.
32. Remedys: Baking soda will bring the body back to the right acid balance. Brush the teeth, tongue, skin, deodorant, and on the hair too. Ex. If you put some in soda pop and shake it this will stop the carbonation effect of the soda pop, so it is better natural aid on sour stomach. Baking soda baths removes dead skin and on the hair removes drugs and toxins (used today in beauty parlors). BS is great for yeast infections, onset
33. Remedy: Hydrogen Peroxide (food grade) is a must to have on hand. Use as a disinfectant, sore throat, ear, mouth, and whiten teeth, breath, even get rid of film on the iris. But get a book, read first directions first, learning how to use this simple most effective remedy. Great for getting out chemicals including spots on rugs. (Straight)
34. Remedy: Burns, or any raw bedsores, an excellent remedy to have on hand for any raw skin is “Aloe Vesta” a protective ointment. 1-800-422-8811 The phone no. is just a reference no. on the tube to call so they can tell you where in your area they sell it. Burns heal fast! Needs to be the raw with no alcohol variety.
35. Remedy: A few popular example of anti fungal are Oil of Oregano, 1 tbs of raw apple cider vinegar, etc. These two will kill most anything if faithful as you would antibiotics for 14 days i.e. or longer. It will take a little time for it to begin to work and, is a continual process. See: “Parasite - Micro Toxin page.” because every disease has its own parasites, fungi, virus and/or bacteria’s that’s involved in the illness. Cancer herb is one of the "bitters" such as apricot seed or "Laetrile" (First, do research before using these fungals) and, Mandrake root also is a laxative. Caution: These herbs are much too powerful to be use by lactating, consider to be or pregnant women. Most drugs are the elderly worst enemy (drugs are just chemicals mocking plant sources) for the most part. Drugs are foreign polluters to the body causing diseases depending on where the chemicals decide to settle. Most foreign (drugs-chemicals) to the body will settle usually to the weakest part of an organ or to your particular inherent lesion (-gene’s) of the body. Drugs began destroying tissues causing a gradual desecration of the area where it lodges. Not all of drugs are eliminate out of the body, listen to their warnings signs. Most have warning to permanent damages to kidneys, liver and other organs; some elderly will ride the warnings to the end. Why do you think there are so much organ replacements today? When drug deterioration reaches its builds to a momentum gradually bringing on cancer i.e. settling upon your weak area. Then, they name the disease by where it lodges. Bottom Line: Use drugs very sparingly if at all, depending on the severity of your disabilities and how old you are. The answer is still prevention…using the best organic food and herbs continually building up the body, and eliminating added environmental or daily toxins. Unfortunately, we need more “professional health care professional” who know how and offer this kind service.
36. Remedy: For pains use an organically grown Chanca Piedra that takes the place of Ibuprofen i.e. and for cholesterol. (Fish oils or Flaxseed oil, 1000 g. 3 x a day+) Stay away from some foods or Aspartame that’s an intensifier’s for pain. Gelatin or Collagen 10 gr. 3-4 times a day or Knox gelatin for arthritis pain 2 days a least. They now try and descise the name, but simply, if it's diet avoid.
37. Remedy: Leg Cramps-jerks use alfalfa, Magnesium and, B-complex vitamins use nightly. Mag. is a must for senior (1 tsp a day with 3 psyllium tables and a glass of water on empty stomach.) (...mustard, or pickle juice the funnies one I head was a bar of ivory soap between the sheet...hummmm) Have water sitting on your night stand and sip it when you have cramps. The loss of too much water acerbates loss of potassium. Keep banana chips on your night stand too. Don't use diretic drugs they cause cramps.
38. Remedy: Make your own balms by using a base of Vaseline, lip balm or coconut oil adding in 1 capsule of an herb such as, goldenseal Root, Comfrey Root. (Or, add another herb that may be more personal with an essential oil such as the Eucalyptus, Wild Oregano Oil, i.e. It's a good remedy for bed sores is to add in a tad of Aloe Vera and Comfrey Root powder. It's so easy using a small jar of commercial lip balm as its base. Then add in the eucalyptus oil and menthol etc. making your own homemade balms. Just read the labels of the best high priced commercial ones for your ideas. You can make more, stronger, and even better than commercial brands. Make your own natural cosmetic using the same methods.
39. Remedy: Diabetics take a spoonful of organic coconut oil every meal, or use a Goldenseal Root patch that will last for about 3-4 days. (Juniper Berry, Fenugreek seed but not on an empty stomach)
40. Stomach: The stomach is the hub of the body and if used as garbage disposable for all foods it will not work for you. It has thus far been program by you…but you can up-date your software. The suggestion at this time would be to use “mild food diet.” Use plenty of in season fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, nuts and wholesome whole grains, meaning organically grown locally. A few herbs when needed for the stomach is ginger rt, marshmallow rt., slippery elm etc., or, foods such as okra or, even Chamomile teas turn the ph balance as needed for acid stomach. (Can’t list it all) Aloe Vera is great if taken with a meal. (Okra in soup)
41. Supplements: Natural Amino’s (L Arginine) works wonders to build upaged bodies. If there’s any urine smells try Arginine till the smell is gone. It’s just one of the body signs we need to pay attention to. Knox Gelatin is another good food source of amino acids. And try organically grown vitamins.
42. Supplements: Japanese Chinese Chlorella (broken cell) 3-5 g. daily or herbal combo like Veggies 4 Life. This herb is for energy, dementia, and dioxides, rebuilds tissues, rids body of metals and, boosts immune system. I don’t ever go into Spirulina i.e. for too many are allergic to fish and the plant, all sea algae, which they feed on in our polluted seas. “NOW” brand is good too, both are in here because seniors are on a fixed budget and these two are cheaper brands, unless you can afford better brands.
43. Supplements: Wachters Organic Sea Products (minerals) are excellent products to rebuild cells. (Pricey though) They have the best minerals known. When having children they use to be excellent product to produce healthy intelligent children. They rebuild the cells if you can handle the iodine these products. Use organic vitamin and minerals only.
44. Supplements: Chlorophyll of alfalfa, barley or wheat grass i.e. are another “rebuilders” seniors need and Comfrey root rebuild old decayed cells. (Do research here, if your on liver medications.)
45. Supplements: Joint-bone food such examples as vegetable glucosamine (Fish glucosamine is far too risky for delicate bodies and most comes from fish), liquid vegetable collagen, amino acids, pectin, Jell-O, alfalfa i.e.
46. Supplements: Omega 3-6-9 especially for brain, pain, heart and organs. It will also keep your cholesterol down, your body limber and, for pain. (When you add oils to the diet alternate nuts and an omega oil, unless you have a mental disease etc. then add both) Avocadoes are a great source of fat. Look for GLA on labels too. Take with meals in fibrous foods both will slow they body’s digestion down. This will aid in not be so hungry before the next meat and aiding in keeping blood sugars under control.
47. Brain: Ginkgo Biloba (standardized to contain 24% flavone glycosides). Do research here, not with blood thinner drugs or before surgeries. If you have any fog in thinking this may be just the herb for seniors.
49. Hair, use vinegar in spay bottle after shampooing
Vinegar Has Been Used For Decades To Stop Hair Loss & Grow New Hair!
Disclaimer: This is as only my experiences, opinions and presented in a journal or blog form. It’s not for any medical advice or diagnoses purposes. Go to your health care practitioner’s who may know something more about herbs and diet.
All publishing right reserved

Plastic's, BPA Bisphenol

Washington (AP) Scientist is at odds over the public safety of chemicals found in plastic baby bottles, plastic bottles i.e. metal cans and other food packaging.
Of course, the FDA says theirs nothing to worry about quoting their own studies, funded by whom?THE REAL BPA RISKS
Consumers should avoid plastic container with the recycling number 7 as many of those containers contain BPA or Bisphenol A (Tarantino) "They can avoid warming food in such containers, as heat helps to release this chemical."
More than 90 percent of Americans have traces of BPA in their bodies.
A study released Tuesday by the Journal of the AMA suggested a new concern about plastics. Because of the possible public health implication, the results, "deserves scientific follow-up" A health survey of nearly 1,500 adults, they found that those exposed to higher amounts of BPA were more likely to report of having heart disease and diabetes.
Do we wonder why Diabetes, Cancer is on the rise? The FDA has the power to limit the use of BPA in our food containers and medical devices but released its internal report concluding the BPA/Bisphenol A exposure not warrant.
The scientists who disagree are Frederick vom Saal (Univ. of Missouri) and John Peterson Myers, (Charlottesville, Va.) both longtime critics of the chemical. This affects all people who use Bisphenol A. Other concerns are plastic in eyeglass lenses, compact discs.
Don't forget many scientists report their belief that BPA acts like the hormone estrogen. Weight too? Animal studies have linked it with breast, prostate and reproductive system problems and linked to some cancers.
(The American Chemistry Industry, self interest, trade group is flawed and they've actually proved nothing.)
If your in this group avoid plastics...use your head.
"A total of 79 had heart attacks, chest pain or other types of cardiovascular disease and 136 had diabetes. There were more than twice as many people with heart disease or diabetes in the highest BPA group than in the lowest BPA group. The study showed no connection between BPA and other ailments, including cancer.”
Several states are considering restricting BPA use, some manufacturers have begun promoting BPA-free baby bottles, and some stores are phasing out baby products containing the chemical. The European Union has said that BPA-containing products are safe, but Canada's government has proposed banning the sale of baby bottles with BPA as a precaution. We need to go back to glass! Especially if using the microwave that heat us foods in or under plastic such as wrap i e


High Blood Pressure
An Holistic approach will be to treat the whole body. The liver, herbals some would be milk Thistle, Dandelion, Burdock Root or seed, Chaparral (thickening of the blood will overload circulatory system) or Astragalus Root. See also “Liver pages.”
A holistic approach will include watching all the organs such as;
Kidney: Drink lots of pure water (boil water), or distilled water if your normal water has heavy metals in it. Get a juicer and use. Add some Lemons or Pomegranates and other fruit juices with foods or a bit diluted. Take herbs that are diuretic in nature to rid the body in some cases of excess water. Use a green powered drink every day.
No stimulates such as drugs, liquors or tobacco that acerbates this problem.
Nerves or hypertension herbs are helpful, use nerve’s such as Hops, Hyssops or Black Cohosh, Lobelia magnesium (1 morn and night) B complex and B vitamin etc.

Foods: No Meats, use plant base diet if acute or use very little but, never two meals consecutively especially if mild condition of the heart. Mild food plant based diet or Semi Fast no mucus less diet (no cheeses). Use complex fibrous organic foods, Green leafy Vegetables and fruits, tomato juice, lemon juice (mornings), raw organic goats milk (if possible) and very small amount of cheeses with plant based fiber.
Calcium is a problem because most drugs to treat H.B.P. deplete the body of calcium that is needed in most cases) this actually acerbates this problem. Mono oil base margarines or, real butter with no hormones and use mono oils such as olive oil. No “white food or boxed process products. Also use plenty of Apple Cider Vinegar, Tomatoes, V8 juice cabbage family and organic soy etc. Organic Westsoy I use is full of protein 9 grams and 4 fiber. Great for starting the day, or in between meals. Get the unsweetened and add your own style of sugar.
Sugars: Natural raw sugars, Stevia or raw honey, Xylitol, only.
Treat the same as “Heart” sees PG.
Book: “Heart Break in Heart Disease” by Sanotra sp All rights reserved

The heart needs mono fats: Lecithin 3 tsp. daily, or Borage oil, Flaxseed oil and cleans out arteries, Fish oil, Wheat germ, Safflower oils, i.e. (every day) 3,6,9 omegas fatty, flaxseed oil, normal pH level foods that will keep the inflammations down. (3 tsp.daily).
Herbal Aid: Cactus liquid, 10 drops daily

Other Herbs: Capsicum, (1 tsp 3 times a day) Lobelia, Hawthorn Berry, Sassafras, Garlic, Chanca Piedra phyllanthus niruri (This herb will aid in plank build up, and increases bile secretions to lower blood cholesterol levels in rat studies.) Fenugreek is a blood thinner but is not be used with pain relievers. It is not to be taken with drug for thinning the blood. Chanca Piedra is for hypertension. Melatonin is another good herb for HBP. And Royal honey.
Treat for parasites and use products such as Duflucan, fluconazol, or Nystatin, i.e. (from doctor) (Parasites are always involved) Black Walnut Hull, good organic Oregano oil, Olive Leaf extract and i.e., change from one parasitic herb to another every three months. Herbs for liver also see these studies.
A holistic approach will included especially the Colon: Senna or Psyllium and other herbal laxative, Mandrake if very sick will aid colon and liver but it is a laxative but not to be used if pregnant, or going to be. Keep the colon clear everyday. If this is not done it’s like a kinked hose and building up pressure. Fibrous plant based diet is important and/or add to the diet (Gymnema) or such fibrous herbs (foods). So is the bowel flora that is off in this condition.
Add a good yogurt such as Kefir, i.e. 3-10 days. Psyllium will sweep out pockets in colon and grab on to the parasite and toxins. Add 3mg of Senna if you still have constipations, but this is a fast moving herb to deal with and may have to be adjusted to individuals.
(Fiber foods)
  Be sure to use watermelon and its seeds (organic if possible)
Remember it's called Hypertension, keep calm (Avoid really stressful situation if you can)
Kava Kava, and Ashwagandha extract, garlic, Bach Rescue Remedy in emergency's
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Staph, MRSA Remedy

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA or STAPH is a drug resistant problem today and many are going to Tea Tree Oil. Added here are some interesting related sites to know more.
In the United States staph in 2005, which lead to more than 18,600 deaths, compared to HIV/AIDS, which killed 17,000 people that same year.

2005 review of randomized controlled trials, published in the British Journal of Community Nursing.
Organic Olive leaf extract is a substitute as an antibiotics, slows the growth of cancer, enhances the immune system, glucose, cholesterol, hypertension (blood pressure,) anti fungal, parasitic, viral/virus, asthma, sinus, i.e., chronic mono, allergies, chronic fatigue, in lamination condition, anti-yeast diabetes. Capsules: standardizing 12% or 18% or 20% Oleo opine. Need to take for a long time...
Clorox (this brand only)
Oregano Oil (Mediterranean) Be fussy when buying this one. It can be used as an antibiotic too. Some herbs take longer depending on the disease and how old it is.
Hydrogen peroxide
** Tree Tea Oil
(CAUTION: has estrogenic properties in men) orders taken from Sarah or Craig Gallie

***Yellow dock internally will rid the body through the blood of boils, and will cleanse the blood.
Read: About the Tree Tree Oil more below,
Reuters January 2, 2009
BMC Infectious Diseases November 28, 2008; 8:161

*Skin Cancer*( ) subject from a "Skin Cancer" blog The reason more cancer comes back is because the medical professional does not kill the parasite involved. Of course, archaic radiation CMO therapy kills everything off and leaves the body defenseless to fight off invaders.
*** Their "cure-all" page
Use Clorox (3d world countries use)

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


First let me say, before considering the rest of the page, the best remedy for leg cramps is having a glass of water by your bed and sipping it when cramps come in the night. You for some reason you've lost too much or didn't drink enough. The elimination of too much water relates to the loss of mineral's thus invites in leg or arm cramps. It works so try it...its free.
 If your using medications, examine them many drugs take potassium from the body. Ask your self what drug you took before leg cramped. Golden Seal Root will remove the residue or excess of your drug. Also, all insulin uses needed potassium. Drugs and insulin's do leech out minerals and especially potassium. If you use insulin all the time then you'll need to used this mineral. (Check too for deviancy in Vitamin D3, their is a blood test for Vitamin D levels.
Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) will take the pain away within 10 to 20 min. If your subject to this kind of pain have on hand. They drug store variety of pain relief is inadequacy.
The next is a multiple  vitamin/mineral, a not from drug stores, to replace the minerals loss. Many prescription's, sodas, and devitalized food (boxed-packaged) i.e. cause loss or lack of of potassium and will cause this problem. (Need fresh foods full of mineral/potassium)
You'll defeat your purpose if over-indulgence in a non-balance approach as in buying too much sugar or buying pops, alcohol, cigarettes etc and/or getting back on them. If this doesn't work for the worst of leg cramps use 1tbs of ACV in 4 oz. of water everyday...this works. No aspartame soda's, and too, this will cause pain!

Other remedy;s are the following but in some way relate to these two suggestions.
Note: losing to much water rushes out minerals, that need to be replaced. (urination too much i.e.)

PICKLE JUICE For Leg Cramps (simple cheap remedy)
RE: 09/08/2008: Jackson writes, his combination "may be of help to sore throat sufferers as well as people having leg cramps." "I have always liked dill pickle juice and, as chance would have it, I was suffering from leg cramps when taking five gulps of juice. Lo and behold, my cramps went away." He makes his own dill pickles that use cayenne pepper in the recipe. And, currently working on a concoction that includes elderberries, garlic, honey, cayenne, and vinegar, as his base." (The vinegar will capture the food's mineral's, kill the parasites) ACV is best.
Do make your own and here's a recipe. The idea here is to avoid sodium "BENZOATE" in our pickle juice as it kills our DNA (an aging effect.) This chemical is also in soda pops. Did you have pop the day of leg cramp with aspartame? Check your meds are that robs you of too many minerals..., water pills especially, try a 750 g of potassium instead.

A Dill pickle recipe:
3 cups water
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup pickling salt
1 clove garlic
1 or 2 cayenne peppers (optional,but it give the recipe a kick)
1 tsp. dry dill
1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning” This is also optional, sub.?
I just keep baby dill pickles and eat when you began to feel campier when you stretch out your leg and feet. So go to the fridge for one before falling asleep.
*If it's a loss of potassium (dried papaya or fruit stored in your night stand drawer and eaten will work too) (Reference, good ideas.

I like and copied some of their comments that teaches us something by experiences.
01/21/09 Pat: I accidentally took "two diuretic pills" right before going to bed, thinking they were other kind of pills and woke up with both legs seized by the most horrific leg cramps I've ever experience. I was in tremendous pain in both legs that scared me to death. I am alone could not even walk to go get anything to stop it or walk it out etc.
I reached for one of the stored dried fruit kept stored in my night-stand that I use for low blood sugar in emergencies. I started eating them (papaya-banana) and with in 20 minutes I could go back to sleep with out any cramps now that I took fruit full of potassium.

Pickle Juice by Athletes:
Please feel free to add your remedy's FOR LEG CRAMPS...

Pain killers:can be the cause of leg cramps...Check and see if every time you use ibuprofen i.e.if o n that same night your experiencing cramps. (Other drugs beside diuretics can cause this problem. Drugs are notorious at leaching out minerals from the body. Magnesium, calcium (low blood pressure meds) and others etc.
Post note: If your prone to cramp you need to add in what's missing that caused the muscles to clamp up in the first place. (Vitamin-Mineral every day and/or stop the drugs or caffeine pop that maybe are leaching out that mineral i.e.) This problem is natures way of letting you know you are lacking something in your nutrition. Feed more on plant based diet and get rid of the leeching problem that is occurring.
Pain: Chanca Piedra (Swanson Vitamin's sell a cheaper version of it? I have to buy this one because of my financial situation. Maybe you can get better. I take 3 a day, and more every 2-3 hours when leg cramps come at night. Some times I do take too much insulin and the Metformin 750 mg. the leg cramps are my cues I've taken too much.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


New York Obesity Tax (Jan. 2009)
New York Governor Paterson would tax the people of his state of $400 million to fight obesity for their economic problems. This is only the beginnings of this approaching iceberg that take down the mighty Titanic. Other government agency's announced they're getting in on this new profitable revenue maker, that will cover their not having storing enough boats. (Re: Bailouts disasters and spending money's they don't really have for these bailouts.)
See: You Tube video of his commissioner Richard Daines making this point.
One idea is to raise the price of sugar pops since consumers cannot cut back themselves. Soda and especially diet sodas increase insulin levels, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes and premature aging and many more side effects. The drinker has a higher risk of cancer and been shown to cause DNA damage (sodium bensoate). He noted that the “diet” sodas are not included on this proposal but are worse for health than the sugar ones which this tax would leave out. Hummm.... (Gatta know what your doing before making laws....)
The regular sodas with sugar, high fructose and corn syrup will raise the blood sugar so high and cause more hunger and the use of our poisonous insulins of today. (Makes over all diabetes worse)
The sodas stimulate appetite, increase carbohydrate cravings and fat storage and weight gain-raising risks of more obesity.
I am wondering why the laws if really concerns for the children’s health do not taxing the corporations for damages these poisons substances do as they did the tobacco companies and make them pay back too.
How far will this tax go and end? Do the government actually know anything about healthy life style for us? Keep government out of it and states.
The government pyramids is incorrect, with not only too much meat, but it is advocating too much fiber etc. The government feeds the military, government schools from their paying farmers “not to grow” programs. Thus controlling foods, creating monies for stock corporations holdings they hold. Then buying back these same foods from themselves for their government programs (Farmer surplus has become big business), thus creating a monopoly for there corrupts foods.
My point do we need more “food control?” and if so, hit the government and corporations who peddle the crap not the people! A good point but gone too far? Or, not far enough? What about making this tax on all fast food restaurant's, instead! And, should we stop there? Who's peddling the stuff i.e.

WNYT December 31, 2008
Find out more:

All rights all reserved (No reprinting pages to any media form without permission.)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

L-Thiamine For Depression

Healthy Teas, L-Theamine: L-Thiamine, 4 Depressions, ADD's and other brain mental disorders.(4:35 PM, 2-Sep-2008 ..,) Tea give us Thiamine that helps in weight, brain and other diseases!
Ezek. 47: 12..."and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine...." The old law is still good for healing! White tea shown (Don't drink hot because it kill natural flora in gut.)
Organically grown TEA'S is good beverages like "Ceylon" to "Green teas" and etc. (Check the Internet for more L-thiamine teas) that's laden with Thiamine, an amino acid (infusions of Camellia sinensis), found almost exclusively in tea plants
Its Thiamine is found in Gyokuo leaf (research in the '50), and most teas which makes it a very good beverage.
It is related to glutamine and can cross the blood-brain barrier and enter into the brain. It also contains psychoactive properties and has been shown to reduce mental and physical stress or produce feelings of relaxation or improve cognition and mood when taken in combination with its "nature"-natures caffeine, not chemical like coke, pepsi i.e.
Theanine produces these effects by increasing the levels of gamma-amino butyric acids (GABA) levels and has shown micro molar affinities for AMPA, Kainate and NMDA receptors. Researchers also speculate that it may inhibit glutamic acid excitotoxicity. Theanine also promotes good alpha waves in the brain. Theanine increased brain's serotonin, dopamine (GABA) levels.
RE: Tea BBC News August 24, 2008
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition January 2007; 61(1):3-18
More on Herbal Teas:
Research has been done on rats repeatedly with extreme high doses of theamine and cause little to no effects.
It did show neuroprotective effects in one rat study. L-theanine has a significant effect on the release or reduction of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, resulting in improved memory and learning ability. L-theanine may also influence emotions due to its effects on the increased release of dopamine. L-theanine reduces brain serotonin concentration by either curtailing serotonin synthesis or increasing degradation in the brain.
Studies report that L-theanine increases the ANTI-tumor activity of chemotherapeutic agents. In addition, a good regulator of blood pressure, stress relief.
Japan is credited with most of the clinical studies and information we possess on L-theanine.
*L-Theanine helps the body's immune responses to infections by boosting the disease-fighting capacity of gamma delta T cells. (Pub. 2003, Brigham and Women's Hospital)
Blood sample of 11 coffee drinkers and tea drinkers who consume 600 milliliters found the production of anti-bacterial proteins was up to five times higher in the tea-drinkers, a stronger immune response.
Conclusions on Green Tea With Caffeine:
Research into L-theanine derived from the contradictory observation that green tea, with its high caffeine content, produces a very calming effect. The seemingly multi-dimensional reasons for this relaxation effect will continue to be studied. Current areas of ongoing research include using L-theanine as an alternative to Ritalin in children and adults, as a treatment for PMS, in controlling certain conditions of high blood pressure, in sharpening mental acuity and concentration, and as an anti-cancer agent alone and in synergy with other cancer-fighting agents. L-theanine may find another area of application for its use as a supplement in reducing the negative side effects of caffeine brought on by the over-consumption of coffee, soft drinks, or other caffeine-containing substances.
It's good to use in between meals for weight and so are soups!
**(For Sunburns, take Preparation H. It’s dermatologist approved for this purpose.)

**( Cream of tartar is a good alkalizer spice for yeast (1-3 tbs da for 3 days...may cause diarrhea for a few days till yeast kill off occurs...then repeat when necessary.)
Book out of print: Joseph Smith and Herbal Medicine by John Heinerman--->

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Garbanzo Bean Burgers

Garbanzo-Bean Curd Burgers from "Yatta , Yatta, Yatta"... That's my old blog from which I merge into this one. I tend to like legumes family because they are the most perfect food with just the right minerals and proteins for healthy bones and teeth. So I feature the best of these recipes. This bean is known for its serotonin's property to brain health. (Israel studies)
Garbanzo-Bean Curd Burgers (Veggie Burgers)
Posted in Beans, Peas, Legumes
1 small red onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp ground cumin and ground coriander
2 Tbsp lemon juice
15 ounce can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
3 ounces soft silken bean curd, drain
4 ounces cooked potatoes, diced
4 Tbsp freshly chopped cilantro
2 Tbsp flour (optional)
2 3/4 ounces dry brown bread crumbs
2 medium tomatoes, sliced
1 large carrots, grated
salt and pepper
Relish: 1 tsp sesame seed paste, 4 Tbsp un-sweetened yogurt, 1-inch piece of cucumber finely chopped, fresh cilantro, garlic, salt.
Place the onion, garlic, spices, and lemon juice in a pan, bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes until softened.
Place the garbanzo beans, bean curd, and potato into a bowl and mash well. Stir in the onion mixture, cilantro, and seasoning, mix together.
Divide into 4 equal portions and form into patties of 4 inches across, dusting the hands with flour. if necessary.
Sprinkle the bread crumbs onto a plate and press the burgers into the bread crumbs to coat both sides.
Heat the oil into a large seasoned cast iron skillet and fry the burgers for 5 minutes on each side, until golden brown then drain on paper towels.
Meanwhile, mix all of the relish ingredients together in a bowl and chill.
Line the rolls with tomato and grated carrot and top each with a burger.
Serve with the relish. I have individually wrapped and frozen for another meal. Serves 4, Calories per serving 280
Photo: Do sneak garbanzo beans into salad.

Hummus Recipe: (Chick Peas or Garbanzo beans)
VegWeb is a very good source of vegetarian recipes!

All rights reserved.

Yatta, Yatta, Yatta blog..has just few entries on the political side of our political RICH who are not fooling all of us in the spirit of keep 'em honest this author weeds to their core of double standards and dishonesty's, ...on the other lighter side, may I put in some of my views,
more yatta, yatta, yatta concerning health with slants toward using my herbalist background. Plus, adding in recipes of similar specific healthy issues, toward less to no meat eating and, and adding in more fiber to the body. I'm not a professional writer and of need of a good editor. My
Disclaimer: Consult your health professional for any medical advice, not here. This is a Journal/blog, meant to educate, entertain, and only voices my experienced opinions at the most as an herbalist, teacher and artist.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

God's Pharmacy To Natural Healings

"It's been said that God first separated the salt water from the fresh, made dry land, planted a garden, made animals and fish... All before making a human. He made and provided what we'd need before we were born. These are best & more powerful when eaten raw. We're such slow learners...
God left us a great clue as to what foods help what part of our body! God's Pharmacy! Amazing!
A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating lines look just like the human eye... And YES, science now shows carrots greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.
A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart has four chambers and is red. All of the res earch showstomatoes are loaded with lycopine and are indeed pure heart and blood food.
Grapeshang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows grapes are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.
A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds on the nut are just like the neo-cortex We now know walnuts help develop more than three (3) dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.
Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes, they look exactly like the human kidneys.
Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones. These foods specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet, the body pulls it from the bones, thus making them weak. These foods replenish the skeletal needs of the body.
Avocadoes, Eggplant and Pears target the health and function of the womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs. Today's research shows that when a woman eats one avocado a week, it balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight, and prevents c ervical cancers. And how profound is this? It takes exactly nine (9) months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000 photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase the mobility of male sperm and increase the numbers of Sperm as well to overcome male sterility.
Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic index of diabetics.
Olivesassist the health and function of the ovaries
Oranges,Grapefruits, and other Citrus fruits look just like the mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onions look like the body's cells. Today's research shows onions help clear waste materials from all of the body cells. They even produce tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes. A working companion, Garlic, also helps eliminate waste materials and dangerous free radicals from the body. "

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Balms or Salves

Making simple economical Balms or Salves
I will give you a link for salve making and I do business with but am not associated with them. I went to school in Oregon and loved the state for their environmental issues. (Making Salves: )
However, I have developed my own balm making techniques after doing the other style for years. Sometime making recipes from herbs is much like in cooking in developing short cuts out of necessities. (Lotions, Coconut oils, oils i.e. also can make a quick Sauvé or balm. I use to do it by the book but now I only need a little and have to save time and money.)
Photo: An effective natural bee or wasp sting remedy:

1. Pick a few leaves of plantain (Plantago major or Plantago lanceolata) from a clean source. Try to gather it away from the side of the road and away from places where chemicals are sprayed. 

2. Chew the leaves up real good keeping the plant matter and saliva in the FRONT of your mouth.

3. Spit it out on to your sting site.

4. Hold it on the sting site for a few minutes until you feel relief. Repeat if necessary.
Plantain: chew it, spit it out and apply on bite as
the North American Indians did
Theirs many good oils out their Organic and pure made up from the organically grown plants (My representatives is Sarah, at ) This product is very pricey but worth every penny because of the organic quality and results in quality to healing with the "whole" organic herbs. It's where I buy my oils. The best way to use the oils is in balms or salves because Young Living Oils are very strong medicines and can burn the skin, especially in babies. (Apply deluded on the soles of the feet of babies i.e.)

Their are a lot of wild herbs to use in neighborhoods to make good salves from, after all that's what our parents (pioneers did) (Plantain salve is essential and this plant grows on the side of sidewalks in the rocky areas. Look where you walk and never gather next to a road. Its best not to glean the field by taking all its roots. Save some for your family and others the next year..)
Use lip balms salves instead of beeswax that is already safely formulated and part is ingested because it for the lips. When finding a good product with already healthy ingredients buy a lot and save for your next (essential oil or vitamins A or E, Aloe Vera gel, etc.,) applications. You can use in Vaseline’s as a base too.
My favorites EO are Eucalyptus and Oregano oil. I use 10-20 drops depending on the strength needed. You can also start with even Vick Vapor Rub, but add some eucalyptus oil. Whenever I wake with a stuffy or runny nose I dab a bit inside the nose orifice and it soon disappears. All the orifices of the body OE herbal medicinal balms could be issued this way. (Ears, outer ears under the neck, arm pits, rectum, etc.)
I shop at the dollar store a lot because it’s about two block from one and I live off strictly social security and is under $700 a month. If you can afford health food store product go for it or ordering on line etc. and skip this post. I do get the best oils to put herbs into these salves; after all, I do want the best healing properties at my age and disabilities. It saves many doctor visits.
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Thursday, January 8, 2009


 FOODS TO HEAL quoted study Asparagus and Cancer (...This herbal remedy quoted from a bio-chemist)
"Several years ago, I had a man seeking fresh asparagus for a friend who had cancer. He gave me a photocopied copy of an article entitled, `Asparagus for cancer' printed in Cancer News Journal, December 1979. "I will share it here, just as it was shared with me: ''I'm a biochemist, and have specialized in the relation of diet to health for over 50 years. Several years ago, I learned of the discovery of Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. that asparagus might cure cancer.

Since then, I have worked with him on his project. We have accumulated a number of favorable case histories. Here are a few examples:"

"Case No. 1, A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of cancer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise."
"Case No. 2, a successful businessman 68 years old who suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation without improvement, he went on asparagus. Within 3 months, examinations revealed that his bladder tumor had disappeared and that his kidneys were normal."

"Case No. 3, a man who had lung cancer. On March 5th 1971, he was put on the operating table where they found lung cancer so widely spread that it was inoperable. The surgeon sewed him up and declared his case hopeless. On April 5th he heard about the asparagus therapy and immediately started taking it. By August, x-ray pictures revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared. He is back at his regular business routine."

"Case No. 4, a woman who was troubled for a number of years with skin cancer. She finally developed different skin cancers that were diagnosed by asking specialist as advanced. Within 3 months after starting on asparagus, her skin specialist said that her skin looked fine and no more skin lesions. This woman reported that the asparagus therapy also cure her kidney disease, which started in 1949. She had over 10 operations for kidney stones, and was receiving government disability payments for an inoperable, terminal, kidney condition. She attributes the cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus."

I was not surprised at this result, as `The Elements of Material Medical', edited in 1854 by a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones. We would have other case histories but the medical establishment has interfered with our obtaining some of the records. I am therefore appealing to readers to spread this good news and help us to gather a large number of case histories that will over whelm the medical skeptics about this unbelievably simple and natural remedy.

For the treatment, fresh organic asparagus should be cooked before using, and therefore canned asparagus is just as good as fresh. I have corresponded with the two leading caner's of asparagus, Giant and Stokely, and I am satisfied that these brands contain no pesticides or preservatives. Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree, and store in the refrigerator. Give the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening. (Some don't have access to fresh asparagus year around.) Patients usually show some improvement in from 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosage is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and may be needed in some cases.

"As a biochemist, I am convinced of the old saying that, `what cures can prevent'. Based on this theory, my wife and I have been using asparagus puree as a beverage with our meals. We take 2 tablespoons diluted in water to suit our taste with breakfast and with dinner. I take mine hot and my wife prefers hers cold.
For years, we have made it a practice to have blood surveys taken as part of our regular checkups. The last blood survey, taken by a medical doctor who specializes in the nutritional approach to health, showed substantial improvements in all categories over the last one, and we can attribute these improvements to nothing but the asparagus drink...

 "As a biochemist, I have made an extensive study of all aspects of cancer, and all of the proposed cures. As a result, I am convinced that asparagus fits in better with the latest theories about cancer. Asparagus contains a good supply of protein called histones, which are believed to be active in controlling cell growth. For that reason, I believe asparagus can be said to contain a substance that I call cell growth normalizer. That accounts for its action on cancer and enacting as a general body tonic." In any event, regardless of theory, asparagus used as we suggest, is a harmless substance. ('Let your food be medicine' is the bottom line.)

The FDA cannot prevent you from using it and it may do you much good. It has been reported by the US National Cancer Institute, that asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione, which is considered one of the body's most potent anti carcinogens and antioxidants. " (all is in quotes) .........................
 (By the way your urine will have an off smell when using this veg. like beet too, which effect the color of the urine and bowls.)

Their are many many other Cancer foods;
YES, new research is promising cancer cures,
research it out. No GMO foods, they are
showing up in studies to cause cancers.

Did you know?
This results from GMO foods research proves sterility. Water-crest is another etc. "This will blow your mind" (This warm bread salad is a vegetarian recipe that uses asparagus.)

NOTE: THE FOLLOWING are REPORTS taken FROM COAST TO COAST AM (John Wells pg.) (I believe these are very important to understand the whole scheme of Nuclear plants in the world and what one can do with it's rippling effect. After all we have a responsibility to save the planet and those who are residing on it and the safety of food, air and water. We are putting the wrong murderous villein's in prisons because we are not understanding that all of us now are prone to cancer and other immune disease as well as famines.)